Published at 5th of June 2024 06:12:29 AM

Chapter 45: The Ice Mountain Fairy Feels Embarrassed

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Chapter 45 - The Ice Mountain Fairy Feels Embarrassed

Chapter 45 : The Ice Mountain Fairy Feels Embarrassed

In the Mirror of Former Dust, the scene unfolded with Ye Xuan’s past actions being displayed. Ye Xuan, Yu Ling’er, and Elder Qingxue watched in silence.

The air was tense, especially with Elder Qingxue’s cold gaze adding to the frosty atmosphere of the snow valley. Ye Xuan felt somewhat uneasy, worried that Elder Qingxue might lose her patience and attack him before the scene played out completely.

“Young Master Ye, why did you decide to reclaim that tea garden?” asked a clever-looking guard in the scene.

“Yeah, if you had let those lowlifes continue to farm it, you would’ve collected a hefty rent every year. Now that you’ve driven them away, won’t you lose income? Are you planning to charge even more for the rent?” another guard inquired curiously.

“You keep calling them ‘lowlifes’. What makes you think you’re any better?” Ye Xuan suddenly countered their expectations with a question of his own.

“Ah?!!” The guards were taken aback, not understanding Ye Xuan’s intention.

“Hmph, I’ve been meaning to ask you this. You’re all born of mothers and fathers, so what right do you have to call others ‘lowlifes’?” Ye Xuan continued sternly.

“You’re not some noble scions either. You’re just lucky to be guards for a wealthy landlord. If they are lowlifes, so are you. If I hear you call them that again in my presence, you can stop coming to work.”

“Ah, this...” The guards were dumbstruck, exchanging glances and inwardly dismissing the idea of Ye Xuan standing up for those they deemed ‘lowlifes’, yet they hurriedly apologized to Ye Xuan.

“Alright, alright... Young Master Ye, we were wrong. We won’t call them lowlifes again...”

“Hmm.” Ye Xuan nodded in satisfaction before continuing, “As for why I reclaimed that tea garden...” He looked towards the direction of the tea garden, a hint of melancholy in his eyes. “That area is going to experience a flash flood soon. Everyone living in the tea garden might be swept away...”NEew stories at no/vel/bi/n(.)com

“What?!!” The guards were shocked, looking in the direction of the tea garden.

They then burst into laughter. “Haha, Ye Xuan, you must be joking. You’re not a mountain god or a land deity. How would you know when a flood is going to happen?”

“Yu Ling’er, the story you told Ye Xuan the other night, I heard it too. But I must tell you, human hearts are never as simple as they appear. Even if you really lived through several decades again, you would never understand how complex the human heart can be.'”

“Is that really true?” Yu Ling’er began to doubt. She had firmly believed Ye Xuan was a ruthless villain, but after learning the truth, she realized how much she owed him. Could it be that Elder Qingxue and Ye Xuan also had a similar misunderstanding?

Considering this, Yu Ling’er’s expression turned peculiar. If that was the case, then Ye Xuan was really pitiable...

They continued watching the scenes in the Former Dust Mirror. The mirror showed more of Ye Xuan’s everyday life, nothing particularly noteworthy, until...

One night, a heavy rain led to a sudden flood. Countless lands were devastated, including the tea garden that Ye Xuan had recently reclaimed, turning it into a wasteland.

“Ha ha ha, what a joyous occasion!” a man exclaimed excitedly as he ran into a dilapidated farmhouse. “Ye Xuan, that animal, took our land and evicted us from the tea garden. But now, the sudden flood has ruined all the tea gardens. He must have lost a fortune.”

LReally? Ha ha, that indeed is great news. Karma at its finest!” the people in the house cheered.

In a corner sat a young girl with a striking resemblance to Elder Qingxue, only much younger and more naive. She said, “Father, mother, brother, doesn’t this mean that Ye Xuan actually saved our lives? If we were still in the tea garden, we would have been swept away...”

‘...’ The girl’s comment was met with disdain from her family.

“Xiao Xue, you’re too naive. How can you speak in favor of that Ye animal? Just because we escaped the disaster due to him doesn’t mean he helped us. Do you understand?”

“You’re too foolish—!”

The young girl, clearly Elder Qingxue, fell silent under her family’s criticism.

Watching this, Elder Qingxue appeared surprised. The mirror not only reflected Ye Xuan’s past but also her own related experiences. Yu Ling’er’s puzzled look made Elder Qingxue even more uncomfortable. She realized her family owed their lives to Ye Xuan, yet they berated him without gratitude...

But the key point, Elder Qingxue reminded herself, was that Ye Xuan was indeed a despicable villain.

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