Published at 26th of October 2021 08:52:39 AM

Chapter 358: 358

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? "Continue to speculate and push the stock price up hard for me. This time, no matter how high it is, the Jardine Consortium will not go back!"

"They dare not retreat, and they can't retreat, lift it with confidence!"

Xia Yu's smile narrowed, his eyes became deeper, and he ordered in a deep voice.

Wang Gang's face was solemn, and he immediately replied, "Yes!"

Counting people as yourself can count as having no omissions!

Xia Yu understood in his heart that he had long been looking at the overall situation, not only analyzing his own situation, but also analyzing the situation of the Jardine Consortium.

Now he has mental arithmetic and unintentional, completely occupying the initiative; after the Jardine consortium has lost the first hand one after another, it can only respond passively and go the way Xia Yu thought.

You can do one thing or two more than once!

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, where the lower will fight against the soldiers and win with strength; the middle will fight against others, and the evil will be succumbed to them;

After winning three times with the ‘pawn’ in front, under the chain reaction, a trend has formed invisibly, binding the Jardine consortium, and can only do its best to Bao Yihe Machinery Group.

Coincidentally, there will be another gathering tonight. If Xia Yu connects together, it is very likely that he will put pressure on the Jardine consortium again, forming a situation in which the middle party will succumb to the Keswick family and force the Keswick family to take care of it. Be more determined to keep the Jardine Machinery Group.

At that time, Xia Yu is really going to work together, the Keswick family will face great pressure!

In order to keep the Jardine Machinery Group, if commercial means are used, the Jardine Matheson Group can only use its ‘power’ to break the ten thousand law and use absolute financial resources to smash all the stocks into its own pockets.

And this is exactly what Xia Yu hopes to see!

Only when the share price of Jardine Machinery Group is higher, when he proposes to exchange shares in Jardine Insurance Consulting Group with the Keswick family, he will have a greater advantage and gain greater benefits!

You know, Jardine Insurance Consulting Group, but when the stock price just wanted to soar, it was directly suspended, so the value of the 30% equity in the Keswick family's hands is definitely not high!

When the time comes, the inflated value of Jardine Machinery Group's stock is exchanged for the real value of Jardine Insurance Consulting Group's stock. The profit from the difference is absolutely amazing!

To achieve this goal, Xia Yu has to do nothing more than acting, acting like the real thing, so that the Keswick family really thinks he wants to **** the Jardine Machine Group.

Only in this way, the Keswick family will jump in anxiously, compete desperately for stocks, and the upper limit of the stock price will be higher!

"Now everything is under calculation!"

A gleam of light flashed in Xia Yu's eyes and said inwardly.

Then, Xia Yu moved to the other four teams that had already been completed. Looking around, the staff of the four teams were more relaxed, and a few others were talking and laughing, just seeing the boss Xia Yu. After that, he immediately became serious.

Xia Yu saw it and didn't say anything about it. After all, they were really under a lot of pressure during this period of time. This was something he could see, so let them relax appropriately, as long as they don't lose the chain at the critical moment.

After that, Xia Yu called the team leader together. Looking at the different expressions of several people, Xia Yu fixed his gaze on Ma Kai on the far left and said: "The stocks have been cleared. How much profit do you make? Ma Kai, you first Talk about it."

Ma Kai felt a little lost and replied: "Report to the boss that our group's profit is 940,000 Hong Kong dollars, which is more than 20,000 Hong Kong dollars higher than the previous floating profit."

Xia Yu nodded, smiled at the corners of her mouth, and commented with a little appreciation: "Good job!"

Profits can still rise in a short period of time. Although there is not much, it means that Ma Kai has worked hard. This mentality and unwillingness to admit defeat is worthy of recognition.

"Thank the boss for the compliment!"

Hearing that, Ma Kai grinned reluctantly, and then fell silent. Although he worked hard, he still did not surpass Li De, and the first name would still fall on his head.

Xia Yu looked at the second Song Yang and said, "Where is your team?"

"Report to the boss that our group made a profit of 1.14 million, which is similar to the floating profit previously calculated."

Song Yang said calmly, with a more positive attitude this time.

"Good job!"


"Boss, our group has a profit of 990,000, which is actually 10,000 Hong Kong dollars higher than the previous floating profit."

When it was Li De's turn, Li De replied softly.

"Boss, our group has a profit of 2.2 million, which is 80,000 higher than the previous floating profit!"

Finally, it was Liu Xiao, who answered calmly.

Although he said lightly, the three of Li De smiled bitterly and were compared again.

Upon hearing this, Xia Yu also showed a more obvious smile of appreciation. With his insight and ability, after a little thought, he knew why Liu Xiao's actual profit was higher than before.

"It seems that Liu Xiao is quite courageous. He dared to raise the stock price strongly before liquidation, not bad!"

Xia Yu secretly admired.

"Okay, I have a good idea about this assessment and will reward it after all the plans are over."

Xia Yu said softly, Ma Kai, Li De and others sighed secretly when these words came out.

However, Xia Yu's turn of conversation gave them hope again.

"In this assessment, Liu Xiao has the advantage, and it doesn't mean that you don't have any performance opportunities. Before the end of all the plans, it is the assessment period. If any of you has outstanding performance, you can also add points!"

Hearing this, Li De, Ma Kai and others' eyes lit up, and immediately showed a surprise smile, while Liu Xiao raised his brows and immediately recovered calm.

No matter how many assessments there are, he still depends on his strength to speak. A capable person can perform well in any situation. He has this confidence!

"Now the other four teams are still planning. You don't need to take care of the Jardine Machinery Group's affairs, but the Wharf is still lurking. Your mission is..."

Xia Yu said in detail. The four of Li De nodded again and again. In the end, everyone responded in unison, and then excitedly implemented Xia Yu's plan.

Seeing their fighting spirit, Xia Yu smiled at the corners of his mouth and said to himself: "As long as you move your mouth, there will be enough talents to execute. It feels great without all these hard work..."

In the evening, after the stock market closed at 4:30 in the afternoon, Xia Yu took Li Qian back to Li Qian's residence to prepare for the party tonight.

This time, Xia Yu didn’t plan to take Li Qian. After all, tonight was a small private party. The people who came tonight were all big guys, and they were definitely much older than him. After thinking about it, he found that bringing Li Qian was indeed inappropriate. It is better to go alone.

"Be safe and come back early!"

Before going out, Li Qian gently re-adjusted Xia Yu's tie, her eyes watered, with a soft smile, and said with concern.

"Well, don't worry, I will come back as soon as possible. If I don't come back at ten o'clock, you should go to bed first, don't wait for me!"

Xia Yu kissed Li Qian on the forehead and said with a smile.


Li Qian answered her little head obediently.

"I am leaving!"

Xia Yu waved his hand and got into the car.

Li Qian stared blankly at the car leaving her sight, stopped for a long time, smiled, and returned to the house and closed the door.

Soon, Xia Yu's car came to Bao Yugang's house, to check the time, it was only about six o'clock, but he came one hour earlier than agreed.

"Xia Sheng, whenever I think of you coming so early, hurry up and sit inside!"

When the servant reported that Xia Yu's car had arrived, Bao Yugang, who was chatting with people in the living room, quickly spoke to the person sitting opposite, and then quickly got up and went outside the house. He happened to see Xia Yu getting out of the car and immediately smiled heartily. Tao.

"Bao Sheng, don't you think I came too early? Am I the first?"

Xia Yu joked.

"Haha, I'm too late to be happy, how can I dislike it!"

"Besides you are not the first, there is one even earlier."

Bao Yugang said with a big smile in his unique voice.

Xia Yu raised his brows, and a hint of curiosity rose in his heart. Didn't he expect there to be someone earlier than him?

"Oh? Then I want to see who it is!"

Xia Yu said with a smile, and then followed Bao Yugang into it.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, he immediately saw an old man who had stood up and looked at him with a smile.

"It turned out to be him!"

Xia Yu was slightly startled in his heart, showing a warm smile, then quickened his pace, stretched out his hand in a gesture of requesting a handshake, and walked towards the old man.

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