Published at 4th of December 2021 07:28:11 PM

Chapter 1258

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The latest website: "His style is too tough..."

The Sumitomo family, Sumitomo Yasuke expressed sincere emotion.

To be honest, he was shocked by Jiuding Securities Company and Xia Yu who was behind the scenes.

Tiangong Automobile Group was jointly blocked by the island country’s steel industry. They analyzed what choices Xia Yu would make, but they did not expect that Xia Yu would dare to directly acquire the strongest Nippon Steel.

The confidence and financial resources behind this behavior convinced him.

And Xia Yu's determination and courage also made him admire.

This was just a time when Mitsui Securities was beaten strongly to win a large company like Suntory, and it also caused Mitsui Securities and Mitsui & Co. to lose 100 billion yen. They continued to clashed with the Mitsui Consortium non-stop.

Sumitomo Yasuke asked himself that he could not do such a thing.

This is to provoke the Mitsui consortium again and again, and greet the Mitsui consortium fiercely.

"His behavior really exceeded our expectations, but after thinking about it carefully, it made sense."

"After all, no matter how much he has achieved, he is a young man in his twenties after all. He is radical and it makes sense to choose this way of breaking the game."

Shinichi Sumitomo put down his teacup and muttered to himself.

"But as his opponent, you have to be careful. He is aggressive, but he has always been successful. This is the most terrifying!"

Sumitomo Yasuke said quietly: "Father, we are also his competitors. In the alcohol market, Asahi Beer, which belongs to our consortium, is the largest market occupant. After Suntory is controlled by him, I don't know how he will manage it."

Sumitomo Shinichi smiled and said: "Competition is inevitable. Asahi Beer’s market share is more than double that of Suntory, and Kirin Beer’s market share has more than doubled that of Suntory. Competitiveness is enough. Suntory is facing the greatest pressure. We don’t need to be nervous.”

"The structure of the liquor market is not so easy to change!"

"Without the Torii family with extensive experience, Suntory can maintain a normal level even if his acquisition is successful."

"What's more, Xia Yu's strength is strong, but he has repeatedly targeted the Mitsui Consortium. The Mitsui Consortium is not that easy to bully. Most of his energy will definitely be taken away."

"Next, we will take a good look at their struggle and take this opportunity to intuitively understand the strength of the two sides."

Sumitomo Yasuke nodded, showing a relaxed smile: "The other companies should be watching."

"It must be, haha..."

Sumitomo Shinichi smiled and said.

At this moment, Sumitomo Kumiko just came down from the stairs and heard the laughter of father and grandpa. She asked suspiciously: "Grandpa, Dad, are you talking about something happy?"

"Kumiko, come here, you should be interested."

Shinichi Sumitomo smiled kindly and greeted his granddaughter over.

Sumitomo Kumiko came over obediently, and sat beside him at the sign of his grandfather.

"Kumiko, I just talked to your friend Xia Yu with your father, and he has done another big thing..."

Sumitomo Kumiko's eyelashes trembled lightly, and her thoughts were immersed in what the grandfather was telling, and her heart unconsciously fluctuated with the ups and downs of the plot.


"Ishida-kun, non-consortium shareholders, what is their attitude?"

At the headquarters of Nippon Steel Corporation, President Ichiro Fujiwara called to the secretary-general of the board of directors and head of the securities department Yoshio Ishida to ask about the situation of shareholders.

As the overlord of industrial raw materials within the Mitsui Consortium, Nippon Steel has cross-shareholdings with Toyota Motor, Toshiba, Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries and other companies within the consortium. These shareholders do not have to worry at all and can fully implement the "Futaki Association". will.

What really worries Fujiwara Ichiro is those non-Mitsui consortium shareholders.

Although Nippon Steel is the core of the Mitsui Consortium, because of its complicated history, Nippon Steel is not only part of the Mitsui Consortium.

The reason why I joined the Mitsui Consortium camp alone is only because the Mitsui Consortium has the most energy.

The predecessor of Nippon Steel was the government-run Yawata Steel Works built in 1897. In February 1934, the government-run Yawata Steel Works and private Lunsai Steel, Kamaishi Mine, Fuji Steel, Toyo Steel, and Mitsubishi Six companies merged with Steel and Kyushu Steel.

In 1950, under the intervention of the United States, it was split again into two steel companies, Yawata Steel and Fuji Steel, and Nippon Steel Shipping Company and Harima Refractory Company.

Until March 1970, Yawata Steel and Fuji Steel merged again, giving birth to Niijima Steel, or Nippon Steel for short, which is the current company.

For now, based on Nippon Steel’s shareholder list, the shareholders of the Mitsui Consortium’s total shareholding is 34.9%, far exceeding the 9.5% of the second Mitsubishi consortium.

Next is the Fuji Consortium 7.4%.

The Sumitomo Foundation, represented by Sumitomo Metal Industries as its main shareholder, is 5.3%.

4.7% of the first advises the bank consortium.

There is also 4.1% of the Sanhe Consortium.

The remaining 34.1% of the equity is very scattered. There are financial investment institutions, retail investors, and original shareholders of steel companies that have merged in the past. Anyway, these equity seems to be a lot, but these shareholders are completely scattered and cannot be gathered at all. There is no threat to the Mitsui Consortium’s rule of Nippon Steel.

As for the other five consortia, they will not unite against the Mitsui consortium at all, because Nippon Steel’s equity structure is actually a microcosm of the six consortia.

The six major consortia have long infiltrated each other, so in a single company or several companies, multiple consortia will not unite at all, unless it is said that the five major consortia strangulate a consortium, it will be possible.

But this kind of assumption is impossible, because it is impossible to be concentric, and the news is absolutely invisible and not enforceable.

However, the fact that the five major consortia cannot unite does not mean that shareholders of their faction will not choose to transfer their shares.

For example, among the ten largest shareholders of Nippon Steel, insurance companies alone account for three, such as Island Life Insurance, Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance, Tokyo Marine and Fire Insurance, etc., they have money themselves, and they hold Nippon Steel shares even more. Most of them are to share investment risks and keep funds in value.

Therefore, as long as the money is enough, the transfer of equity is a simple matter for non-Mitsui Consortium shareholders.

It is these shareholders that Fujiwara is worried about.

The spread of equity cannot threaten the control of the Mitsui Consortium.

However, once there is a risk of large-scale concentration of equity, it is necessary to take immediate measures to avoid strong infiltration of UU Reading

Ishida Yoshio kept reporting the situation: "President, I have already visited the representatives of the other five executive committees. The Iwasaki family and the Ayukawa family have a clear attitude. They recognize our business methods and will not let The following company transfers equity."

"Sumitomo, Quanyin and Sanhe have a rather perfunctory attitude."

"As for some other partners, I have called one by one, and they all expressed their support for us. As for the authenticity or not, it needs further verification."

"I have counted them."

"As long as the shareholders of the Mitsubishi Consortium and Fuji Consortium are willing to support us, then our three-party shareholding ratio will exceed 50%. It is safe. The acquisition of Jiuding Securities will definitely fail!"

"Boom boom boom..."

After listening to Ishida Yoshio's narration, Fujiwara Ichiro's brows wrinkled in thought instead, his fingers tapped on the tabletop unconsciously, making a bang, making Ishida's heartbeat unconsciously slow for a half beat.

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