Published at 5th of June 2024 06:12:26 AM

Chapter 46: Ye Xuan's Shameless Scheme

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Chapter 46 - Ye Xuan's Shameless Scheme

Chapter 46 : Ye Xuan’s Shameless Scheme

Seeing Yu Ling’er’s skeptical gaze, the Ice Mountain Fairy, Qingxue, felt a bit awkward, yet her expression remained frosty. She spoke, “I cannot deny that Ye Xuan indeed saved my family’s life, but whether his intentions were genuine is still unknown.

“Moreover, my family was unaware of the truth, so their misunderstanding is understandable.

Of course, it was indeed their mistake, which I don’t deny. However, that’s not the main point I want you to see. Just keep watching. You’ll understand once you see the rest.”


Yu Ling’er snorted lightly. Now, apart from continuing to watch, she didn’t have much choice. She was also curious about Ye Xuan’s past. Why was Ye Xuan the same person as his past life? What had he done in the past?

But after what had just transpired, Yu Ling’er was increasingly convinced that Ye Xuan couldn’t possibly be a great villain.

After Yu Ling’er turned her gaze back to the Former Dust Mirror, Qingxue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Unbelievably, her frozen mortal heart was stirred once again because of such a trivial matter.

It seems her cultivation was still lacking.


Qingxue, though she had attained immortality, still remembered her days as a young girl. Back then, although just a poor farmer’s daughter, she lived happily. That changed when the landlord’s son, Ye Xuan, entered her life.

Everything changed because of Ye Xuan’s shameless scheming.

On that day, as the sun just rose and the weather was clear, Ye Xuan was having breakfast at home. A guard entered and spoke to Ye Xuan, “Young Master, Mo Dazhuang seeks an audience.”

“Which Mo Dazhuang?” Ye Xuan asked.

“It’s the brother of Mo Qingxue, that girl you mentioned before. You said among all the neighboring villages of Wuyuan Town, Mo Qingxue was the most beautiful and to your liking.”

“Oh? Let him in.”

Qingxue sneered coldly. Yes, Ye Xuan’s plotting started right then and there!

“Elder, who is Mo Dazhuang?” Yu Ling’er asked Qingxue.

“A good thing?” Qingxue sneered. “But then he immediately had my brother robbed and took the money back—!!!”

“What!” Yu Ling’er exclaimed, unable to believe Ye Xuan could do such a thing. She glanced at Ye Xuan and shook her head dismissively. “No way, Brother Ye Xuan wouldn’t do such a thing. There must be some misunderstanding. Let’s continue watching.”

“That’s great. With this money, I can feed my family for a while. As long as I work hard to earn money during this period, I can pay off the debt in less than two months.” Holding the money in his hand, Mo Dazhuang could not help but feel very happy. In fact, his family had been starving for a while. On the way home, Mo Dazhuang was beaming.


At this moment, Mo Dazhuang suddenly heard a cry of surprise in front of him. He saw a woman kneeling on the ground with a pained look on her face. “Miss, are you all right—!!!” He hurried over and asked the woman.

“Brother, I think I sprained my ankle. Can you help me? My house is not far ahead.” The woman said to Mo Dazhuang. “It’s so painful for me.” As she spoke, she winked at Mo Dazhuang.

Mo Dazhuang could not help but shiver. He was completely fascinated by the woman in front of him.

“Brother, come and help me.” The woman looked very seductive and pretentious, but she was very attractive to Mo Dazhuang. “My house is over there...” As she spoke, she pointed at the bushes by the roadside.

“Gulp—!!!” Mo Dazhuang swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Then he understood. He had met a prostitute. It was said that some women were not good-looking. Even if they entered brothels, they were not qualified to receive customers.

So they could not make a living, so they could only choose to be prostitutes and hook up with passers-by in the wild. If it were in the past, he might not have bothered with such a woman. After all, he had a wife at home. However, this woman was really different from ordinary women. She was very beautiful.

He said to the prostitute. “Then ... I’ll give you a hand. Although men and women should not touch each other, I have to do this at this time. Miss, please don’t be offended.”

“Don’t worry.” The woman said with a smile, “I know you are a good man. You can be more casual. Don’t be too distant.”

“...” Then Mo Dazhuang helped the prostitute into the bushes on the side. As the saying goes, one needs to be fed. However, he was not fed yet. He could only say that this prostitute was indeed very beautiful.

Looking at the scene, there was a movement in the bushes, but she couldn’t see anything. Yu Ling ‘er asked curiously, “Brother Ye Xuan, why did he help that woman into the bushes? Could it be that the woman was a spirit who lured people into the bushes and sucked their essence?”

Although she had lived for dozens of years and cultivated an immortal body, she was still a pure young girl. She really didn’t understand these things.

“Pfff!!!” Ye Xuan could not help but laugh out loud.

Elder Qing Xue looked a little embarrassed. ‘Why is the Former Dust Mirror always showing unimportant matters?!’ His elder brother was really too much. His family was starving, yet he was still obsessed with women—!!! Why not just let people see Ye Xuan sending people to rob her brother?!

Seeing Qing Xue’s awkward expression, Ye Xuan found it funny. There were even more exciting things to come.

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