Published at 5th of June 2024 06:12:41 AM

Chapter 38: What’s With This Forced Misunderstanding Plot?

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Chapter 38 - What’s With This Forced Misunderstanding Plot?

Chapter 38 : What’s With This Forced Misunderstanding Plot?

“A person without spiritual roots achieving Qi Gathering in their lifetime is already quite impressive. It’s absolutely impossible to do so in just one day, let alone reach the Qi Gathering realm directly.”

Elder Qingyan was firm in his disbelief that Ye Xuan could have cultivated to the Qi Gathering stage within a single day. He viewed Yu Ling’er’s claim as nothing short of a miracle, an utter impossibility.

Even when his own daughter, who had never lied before, told him this, Elder Qingyan refused to believe it. His gaze landed skeptically on Ye Xuan. It seemed to him that Yu Ling’er was using this clumsy lie to make him pay more attention to Ye Xuan. ‘What a cunning plan,’ he thought, ‘No wonder he topped the entrance exam. With such scheming, it’s hard not to be first. But does he really think he can fool me with such a ploy?’

Elder Qingyan confronted Ye Xuan directly: “Ye Xuan, did you manipulate Ling’er into lying for you?”

“Father, what are you talking about?!” Yu Ling’er immediately protested, “I’m not lying for Brother Ye Xuan. He really has reached the Qi Gathering stage. You can see for yourself!”

Yu Ling’er, already having a complicated relationship with Ye Xuan, couldn’t let her father’s relationship with Ye Xuan sour as well. Ye Xuan was the kind of person who remembered both good and bad deeds.

Since she hadn’t treated him well upon their first meeting, he already harbored resentment against her. Even if she begged for forgiveness, he wouldn’t forgive her. Now, Ye Xuan only spoke to her and acknowledged her father as a master out of necessity, but winning his true trust seemed an almost impossible task.Visjt novelbin(.)com for new updates

Realizing this, Yu Ling’er glanced at Ye Xuan and noticed his eyes no longer held the respect due to a master when looking at her father.

“But...” Ye Xuan was about to say that although he wasn’t sure if he had reached the Qi Gathering stage, he could demonstrate his current cultivation level to Elder Qingyan for him to judge.

“Enough, no more!” Elder Qingyan interrupted Ye Xuan, saying, “Although you don’t have spiritual roots for cultivation, since you are my disciple, I won’t withhold the cultivation resources you deserve. Your training resources will be provided in full.”

His icy gaze fixed on Ye Xuan, “But don’t take me for a fool. I can see through your little schemes. Yu Ling is still naive, and you’ve taken advantage of that. With such cunning, how can you hope to become an immortal? Hmph, from now on, your senior brother will guide your cultivation!”

“Uh...” Ye Xuan was taken aback. ‘Really, Master, such a forced misunderstanding? Can’t you let me finish explaining? Do you think you are a romance novel heroine? If you don’t want to listen, fine, I don’t want to talk anymore, hmph!’

“Uh...” Yu Ling’er was also stunned. She knew her father was somewhat biased against Ye Xuan, but she didn’t expect it to be to this extent. He’d rather believe Ye Xuan had deceived her into speaking well of him than believe Ye Xuan had truly reached the Qi Gathering stage.

Now, Ye Xuan had shown his exceptional cultivation abilities, yet her father refused to believe it and even scolded Ye Xuan for it. Knowing Ye Xuan’s character, she doubted he would tolerate such unfair treatment.

‘Oh no, what should I do now?’ For a moment, Yu Ling’er panicked.

Only now did she realize she had been too presumptuous. She had witnessed Ye Xuan’s cultivation abilities and still found it hard to believe, let alone her father who hadn’t seen it himself. He would certainly not believe it and consider Ye Xuan’s explanation as mere excuses.

‘Great, I intended to impress my father with Ye Xuan’s talents, but now I’ve only made him offend Ye Xuan. What to do? If this goes on, Ye Xuan will surely hold a grudge against my father. It will only become harder for me to improve our relationship. Maybe... it’s time to make a decision...’ With that thought, Yu Ling’er silently made up her mind.

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