Published at 5th of June 2024 06:12:40 AM

Chapter 39: Such a Devoted Daughter

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Chapter 39 - Such a Devoted Daughter

Chapter 39 – Such a Devoted Daughter

“......” Ye Xuan didn’t feel inclined to indulge his master’s misunderstanding. ‘If he doesn’t want to listen, then I don’t want to talk. Let him misunderstand. He underestimates me now, but he’ll regret it later.’

He said decisively, “Yes, master, I acknowledge my mistake. I’ll take my leave now and won’t disturb your meditation any further.” Without waiting for Yu Ling’er to add anything, Ye Xuan bowed to his master and left.

“Brother Ye Xuan, wait—!!!” Yu Ling’er hurried after him.

Seeing her reaction, Elder Qingyan slightly frowned. ‘Could it be that my daughter has taken a liking to this new disciple? But Ye Xuan, with no spiritual roots and questionable character, is not acceptable!’ He thought about speaking to her mother about this.

Yu Ling’er caught up with Ye Xuan outside the hall and immediately apologized: “I’m sorry, Brother Ye Xuan. I had no idea my father would be so blind. He couldn’t see that you’ve reached the Qi Gathering stage and even thought you tricked me into lying for you... I didn’t mean for this to happen—!!”

“Hmph—” Ye Xuan almost laughed out loud. ‘This dutiful daughter dares to say her father is blind?’ He thought, but managed to keep a straight face and replied, “I never had any spiritual roots, so it’s normal for the master to disbelieve that I’ve achieved Qi Gathering so quickly. I wouldn’t blame him.”

‘Your expression doesn’t seem like you don’t blame him,’ Yu Ling’er silently critiqued. Then she added, “Brother Ye Xuan, actually, I think my father’s disbelief isn’t a bad thing.”

“It’s okay,” Yu Ling’er assured him. “When the senior brother comes, I’ll just send him away. Dad meditates all day, often for a month or two at a time. He won’t bother with these things.”

“Alright, but let me be clear, this doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven you,” Ye Xuan reminded her. “You still haven’t given me a satisfactory explanation for trying to kill me. That issue isn’t resolved.”

Inwardly, he knew she had already saved him once, although she was unaware of it. Of course, he couldn’t mention to Yu Ling’er how she inadvertently prevented the second female lead from attacking him, so he just kept it in mind.

“I...” Hearing Ye Xuan bring up her past attempt on his life, Yu Ling’er felt guilty. After some thought, she decided it was time to stop hiding the truth from Ye Xuan. She felt it was the right moment to explain everything to him, to remove the thorn that had been lodged in their relationship.

“Brother Ye Xuan... I want to explain. Will you listen?” she asked.

“I’m not a romantic novel’s heroine. If you want to explain, I’m willing to listen, but whether I believe it or not is up to me,” Ye Xuan said. “If your explanation isn’t satisfactory, then it’s better you don’t treat me too kindly now. Otherwise, you might regret it if I seek revenge in the future.”

“I understand,” Yu Ling’er said with a smile. “Brother Ye Xuan... even if I die by your hand, I won’t regret or hate you because I owe you... But, I don’t want to die... because I can never repay my debt to you. If you still want revenge after hearing my explanation, I’ll be ready to face your wrath.”

Ye Xuan internally sighed. ‘It seems we’re finally getting past this misunderstanding,’ he thought. ‘But I didn’t expect Yu Ling’er to be so deeply attached to me. If she knew the person in her memories was just an act, that I was an emotionless actor, would she still feel the same?’

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