Published at 26th of October 2021 08:56:16 AM

Chapter 228: 228

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"The acquisition of another "Sin Chew Daily" is also coming to an end. I plan to go to Singapore tomorrow to integrate the "Nanyang Business Daily". By the way, the acquisition of "Sin Chew Daily" is also negotiated."

"The circulation of "Sin Chew Daily" is 100,000 copies, which is 10,000 copies lower than that of "Nanyang Commercial Daily". Now the price has reached 11.5 million Hong Kong dollars. I estimate that 11 million can be bought."

"If there is no accident halfway, the acquisition can be successful in up to five days!"

Yan Wenhanhui reports.

Xia Yu smiled and praised: "Good job!"

"As long as the "Sin Chew Daily" is acquired, we will be able to account for half of the four major Chinese newspapers in Malaysia. In addition to the market share of our "Fengyun Daily" and "Jiuding Daily", the share of Chinese newspapers will be It can exceed 50% and form a preliminary monopoly!"

Yan Wenhan also laughed when he heard the boss Xia Yu's words.

And it's not just as simple as Xia Yu said.

The Sin Chew Daily was founded in 1929 and is positioned as a social service for the Chinese in Malaysia. From the British colonial era, the anti-Japanese period, the independence movement, and the journey after the founding of the country, Sin Chew Daily played the role of witness and participant.

It can be said that the "Sin Chew Daily" has a very strong foundation and a solid foundation.

The Sin Chew Daily is one of the four major Chinese newspapers in Malaysia, like the Nanyang Commercial Daily. Although the circulation is only 100,000 copies, consider that the Chinese population in Malaysia is similar to the Chinese population in Hong Kong and Macau. Malaysia has a large land area and a scattered population compared to Xiangjiang, so the daily sales volume of 100,000 copies is already very strong.

In addition to being one of the four largest Chinese newspapers in Malaysia, Sin Chew Daily is also one of the two largest Chinese newspapers in Singapore.

The other is the "Nanyang Commercial Daily" that has been acquired by Jiuding Newspaper Company!

Therefore, as long as "Sin Chew Daily" is acquired again, Jiuding News will not only account for more than 50% of Malaysian Chinese newspapers, but also monopolize Singapore's Chinese newspaper industry. The benefits are enormous!

In fact, there are historical reasons why the two Chinese newspapers in Singapore are also the second of the four major Chinese newspapers in Malaysia.

Because Singapore belonged to Malaysia for a while!

The Republic of Singapore, referred to as Singapore, was formerly known as Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, or Sing Tao, also known as the Lion City. It is an island country in Southeast Asia. Its political system is a parliamentary republic.

It was occupied by Britain as a colony in the early 19th century.

On February 15, 1942, Singapore was occupied by Japan.

Singapore joined Malaysia in 1963.

But in 1965, Singapore gained support from the United Kingdom and the United States, and officially became independent.

After all, Singapore is related to the lifeline of Asia and Europe, and even the lifeline of the world-the Strait of Malacca. Of course, Europe and the United States must be in control.

In addition to political and historical reasons, Singapore is also adjacent to and surrounded by Malaysia geographically.

In terms of population, Chinese accounted for more than 74%, the remaining Malays accounted for 13%, and 9% of Indians.

For these reasons, the relationship between Singapore and Malaysia is very complicated.

As we all know, in Southeast Asia, the Chinese are at the top of capital, and Singapore will be the financial and economic center of the entire Southeast Asia. Therefore, being able to monopolize Singapore’s Chinese newspapers is of great benefit to Xia Yu!

Controlling the power of public opinion, at least when communicating with major Chinese families in Southeast Asia, they have a certain right to speak and their status can be improved a lot.

So for "Sin Chew Daily", Xia Yu is determined to win!

"The boss can rest assured, I will definitely check strictly to make the acquisition successful!"

Yan Wenhan firmly said that the acquisition of "Sing Chew Daily" has also greatly improved the influence of Jiuding Newspaper Company. Of course, he is not willing to fail.

"How is the progress of the acquisition of the South China Morning Post?"

After understanding the acquisition of "Sin Chew Daily", Xia Yu was in a good mood, but he has not yet relaxed, because the most important plan is to acquire the "South China Morning Post"!

At this time in Hong Kong, the top three English newspapers were the South China Morning Post, the English Standard and the Asian Wall Street Journal.

Among them, the South China Morning Post has the highest sales volume, with a daily sales volume of 110,000 copies. It was founded in 1903. It mainly provides authoritative business and financial analysis. It is the most influential English-language newspaper in Southeast Asia. Its readers are high-level political and business people. Lord, is a high-end newspaper.

The South China Morning Post was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in November 1971. If it develops in accordance with history, it will be privatized by the media tycoon Murdoch's News Corporation in 1987.

Then in 1993, it was controlled by Malaysia’s richest man, Kuo Henian, but in December 2015, it was acquired by Alibaba Group, which is determined to build a large media system.

The second "English Standard", also called "Xiangjiang Tiger", is one of the newspapers under Sing Tao News Corporation. It was founded in March 1949 and funded by Hu Wenhu. The "Tiger News" took Hu Wenhu's "tiger", and its daily sales volume is about 100,000 copies.

It can also be seen from this point that before Jiuding News Corporation appeared, Sing Tao News Group was indeed the media company with the most comprehensive strength in the paper media industry.

Ranked third, the "Asian Wall Street Journal", which sells 90,000 copies a day, has an extraordinary origin!

The Asian Wall Street Journal was founded in 1976, and it has only been two years now. However, the daily sales volume has reached the third position of English newspapers, and the momentum of progress is still strong.

In fact, you can guess some details by looking at its name.

The Asian Wall Street Journal is a financial newspaper aimed at Asian readers and belongs to Dow Jones.

Founded in 1882, Dow Jones owns the Wall Street Journal, which provides in-depth analysis and reporting on business and finance, the Dow Jones News Agency, which provides real-time financial reports and market reviews, and the well-known investment publication Barron Magazine.

Among them, the "Wall Street Journal" is one of the oldest newspapers in the United States. It has the second largest circulation in the country and has a daily sales volume of more than two million copies. It is a must-read for business professionals in the United States and the world.

A few years ago, Dow Jones keenly discovered that the Asian economy was about to rise, so it established a separate newspaper to expand its influence.

Therefore, backed by Dow Jones, which has strong financial resources and strong professional strength, the development prospects of the "Asian Wall Street Journal" are very good. Now the South China Morning Post and the second-ranked "English Standard" are extremely vigilant.

Having said that, the influence of Xia Yu's Jiuding Newspaper Company is already amazing, but in the paper media industry, there is still a lack of a handy English newspaper.

Now that Xia Yu has money, he chooses a faster and more convenient acquisition.

Of the three major newspapers, the South China Morning Post is most likely to be acquired.

"English Standard" is owned by Sing Tao News Group. Now Sing Tao News Group is determined to catch up with Jiuding News. The two can be described as competitors. Hu Xian is only brain-disabled to sell "English Standard" to Xia Yulai. Enemy.

Therefore, Xia Yu didn't even think about the acquisition of the "English Standard" before Hu Xian's desire to compete was completely impossible.

The Asian Wall Street Journal is even more unlikely to be acquired.

Dow Jones is much stronger than Jiuding Newspapers. How could you sell the "Asian Wall Street Journal" with the strategic mission of opening up the territory for a little money?

It is precisely because of these considerations Xia Yu set his goal on the South China Morning Post from the beginning.

Moreover, buying the top-selling "South China Morning Post" is also more in line with the status of Jiuding Newspaper Company. If you want to do it, be the first!

Furthermore, the "South China Morning Post" has overwhelmed Sing Tao News Group's "English Standard", and Jiuding News Group's "Jiu Ding Daily" and "Feng Yun Daily" have overwhelmed Sing Tao News Group's "Sing Tao Daily". Now, in the area of ​​English newspapers, Jiuding Newspaper Company naturally cannot lose its momentum.

So no matter what kind of consideration, "South China Morning Post" is the most suitable target for acquisition!

However, looking at Yan Wenhan's expression, it seems that the progress of the acquisition of the South China Morning Post is not going well.

"What's the situation, just say it, and solve the problem."

Seeing Yan Wenhan embarrassed, Xia Yu smiled to relieve Yan Wenhan's pressure.

Yan Wenhan nodded, whispering...

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