Published at 26th of October 2021 08:51:02 AM

Chapter 427: 427

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Two days later, Shen Bi reported to Xia Yu that all three companies were taken down. Xia Yu immediately went to HSBC for the handover.


It took less than an hour for Xia Yu to sort out the business with HSBC. After signing the contract, the three hens who would only lay golden eggs, Dairy Milk Company, Jardine Motors Group, and Jinmen Construction Company, arrived at Xia Yu. in.


When the company got it, Xia Yu did not deliberately speak out, but these companies were too big and too many employees. He went to these three companies to declare sovereignty, and the news inevitably leaked.


This is incredible!


The whole Xiangjiang was shaken, and many people were stunned by Xia Yu's generous work. Bao Yugang, Li Zhaoji and others immediately called Xia Yu to congratulate him.


After that, Xia Yu could feel that many of the bigwigs who hunted the Yihe consortium were stimulated, or frightened by Xia Yu. The intensity of the battle suddenly rose to a notch, for fear that the company he wanted would be caused by others. Take away.


For this situation, Xia Yu just smiled and ignored it.


He no longer buys companies, but at best becomes a second-door dealer and earns a fee in the middle.


In a short period of time, he has successively swallowed Jardine Insurance Consulting Group, Wharf Group, Year of the Ox Company, Jardine Motors Group and Golden Gate Construction. His strength has expanded dramatically, and he must slow down and invest time and energy to rectify each The company is there, otherwise, what is the use of a company that cannot be controlled?


The first thing to do is to integrate Dairy Farm and Golden Gate Construction with the Wharf Group.

This is a huge project. The three companies are all established companies. After tens of hundreds of years, the situation inside is very complicated and not easy to integrate.


In particular, Dairy Farm and Wharf Group are involved in many industries, unlike the construction industry which is relatively single in door construction.


Therefore, Xia Yu must first firmly control the three companies, first make sure that the government orders are passed, and then understand the specific conditions of the three companies in detail, and make a detailed integration plan. The final step is to complete the integration.


This is destined to be a time-consuming and labor-intensive fine work!


But before that, Xia Yu still has to do a very important thing, that is moving!


It is no longer appropriate to live in that kind of small house, and living in a community, with people coming and going, and the level of safety is relatively low after all.


In terms of reception, in such a small house, the big guys came, they couldn't be squeezed, and Xia Yu didn't look good.


Therefore, living conditions must be improved!


Just when he was learning about the Wharf Group in detail, Xia Yu discovered that there was a built-up mansion under the group that has not yet been sold!


Without any hesitation, Xia Yu took the best and largest building, number 008 by the sea mansion.


The total area of ​​the mansion is 88,000 feet, which is about 86 square meters in square meters. It has residential areas, large swimming pools, garden lawns, large garages, rockery fountains, etc., extremely luxurious!


After visiting the site, Xia Yu was very satisfied, and then ordered the people to clean up and equip all living facilities within three days, and at the same time recruit nanny, housekeeper, gardener and other servants.


Three days later, a string of black luxury cars drove to the door and stopped. The door opened and Xia Yu's family walked out.


What catches the eye is a large black iron gate full of heavy breath, 4.8 meters high.


On the left and right sides of the gate, there are two stone lions with a height of 1.8 meters.


On the marble pillars of the gate, two large dark gold characters appear very magnificent and noble.


Summer House!


Seeing the arrival of Xia Yu and others, two security personnel walked out of the security room behind the door and slowly opened the door.


Xia Yu nodded in satisfaction, looked at the siblings of the parents who were already dumbfounded, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and asked, "How do you feel?"


"Brother, this is our home?"


Xia Xiaomei blinked her big eyes and asked incredulously, her eyes filled with hope and longing.


"A Yu, is this really our home?"


When he heard his daughter's words, Father Xia took the lead to recover, swallowing, and staring at his elder son Xia Yu, and asked dryly.


"Didn't that write about Xiafu? This is our home!"


Xia Yu smiled and nodded, pointing to the two dark gold characters "Xia Mansion" on the pillar and said.


"Wow, elder brother, you are amazing, stay home!"


Xia Xiaomei jumped up cheering, her small face full of excitement and excitement.


And the older brother Xia Ming flushed with excitement.


As for the youngest Yanhong, even if this is not his home, he is still happy, after all, he will live here in the future.


"Let's go, the door is open, let's drive the car into the garage first, and then take everyone around."


After speaking, Xia Yu let his parents and others get in the car, and then the car drove into the garage according to Xia Yu's instructions.


On the way to the garage, Xia's father and a few little guys had already rolled down the car windows and looked at the roadside scenery everywhere, full of curiosity about everything.


I went to the garage and parked the car. A group of people first entered the residential area, and naturally they were calmed by the luxurious decoration and huge area inside, followed by a burst of exclamation and laughter.


After arranging the room for everyone, seeing a few little guys eager to see the scenery outside, Xia Yu took his family and started walking around. It was Xia Yu who said that they were only responsible for surprise and cheers.


Stopping and checking along the way, it took ten minutes for the mansion covering an area of ​​more than 8,000 square meters to visit before returning to the residential area.


The next step was to gather all the servants and security personnel, let everyone get to know each other, and then asked the nanny to cook lunch.

After eating lunch, everyone went back and brought all the things they needed.


After setting up his family, Xia Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the sofa to relax for a while, suddenly thinking of something, got the key, and went to the study.


Xia Yu came to the two rows of bookcases, twisted a place on the right bookcase, then pulled the bookcase, and the bookcase with the slide rails immediately separated to the two sides, revealing a door with the same color as the wall.


Once Xia Yu found the position, the metal piece was unscrewed, revealing a keyhole, Xia Yu inserted the key to open the door, and a downward staircase appeared.


Turning on the light, Xia Yu walked down the stairs and soon reached the basement.


The basement was also divided into five compartments, which added up to a total of about 280 square meters. Unfortunately, the basement room was empty and there was nothing.


Standing in a room, looking at the clean walls and the empty surroundings, Xia Yu sighed and shook his head and exclaimed: "It looks like I have to take something to fill. In such a large basement, there is nothing, nothing. Look like."


"In the future, this will be the treasure house of my Xia family. How can a wealthy family have no background? At that time, find a way to fill this place with antiques. It happens that this era is also the best time to collect antiques."


"If the acquisition of antiques fills this place, it will be worth tens of billions of dollars after a few decades, hehe!"


After staying in the basement for a while, Xia Yu returned to the study, restored everything to its original condition, and returned to the living room.


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