Rebirth After Divorce - Chapter 38.2

Published at 18th of June 2024 07:46:30 AM

Chapter 38.2

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Jiang Li was ready to answer the moment he heard the question, but he hesitated for a moment because of the confusing relationship, so he made a mistake and the opportunity slipped away. Class 1 got the chance to answer. Seeing the confident look of the Class 1 participants, he patted himself hard on the head. Why did the chance to answer the question slip at this critical moment? It’s time to drop the chain!



Just as they expected, after the participant from Class 1 said two words, their classmates quickly began to celebrate. Because they all knew that this was the correct answer. On the other hand, the students in Class 13 were all in a low mood.


Looking at the sudden shift in the mood, Ye Lan and Luo Xiao exchanged glances. Then Ye Lan encouraged their classmates below, “Come on, let’s focus. We have the tug of war competition next. Are you all going to lose the next match?”


Upon hearing this, Jiang Li clenched his fist and exclaimed, “No, we will win the tug of war! Class 13 will win!”


“Class 13 will win! Class 13 will win!” echoed the students of Class 13. This was just one of the three games, and they hadn’t forgotten that it was a best-of-three match. For the honor of Class 13, they were determined to win the remaining two matches.


Class 1 students’ spirits were also lifted by the challenge from Class 13. They all shouted, “Victory belongs to Class 1! Class 1 will win!”


As the atmosphere became more charged, students from other classes joined in with cheers and support for both Class 1 and Class 13. Hearing the shouts around them, the students of Class 13 realized that they had supporters from other classes as well.


Amidst the cheers, the tug-of-war competition between the two classes officially began. Using the same best-of-three format, Class 13 was determined not to let Class 1 win any of the three matches.


Because of the loss in the previous match, everyone in Class 13 was burning with anger. For these three games, Class 12 will never let the other side get one more victory!


The whistle blew, and the competition began.



“Class 13, go! Class 13, go!”


“Class 1, go! Class 1, go!”


The participants turned red with effort, giving their all and shouting words of encouragement to each other. Although Class 1 fought with all their might, they couldn’t match the physical strength of Class 13, a group of wild kids who were used to physical activities. As a result, Class 13 won the tug-of-war game as they vowed, securing the second match.


After the intense tug-of-war, both classes were exhausted and slumped on the ground, but they all smiled when the results were announced. Class 1 had shown impressive strength, which surprised many, and Class 13 was not as academically weak as the rumors suggested. They were loyal and united.


Regardless, not only did the students of the two classes have different perceptions of each other, but even other audiences, including teachers and students, were deep in thought.


The principal and vice principal standing on the podium looked at each other. It was very good, their plan seemed to be working.


“Ahem, both classes have won one game in these two matches. The deciding game will be determined by your midterm exam scores. We hope for good results then!”


“Class 13 will definitely not lose!”


“Class 1 will definitely not lose!”


Class 1 and Class 13 students looked at each other and declared at the same time.



Huh, just wait and see!


After this, the students returned to their classrooms. He walked to the podium and looked at the excited students below and said, “I’m very satisfied with your performance today as your class teacher. However, we still have a tough battle ahead. Although I really hope you can win, your grades…”


Well, apart from those two, the rest of them who used connections to enter the class had slightly… worse grades. But people can improve. Haven’t you heard the saying that even Lu Meng, after three days of separation, should be treated with admiration?


Moreover, they still have more than a month to prepare for the midterm exam. They wouldn’t lose to those bookworms!


Luo Xiao and Ye Lan watched their classmates, who were easily motivated by their class teacher’s banter, and couldn’t help but shake their heads. When did this group of notorious troublemakers become so simple and easy to deceive? Something was off with the situation.


“Luo Xiao, it’s all up to you now!” Wang Kai, who was sitting in the front row, suddenly turned to Luo Xiao and said with a serious expression.


After a moment of surprise, Luo Xiao nodded gently. Good, he agreed. The other students in the class heard the small talk between the two and said loudly, “Class monitor, we need your help to get good grades!”


“Mr.  Class Monitor, please lead us!”


“Defeat Class 1!” Jiang Li suddenly said.


After a moment of silence in the classroom, several voices also sounded: “That’s right, defeat Class 1! Class President, let’s defeat Class 1 together!”



Ye Lan, whose emotions were starting to rise again, heard the voices of his classmates. There was an obvious teasing look in Ben’s eyes. He glanced at Luo Xiao beside him and nodded in agreement. “Well, let’s defeat Class 1 together!”


“Let’s defeat Class 1 together! Defeat Class 1!”


He squinted his eyes and looked at it, then reached out and touched his chin. Well, not bad, they are all a group of good kids who can be honed! In the mid-term exam competition, who will win? We will find out then!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!