Published at 5th of June 2024 06:12:13 AM

Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Outside the scene, Yu Ling’er almost couldn’t help but laugh. Although she knew Mo Qingxue must be feeling miserable, desolate, and probably wishing she could kill Ye Xuan, she still found it funny.

Sometimes, human sorrow really is incomprehensible. Your embarrassment could indeed be someone else’s joy.

Elder Qingxue also felt a sense of helplessness. Former Dust Mirror detailed the things that should not be detailed, and glossed over the things that should be detailed—!!!

“If you really don’t want to eat, that’s fine,” Ye Xuan said to Mo Qingxue. “But if you’re planning to starve yourself to death, there’s no need, because as I said, if you seek death, I won’t be kind to your family.”

Hearing this, Mo Qingxue shivered slightly.

“Right, there’s something more important,” Ye Xuan continued.ViiSit no(v)3lb!n(.)com for new novels

“Don’t think this is a reward for you... this is what I owe you. So, if you don’t eat, thinking you’re saving me food, I’m actually grateful. If you like, I’ll only let you eat a little every day, and over time, you’ll at least save me a few hundred taels of expenses.”

“—!!!” At that moment, Mo Qingxue suddenly realized. What was she doing? She was thinking of saving food for Ye Xuan, who owed her! How naive—!!!

She should not only eat but eat voraciously, making him regret it, hoping to get so fat and unattractive that he wouldn’t bother her anymore. With this thought, Mo Qingxue found a reason to eat the chicken soup.

It tasted bland but delicious, the best she ever had, yet she felt no happiness, only a heart full of grievances, turning into tears. Her life was over, utterly ruined—!!!

Watching Mo Qingxue’s reaction, Ye Xuan sighed. He knew nothing he said now would be of any use.

“Young Master Ye, the matchmaker, Madam Lin, is here,” came a servant’s voice from outside.

“Hm,” Ye Xuan nodded and stood up. “Rest well here,” he said to Mo Qingxue.

“Hm,” she replied and watched him leave, then her gaze turned hateful again towards the door.

If possible, she really wanted to fight Ye Xuan to the death. But thinking of her family, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t consider her own feelings over her family’s well-being.

“Heh heh, I caught you, you were glaring at me—!!!” Suddenly, Ye Xuan jumped out from behind the door, startling Mo Qingxue.

“Uh...” Mo Qingxue panicked, “I wasn’t... Young Master Ye, you misunderstood, I was just...” She didn’t even have the right to glare at her enemy.

“Just what?!!” Ye Xuan asked. “Just because the soup was so delicious, you got distracted, right?”

“Yes, yes—!!!” Mo Qingxue hurriedly agreed. “Please don’t misunderstand.”

“Hehe, don’t worry, I know. I’m leaving now. Drink it slowly, and don’t think about secretly pouring it away, or else, you know what I’m capable of.” After saying this, Ye Xuan finally left.

“It’s okay.” Ye Xuan said, “All these are things of the past.” As he spoke, he gently patted Yu Ling’er’s back.

Watching Yu Ling’er and Ye Xuan’s affectionate behavior, Elder Qingxue was overwhelmed with frustration. Yu Ling’er, are you an idiot? He hasn’t even explained, and you’re already begging him for forgiveness?!! Isn’t that a bit too exaggerated—!!!


In the scene, Ye Xuan, looking distraught, returned home, appearing more lost and heartbroken than ever...

“Why... why did this happen, how did she know... why wouldn’t she let me explain... why could she be so heartless, to never see me again...” He muttered to himself.

Outside the scene, Yu Ling’er, seeing Ye Xuan’s distraught state, felt even more heartbroken. She hadn’t realized how deeply she had hurt Ye Xuan in this life, and apparently, it was the same in her previous life.

Never to meet again in this life, just because of a small misunderstanding, is it worth it?!! Not at all.

With this thought, she said to Ye Xuan, “Brother Ye Xuan... don’t worry, I will never leave you in this lifetime. Even if you really get involved with another woman, I will listen to your explanation—!!!”

“Pfft—!!!” Elder Qingxue almost spurted out a mouthful of frustrated blood. Yu Ling’er is beyond help with her stupidity.

“Cough, cough—!!!” Ye Xuan lightly coughed and said to Yu Ling’er: “Don’t be so quick to take a stance, there might be twists ahead, right?”

“Hm.” Yu Ling’er nodded and continued watching the scene with Ye Xuan, while Elder Qingxue silently bore her pain.


“Jiang Ling’er really won’t come back again...” Ye Xuan’s expression remained downcast. Suddenly, he swept away his melancholy demeanor.

“No—!!!” He punched the wall heavily, “I’ve already wronged Ling’er, I can’t let down Mo Qingxue too, she’s innocent. I thought I could explain things to Ling’er first, but now it seems it’s just fate playing tricks.”

“Since I’m not destined to be with Ling’er in this life, I’ll repay what I owe her in the next life.” Saying this, his expression became calm again.


“To make shifting affection sound so noble, that’s a skill too.” Watching the scene, Elder Qingxue sneered. “Clearly, it’s his own wrongdoing, yet it seems like it’s someone else’s fault—!”

Yu Ling’er didn’t dare argue with Elder Qingxue; after all, the victim this time was Elder Qingxue. She could only quietly support Ye Xuan. If all this is a misunderstanding, then it’s easy to explain.

Given Ye Xuan’s character, he definitely wouldn’t abandon someone after starting something. Since he had a relationship with Mo Qingxue, he would surely take responsibility.

Even if Mo Qingxue is unwilling now, as Elder Qingxue said, she fell in love with Ye Xuan later. This proves Ye Xuan wasn’t playing with her.

As for why they became enemies later, Yu Ling’er didn’t know yet and couldn’t judge.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!