Published at 26th of October 2021 08:51:06 AM

Chapter 424: 424

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"Well, Mr. Li, don't talk about so many useless things. You and I know exactly what you plan to do. I am here today for one purpose!"

"Sell me the shares of Hutchison Whampoa that you secretly purchased. Now that the Jardine Consortium has fallen, many rich people are vying for the company of the Jardine Consortium. I'm here to give you money to help you!"

Li Jiacheng looked at Qi Dezun, who was staring at him blankly, and thought of many things.

After more than ten seconds, he smiled and nodded: "Thank you Mr. Qi Dezun for your help! I promised!"

Seeing Li Jiacheng's promise, Qi Dezun smiled, nodded slightly, and said, "Then let's continue talking!"



In a black car heading towards Central on Hong Kong Island, Li Jiacheng sat blankly in the back of the car, tilting his head and looking outside through the window.

In the afternoon negotiations, he finally chose to bow his head and sold the shares of Hutchison Whampoa he secretly purchased to Qi Dezun.

I was forced to give up after thinking for so long, and I would not be reconciled to it, let alone Li Jiacheng!

It's a pity that the reality is like this, the ideal is full, the reality is too skinny!

Smart people tend to avoid disadvantages and choose to maximize their benefits in everything they do.

People who are controlled by emotions are hard to achieve after all!

Originally, because of successive events, the funds in his hands were scarce, and the secret purchase of Hutchison Whampoa was forced to slow down, and not many shares were acquired.

Now that the secret purchase plan was discovered by Qi Dezun, then the plan went bankrupt and could completely fail.

Before Qi Dezun negotiated, he first targeted the suppression of the Cheung Kong Industrial Group. It is known that Qi Dezun has now stabbed and absolutely not allowed Li Jiacheng to fight Hutchison Whampoa.

If Li Jiacheng dared to continue, he would only be able to buy stocks clearly, the success rate was almost zero, and he would not be able to withstand the crazy suppression of the Big Mac and Whampoa.

Moreover, with the precedent of the Jardine Consortium, the British capital is absolutely vigilant to the extreme. Whoever rises again will definitely cause a collective frenzy of British capital suppression.

Taking into account this extremely likely bad situation, Li Jiacheng decisively chose to give up.

How about selling the stock to him as Qi Dezun said, cashing out a sum of money to buy the company of the Jardine Consortium.

This can also resolve contradictions and strengthen one's own strength.

Although a little frustrated, but this is the best choice!

"Xia Sheng, I have suffered the innocent disaster caused by you, hey..."

Li Jiacheng felt very depressed when he thought of Qi Dezun saying that it was because of the Jardine Consortium that he started the company's self-examination and discovered that he had secretly purchased.

But he couldn't blame Xia Yu. Xia Yu probably didn't expect that he was playing Hutchison Whampoa, so he could only admit it.

I wonder if Li Jiacheng knew that Qi Dezun was able to discover the situation because of Xia Yu's disclosure of the news, how would he feel?

However, this truth is destined that Li Jiacheng will never know...

"Forget it, don't think about it, Qi Dezun is never too much. After a careful calculation, I have made some money after holding shares for most of the year."

"Now that you have a certain amount of funds, let's go and buy some other companies that you originally liked but were stranded because of the funds."

Shaking his head slightly to cheer himself up, Li Jiacheng began to figure out how to make full use of the funds in his hands to get the most benefits.


Jiuding Securities Company.

Wang Qi, who had been staring at Hutchison Whampoa for a long time, immediately learned that Qi Dezun had met with Li Jiacheng, and he immediately reported to Xia Yu.

After listening to Wang Qi's report, Xia Yu smiled and said happily: "Okay, haha!"

Seeing that the boss was so happy, Wang Qi also laughed and asked: "Boss, when will we start the plan for Hutchison Whampoa?"

Upon hearing this, Xia Yu shook his head and said, "Don't worry, now we have limited funds and can't eat Hutchison Whampoa."

"Together with the current Qi Dezun, it is definitely the most vigilant time. Now that he has taken the equity in Li Jiacheng's hands, it is too difficult to control Hutchison Whampoa so much."

"Wait slowly. When there is no danger for a while, he still has to cash out some stocks. Hutchison Whampoa is in a quagmire. There is no dividend income. He can't carry so many bank debts."

"Before that, let's wait for a while, and then slowly secretly buy stocks, don't be caught!"


Wang Qi nodded seriously in response.

"By the way, Liu Tianci has already gone to rectify the bank. You have to connect with him to ensure resource sharing. So does Jardine Insurance. I will let people connect with you to use the accumulated funds of Jardine Insurance."

"In a while, I will integrate several companies, you have to be prepared!"

Xia Yu pondered for a moment, and told Wang Qi.

Wang Qi nodded heavily and replied loudly, "Boss rest assured, I will not let you down!"

"Yeah! Go ahead!"


After Wang Qi finished speaking, he bowed slightly to Xia Yu, and then slowly exited the office.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Not long after Wang Qi left, Xia Yu's phone rang, and he saw an unfamiliar number, thought for a few seconds, and picked up the microphone.

"Hey... are everyone here? They are all in Xiangjiang? I'll be here in about twenty minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yu stood up and walked outside.

Korn Ferry International called by just now, saying that the talents have been found, and asked him to come and have a look.

This is the business Xia Yu asked Korn Ferry’s general manager Robert Joyce a few days ago to help him find some top professional managers and senior talents in the insurance industry.

After the acquisition of Jardine Insurance Consulting Group, Xia Yu went to take over and obtained the company's personnel files and list immediately, and secretly observed it.

After observing and understanding, he decisively crossed out some high-level names, some of them were Qiu Hua, some had deep ties to the Keswick family, and some were just too good to go.

If the insurance company wants to operate according to his ideas, these people must be cleaned up!

However, he didn't do it right away. Instead, he first found Korn Ferry International and asked Korn Ferry International to find talents for him. As long as the talents are in place, he can take them with them and replace them on the spot, so as to minimize the loss of turbulence.

This interview, because there are a lot of people, and considering that it is very eye-catching to let these people come to him for an interview, the news will be leaked out in advance, which may cause unnecessary losses.

So Xia Yu decided to conduct an on-site interview at Korn Ferry, and after the selection, he would pay a commission on the same day.

Robert Joyce naturally agreed without hesitation to the request of Xia Yu, a top major client.

After many days of screening and contacting, these people are now in Xiangjiang, the time has come!

"Go to Korn Ferry!"

With a hint of expectation, Xia Yu got into the car and told the driver.

"Okay, boss!"

The driver said respectfully, started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove towards the destination. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "Rebirth: The Most Powerful Hero", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, chat about life, and find friends~

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