Published at 5th of June 2024 06:11:42 AM

Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Seeing her past self relentlessly pursuing Ye Xuan in the scene, Elder Qingxue’s eyes filled with a vision of herself killing Ye Xuan in the future.Diiscover new stories at nove/lbin(.)c/om

She deeply wished her past self could let go of the hatred, accept her love for Ye Xuan, and listen to his explanation. But she knew it was impossible – her past self couldn’t release that deeply ingrained hatred.

“Sigh... Lian You, that guide to the Yellow Springs, is really approachable,” Yu Ling’er whispered to Ye Xuan.

“What is a guide to the Yellow Springs?” Ye Xuan feigned ignorance, asking the two women.

Elder Qingxue explained, “The guides to the Yellow Springs are human cultivators who practice the underworld’s techniques.”

“Due to the abundance of cultivators with strong Yang energy in the mortal world, it became inconvenient for the traditional underworld messengers like Black and White Impermanence or Ox-Head and Horse-Face to operate in the human realm.”

“Therefore, the underworld started recruiting human cultivators to practice these techniques, allowing them to easily travel between the Yin and Yang worlds. The efficiency of these human guides is much higher, and eventually, the traditional underworld messengers were completely phased out.”

“I see,” Ye Xuan nodded, understanding. He was already aware of these details from his past life experiences. The story of Black and White Impermanence and Ox-Head and Horse-Face being made redundant was quite tragic but not the focus at the moment.

Turning to Elder Qingxue, Ye Xuan inquired, “Did you ever meet Ye Xuan again after that... I mean, with me in my past life?”

Elder Qingxue replied, “No, I didn’t see him again, except for the time I finally killed him. I was so resentful then – why should someone like Ye Xuan have a fate with immortality?”

“That’s why I started to cultivate fiercely. Of course, I now realize I was wrong, but that was my thinking back then.” A hint of pride appeared in her eyes.

“Although your cultivation speed was terrifying at the beginning, my opportunities later were not bad either. When I finally met you, your cultivation, to my surprise, was nowhere near mine.”

“Is that so?” Ye Xuan said with a puzzled expression upon hearing Elder Qingxue’s claim, “In my past life, I became an immortal in just a few short years. That was quite impressive. So, for you to surpass me, you must be even more incredible.”

Elder Qingxue nodded slightly, “In terms of cultivation achievements, I did eventually surpass you. Otherwise, how could I have taken your life without giving you any chance to explain? You’ll see later how incredible my fate with immortality was. You won’t believe it.”

“I’m really looking forward to seeing this,” Ye Xuan almost laughed.

The protagonist’s fate is usually bestowed by the heavens without reason. For instance, others might get scammed for doing good deeds, but a protagonist might help an ordinary old lady on the street who turns out to be a hidden master, eager to transfer all her power to the protagonist.


In the scene, Ye Xuan stood in front of a cave heaven. With a determined look in his eyes, he resolutely entered the cave.


“??!!” Both Elder Qingxue and Yu Ling’er were puzzled. Shouldn’t the next part of the story be about how Elder Qingxue obtained the Luoxia Immortal Extreme Pill?

Why had the focus shifted back to Ye Xuan? However, regardless of their confusion, the scene continued with Ye Xuan entering the cave heaven.


“In this world, there are countless cave heavens and blessed lands. Besides those already occupied by cultivators, many remain unexplored. Who would have thought that today, I would be fortunate enough to find such a cave heaven...”

As Ye Xuan walked further inside, he talked to himself. It was clear that his remarks were intended for Elder Qingxue and Yu Ling’er, or else there would be no need for him to speak his thoughts aloud.

Entering the cave heaven, the world around him seemed to transform, appearing completely different from the outside world, as if he had entered another realm.

Then, a vast voice addressed Ye Xuan: “Intruder of the Luoxia Immortal Cave, do you accept the challenge? If not, leave immediately. If you do, and survive, you will become the master of Luoxia Immortal Cave. Fail, and you die!”

“Luoxia Immortal Cave?!” Ye Xuan’s eyes brightened. Surveying the strikingly different terrain, he confidently accepted: “I accept the challenge.”

As Ye Xuan’s words fell, a immortal light began to converge in the sky, forming a gigantic array. A colossal jade figure appeared before him, hundreds of feet tall, resembling a deity from myth, emanating immense authority.

His whole body radiated a terrifying aura, even making breathing difficult for Ye Xuan.

“Such a formidable guardian!” Ye Xuan conjured a massive protective shield and began to assess the giant jade guardian.

As the guardian moved, its actions resonated like thunder through the sky. The giant, wielding an immense sword, slashed towards Ye Xuan. Despite appearing slow due to its size, the attack was as swift as any immortal’s strike.

“Cursed, what kind of immortal cave has such an exaggerated guardian?” Ye Xuan cursed inwardly, leaping into the air. He unleashed countless sword energies, striking the jade guardian. These attacks would have split mountains, but they seemed mere tickles to the guardian.

The guardian continued its relentless assault, while Ye Xuan, agile as a mosquito, dodged and counterattacked. The battle quickly escalated into an intense confrontation.

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