Published at 5th of June 2024 06:10:50 AM

Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Have I Failed Ye Xuan?

At this moment, Hu Wanquan, Hu Qian’er, and Yu Ling’er were all looking at Ye Xuan.

Hu Qian’er’s eyes were full of disdain, and her expression showed contempt.

Although she didn’t like Ye Xuan much before, her father suddenly wanted her to marry Ye Xuan, and moreover, together with Yu Ling’er, making it hard for her to have any good feelings towards her future husband.

Now, what Ye Xuan did made her despise him even more. Now, let alone her father, even if the Matchmaker came in front of her and said she had several lifetimes of marital fate with Ye Xuan, she would absolutely not marry such a shameless man.

Yu Ling’er’s face was pale as she looked at Ye Xuan, her eyes filled with a hint of pleading.

She said, “Senior Brother...... please tell me...... what exactly is going on?!!”

Faced with Hu Qian’er’s contempt, Yu Ling’er’s plea, and Hu Wanquan’s seriousness, Ye Xuan shook his head and said, “I’m sorry... Ling’er... I was blinded by wealth and beauty for a moment... I... have nothing to say.”

Hearing this, Yu Ling’er’s face turned even paler.

She sadly turned her gaze away, no longer looking at Ye Xuan.

“Ye Xuan, you really wasted your master’s painstaking efforts for you–!!!” Seeing this scene, Hu Wanquan finally couldn’t hold back.

He was furious to death, rushing to Ye Xuan and struck him in the chest with a palm. Directly crippling Ye Xuan’s martial bones.

“Ah–!!!” Accompanied by a scream, Ye Xuan fell to the ground and did not get up. He looked at Yu Ling’er, his eyes filled with an indescribable emotion.

But Yu Ling’er dared not meet Ye Xuan’s gaze, just looked away and silently wept.UpTodated novels on novel()bin(.)com

“Someone, lock Ye Xuan in the firewood room, and send him to the official residence tomorrow–!”


Following Hu Wanquan’s order, several family servants rushed in. If Ye Xuan, whose martial arts had not been crippled, naturally could not be caught by these ordinary servants.

But now...

Ye Xuan was even worse than an ordinary person.

“Yes, if I were him, I definitely wouldn’t let Ye Xuan off so easily.”

“We, as cultivators, are so open-minded, yet even we fear wearing the green hat, let alone martial artists, who value face the most–!”

“Exactly, if it were me, I would probably break all of Ye Xuan’s bones–!”

“However, this way, we can probably understand why Ye Xuan used such cruel methods on our palace master, it seems like it’s a grudge from a previous life.”

“Yes, it must be the case. But it was his own shameful deeds, how dare he even think of claiming debts from a previous life?”


“In his previous life, he let down Yu Ling’er.”

“Look, she’s still foolishly protecting Ye Xuan.”

“Poor Yu Ling’er.”

As they spoke, some people turned their gazes towards Yu Ling’er.

Unlike the silent Yu Ling’er in the scene, the current Yu Ling’er was protectively standing beside Ye Xuan. Although Ye Xuan’s strength had surpassed hers, if needed, she would definitely die for him first.

Seeing Yu Ling’er like this, some people also secretly felt pity. Such a nice girl, why did she have to fall for someone like Ye Xuan, the great villain?!!

Hu Qianzhuo watched Yu Ling’er and said to her, “Yu Ling’er, do you see?

“The truth is sometimes so direct, I know it’s hard for you to accept, but that’s the fact. Perhaps some people now seem like good people to you, but once they need to, unable to resist temptation, they will turn into villains.”

“Just like Ye Xuan beside you.”

“No matter how he behaves in front of you, making you like him, it cannot change the fact that he will do cruel things to me in the future. You better wake up, lest you end up like your previous life, only left with heartbreak, unable to even speak. If you regret later, it will be too late.”

Hearing this, Yu Ling’er couldn’t help but feel guilty internally.

Did she really let Ye Xuan down again in her previous life? Did she fail to firmly believe in him when he needed trust the most?!!

As for Hu Qianzhuo’s words, she didn’t take them to heart at all.

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