Rebirth After Divorce - Chapter 8

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:28:07 AM

Chapter 8

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“Ring…!” When the bell indicating the end of the last class in the morning rang, the classroom instantly became noisy. The philosophy teacher who hadn’t finished announcing the end of the class, turned furious and glared at the boisterous students, “Stop chattering! I haven’t announced the dismissal of the class yet! You all shut up, or else don’t think about leaving this class at all!”

“Shut up!” The boys in the classroom yelled in unison. They had always been annoyed with this teacher who always went to their homeroom teacher to report some bad things about them.

In fact, in the first few days of school, the students in Class 1 Fifth Grade all listened to this teacher seriously. But many times, they would hear this philosophy teacher saying to other teachers how their class was not good and full of stupid students.

This action undoubtedly caused everyone in the class to be very angry. Under the leadership of a few boys in the class, they directly went against this teacher.

Didn’t you say the students in Class 1 Fifth Grade are not serious? Then we will not be serious!

Listening to class, reading lessons, you name it all! The students in this class won’t do it. They would do their own thing and the teacher would also do her own thing.

The philosophy teacher coughed blood in anger because of this. She looked for the homeroom teacher many times, but every time the homeroom teacher came to take a look, the students in Class 1 Fifth Grade will be very obedient and listen to the class seriously. Actually, all the students listened carefully to the other teachers’ lectures except for this philosophy class.

Having said that, the homeroom teacher also received the praises of other teachers after experiencing how good and obedient his students are.

This kind of thing came expected. Their class had always been the best class for the whole year. The students who got the best scores were from their class, and the whole overall average grade of the class was higher than the other classes. All the teachers would sing praises upon hearing them except for the philosophy teacher who had an issue with them and especially liked to find faults.

At some point in time, the homeroom teacher also felt a headache whenever he thought of the philosophy teacher. It was a pity that he couldn’t straight away request the above to change her for another teacher. After all, who made her the niece of the current principal? Nevertheless, he was still worried about his students’ condition.

If a teacher like her continued to teach in his class, it was not certain whether his students wouldn’t be harmed. Fortunately, the philosophy class only existed in the first semester. By second semester they can finally heave a sigh of relief.

“What’s all the noise! Believe it or not, I’ll tell the principal and have you all warned?” The philosophy teacher narrowed her eyes and threatened menacingly.

Anyway, she has a back door in school and was not afraid of anything! The teacher snorted.

A few boys in the classroom exchanged glances and secretly rolled their eyes. The philosophy teacher noticed it and had a feeling that she was being embarrassed. Still having that dignified look, she patted off the chalk dust in her hand and closed the textbook. With a wave of her hand, she proudly strutted out of the classroom with the textbook still held in her hands.

Right after the teacher left, the entire classroom was engulfed in gossipy voices. Many boys gathered around and started to discuss. Yu Xiao listened to the words that went to his ears intermittently and knew that this female teacher was having another bad time behind her back.

“Hey, Xiao Yuzi, what do you think will happen to this woman?” Fan Lie stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder. He moved his head closer and whispered.

Yu Xiao calmly tidied up the textbooks on the table, and then took out the lunch box from his school bag. “It doesn’t matter if I answer it or not, the ending will definitely be not good. It’s obvious just by the chattering around.”

Fan Lie turned his head to look around and turned his back at him with a cheeky smile on his face. “What you said is right, I really want to see what will be the final turn of events— Hey! Your mother cook you a braised pork today? It looks delicious!”

Yu Xiao glanced at him with a smile and gently pushed the lunch box to his direction. “Here, you can have it if you like.”

“Then I will be not polite.” Fan Lie grinned and moved quickly. He took out his own lunchbox and moved it side by side with Yu Xiao’s lunchbox. Afterwards, he picked up the braised pork from Yu Xiao’s lunchbox using his own chopsticks.

But before he could clamp the meat, a pair of chopsticks appeared and interrupted his movements. Fan Lie raised his head angrily and glared at the perpetrator: “I knew it, it must be you meddling again!”

“Aunt Yu made it for Yuzi. He just came out of the hospital and needs to replenish his strength.” Hao Ren briefly greeted the classmates in front them and sat in front of the two.

He pushed Yu Xiao’s lunch box back to Yu Xiao. “You have to eat more. Look, I haven’t seen you for a week and your face lost a lot of weight.”

In their school, students can bring their own lunchbox in and eat directly at noon. Of course, they can also choose to go home to eat, but most were against it as it was inconvenient. Only a few students chose to go home to eat. The students who were left then can exchange seats with other students and eat lunch with their friends.

“It’s alright, Brother Ren.” Yu Xiao looked at Fan Lie’s red-eyes appearance then at the braised pork in his lunchbox. He shook his head unconsciously: “You can eat as much as you want. I’ve gotten a little tired of eating braised pork these days.”

Sure enough, Fan Lie is a certified meat eater no matter what. Actually, Fan Lie’s family was not bad and they can eat every day. It was probably because Fan Lie ate too much meat in one go in their house and was prohibited from eating meat for a whole good week.

Fan Lie’s parents strictly control the amount of meat he eats every week. He was only allowed to eat once or twice a week, and each meal should only cost a few yuan. It made Fan Lie, who hadn’t eaten meat for several days, swallowed his saliva in jealousy after seeing the delicious braised pork.

“Are you really giving all of it to me?” Fan Lie asked again, pointing to the two fat pieces of braised pork.

“Yes,” Yu Xiao almost couldn’t hold back his loud laugh when he saw his touched expression. People who weren’t familiar with him would think that he was being treated unfairly in his family.

“Wooooh! You’re so good to me, I don’t know how to repay you. How about I repay you with my body?”

“Cut the crap, you’re so stupid to think that Yuzi is blind to want your body.” Hao Ren looked up and down on his body with a disdainful expression. Glancing at him, he said, “Really a guy who knows how to live by eating.”

“You!” Fan Lie slammed his chopsticks on the table and pointed at Hao Ren angrily. In the next second, he turned his eyes and changed his expression into an aggrieved look. “Xiao Yuzi, take a good look at me. I am the only good young man there who had a handsome appearance, a good figure, and a smart mind. It was obvious that everything about me is thousand times better than him, who only had big arms and a dull mind. I’m better than him, no, ten thousand times better than him, right?”

“Okay, you two stop and quickly eat, I’m hungry.” Yu Xiao laughed looking at the noise between the two. As an old man in his thirties, watching the appearance of two quarreling with each other gave him a subtle feeling that he was looking at his own child. Come to think of it, he really can’t imagine how these two people got together in the end. Is it the so-called love even after starting all over again?

“Then let’s eat quickly. It’s all that guy’s fault, otherwise we would have finished eating long ago.” Fan Lie picked up the braised pork for the second time and gave Hao Ran a fierce look. Then he slowly enjoyed the delicacies in the world.

“Yuzi, try this. My mother just learned how to cook it and it tastes good.” Hao Ren picked up the stir-fried pork loin from his lunchbox and put it in Yu Xiao’s lunchbox.

“Okay, let me taste it.” Although Yu Xiao didn’t like the taste of pork loin very much, he still gave it a try taking into account the other party’s kindess to him. He put the pork loin into his mouth and commented, “Auntie’s cooking skills are still as good as always.”

“Then you should eat more.” Hao Ren quickly made a move to give him another meat.

Yu Xiao noticed it and quickly stopped him, “It’s okay, you can eat it by yourself. I still have some here in my lunchbox.”

“That’s good.” Hao Ren finally nodded his head, looking very satisfied. He lowered his head and started to eat.

“By the way, Xiao Yuzi, have you heard the news?” Fan Lie had just finished eating a piece of braised pork and moved closer to Yu Xiao. He asked in a mysterious way.

“Little stick?” Yu Xiao finally conceded to the fact that he really didn’t know the names of his classmates in his fifth grade, much more the names of the other students in next class.

“That’s right, the kid who always competed against you for the position of the top three for the whole grade last semester and also the one who always bad-mouthed you behind your back.”

“Eh? There is such a person?”

“Yes, you don’t remember?” Fan Lie looked at Yu Xiao in surprise, “That kid spread a lot of bad things about you before!”

“Oh, did he?” Yu Xiao admitted that he really didn’t know the existence of such a person. “So what happened to him?”

“Hey, do you remember when he said that you only got a high score because you cheated on the exam?” Fan Lie paused, having a gloating look on his face. “You didn’t know, but when you were absent we had an exam. He was caught cheating red-handed by the teacher.”

“Is that so?” He had some vague impressions of it in his memory, but this little stick, he really can’t remember who he is.

“Hey, why is your reaction so cold!” Fan Lie complained, “You should be clapping your hands now. Alas, he really got his retribution in the end.”

“Yeah.” Yu Xiao patted the still grumbling Fan Lie and felt that having a caring friend like him was the most valuable thing he could get in his life. No, it should be in his two lives.

Hao Ren looked at Fan Lie’s wicked appearance and couldn’t help but say, “Really a shameless guy.”

“You! Don’t think I’m easy to bully. If it wasn’t for Yu Xiao’s sake, just watch how this young master deals with you!” Fan Lie shot a sharp stare at Hao Ren, looking like he wanted to pierce him with his gaze.

But Hao Ren didn’t pay attention to him at all. He tidied up his own lunch box and patted Yu Xiao’s head, “I’ll go back to my seat now. The next class is coming soon.”

“Alright.” Yu Xiao nodded his head and tugged at Fan Lie’s sleeve, “Okay, okay, don’t be angry. Quickly clean up your lunch box, it’s almost time for the next class.”

“Hmph!” Fan Lie snorted at Hao Ren before packing his lunch box. “Right, Xiao Yuzi, let’s go hiking this week. Just the two of us!”

Yu Xiao listened to Fan Lie’s firm tone when saying the words “just the two of us” and couldn’t help nodding his head with a smile. He knew that this two-person trip would become a three-person trip in the end. But he wouldn’t say it, lest Fan Lie became angry again.

With a pair of lively friends around him, he felt that life looked extra colorful.

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