Rebirth After Divorce - Chapter 38.1

Published at 18th of June 2024 07:45:56 AM

Chapter 38.1

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In the blink of an eye, it was time for the school-wide activity assembly, and the school playground was bustling with people. Everyone, including the students and teachers at the school, was curious about the competition between Class 1 and Class 13.


“Hey, can you believe it? Where did those poor students from Class 13 get the courage? Have they lost their minds that they dared to challenge Class 1?”


“You know what? The result of this competition is as clear as day. What’s there even to compare?”


“Don’t you know? I heard that there are two top students in Class 13 who were originally supposed to be in Class 1, but for some reason ended up in Class 13. So the outcome of this competition might not be so certain!”



“Even if they have those two top students, what does it matter? Don’t forget, this competition is a best-of-three match.”


“Huh? What are the three matches?”


“I know this, I know. It’s tug of war today, a knowledge quiz, and a comparison of midterm exam scores more than a month from now.”


“Midterm exam scores? Am I hearing this right?”


“Yes, that’s right. But the grading criteria are different. I heard that Class 1 needs to have the highest average scores in the grade level to win, while Class 13 requires that all students in the class pass the minimum qualifying score.”


“Is that so? But I think that in today’s two matches, each class should win one game. But in the midterm exam competition, Class 1 will definitely win!”



“Yeah, I agree.


“I think so too.”


Listening to the discussions around them, all the students in Class 13 felt a fire burning in their hearts. Why are they looking down on Class 13 like this? Yes, their class was known for having poor students, but so what? Don’t they know the word “counterattack”?


“Alright, students, calm down, calm down.” The principal, with a plump belly, stood on the platform with a smile and said through the microphone, “Today our school’s big event has turned into a competition between Class 1 and Class 13 of junior high school. I won’t talk much about it. Now, our vice principal will preside over this competition.”

The vice principal nodded to the principal and took the microphone, then said, “Alright, we will have two matches today: a knowledge quiz and a tug of war. First, let’s begin with the knowledge quiz. Each class will send three students to compete. It’s a buzzer round, and each correct answer earns one point. If a team answers incorrectly, no points are added, and the other team gets a chance to answer. The first team to score eleven points wins. Do you understand?”


The six participants nodded in understanding. Class 13 sent Luo Xiao, Ye Lan, and Jiang Li, who volunteered, while Class 1 sent three bespectacled boys who looked almost identical. Due to the similar hairstyles and school uniforms of the three, Luo Xiao, who occasionally suffered from face blindness, couldn’t distinguish between them and had to refer to them as One, Two, and Three.


“Alright, let’s have Teacher Hua come and ask the questions.” The vice principal nodded to an energetic elderly man who was over fifty years old.


Teacher Hua cleared his throat, took out his question book with his hand, and began with the first question, “Can you tell me, what are China’s first dictionary and encyclopedia?”


Before Teacher Hua could even finish saying the last word, Jiang Li eagerly raised his hand. When he saw Teacher Hua nod at him, Jiang Li immediately shifted his hopeful gaze to Luo Xiao. No choice, their class monitor was hard to approach, but the academic representative was more approachable.


Seeing Jiang Li’s ‘Come on, big brother, I believe in you’ eyes, Luo Xiao couldn’t help but twitch his lips. Okay, Jiang Li finally knew why he volunteered. Isn’t it because he’s so fast to raise his hands?



“The first dictionary in China is ‘Erya’, and the first encyclopedia is ‘Shuowen Jiezi’,” Luo Xi said to Teacher Hua.


Teacher Hua nodded in approval. “Yes, that’s correct. That’s one point. Now, let’s move on to the next question. Can you tell me who damaged the nose on the Sphinx in Egypt?


Once again, Jiang Li swiftly seized the opportunity to answer. Seeing the frustrated looks on the faces of the three boys from Class 1, the smile on his turned even brighter. Young men, come and admire my skills


Ye Lan answered the question this time. He happened to read a foreign book recently and encountered this question a few days ago. So he opened his mouth calmly and said, “It was Napoleon.”


“Well, not bad! Another point,” Teacher Hua said.

The game continued, and the score reached ten to ten points. Class 13 unexpectedly reached a tie score with Class 1. Now, as long as one of the two classes answered the question correctly, they would get one point and win. It was a matter of who would buzz in first. The two classes sat opposite each other and turned tense and nervous.

Seeing this level of competitiveness, Teacher Hua was very pleased. He was not surprised that Class 1 was able to get this result, but Class 13 could keep up with them. He also knew that two top students had joined Class 13 by accident. Nevertheless,he found it surprising because it’s often said that there is an immeasurable gap between the top students and the poor students. He just hoped that the students in Class 13 wouldn’t get too carried away.

“Alright, it’s time for the final tie-breaker question,” Teacher Hua said, adjusting his glasses. “Tell me, what relation is the son of your grandmother’s daughter’s husband’s son’s uncle’s wife’s mother’s son’s father to you?” 

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!