Published at 26th of October 2021 08:59:54 AM

Chapter 69: 69

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"Well, you guys go to work first. I have something to go out for a while, and I will be fine after today." Xia Yu said to the staff present. He didn't explain too much. After sending them away, he went out to the Kowloon Stock Exchange.

After parking, Xia Yu took a copy of "Oriental Daily" and saw the first page above attacking "Jiuding Daily" and his news, Xia Yu sneered: "That's the way it is! Then look at how I break the game!"

Then Xia Yu directly threw the "Oriental Daily" into the trash can and walked into the Kowloon Stock Exchange with his head high.

Coming to the seat of HSBC Securities, Xia Yu saw Liu Tianci at a glance and walked over: "Liu Sheng, I'm here, what's the situation?"

Liu Tianci did not waste time and went straight to the subject: "Xia Sheng, Dafa Real Estate's decline today is even more violent. The stock price has fallen below 20 million Hong Kong dollars, and it is still falling. Tianwu Securities did not buy any movement. I think there is still room for decline."

"Oh? Tianwu Securities is too greedy, and you will accept it before you see a good deal. This is because no one will fight him?" Xia Yu sneered.

"The current situation of public opinion is too serious. I have to say that they have done a good job of creating an atmosphere. According to the current situation, it is estimated that no institution dares to enter the market and do a lot of real estate development. It is just that Tianwu Securities will definitely not expect us to come in." Liu Tianci The interface said, and Xia Yu couldn't help but smile after looking at each other.

"Xia Sheng, since you are the mainstay, I don't know what price do you think is appropriate to enter the market?" Liu Tianci asked, looking at the stock price still falling.

He also wanted to see how Xia Yu would analyze, and wondered if his analysis would be the same as Xia Yu.

The timing of entering the market is very particular. If it is too fast, profits will decrease. If it is too slow, there will be fewer shares to be raised, and profits will also be lower. Therefore, this degree must be grasped well, and the stock price must be exhausted. It may fall even lower, and it is necessary to make sure to grab shares ahead of others. Anyone who can accurately grasp this degree is a master.

"Quickly, wait a minute. According to the current trend, it is most suitable to enter the market if it falls to about 15 million." Xia Yu looked at the real-time registration of Liu Tianci's appointment, and then looked at the decline in the share price of Dafa Real Estate. Shi, said after a little thought.

The lower the stock price is suppressed, the lower the risk and the higher the profit for Xia Yu. After all, the lower the stock price, the smaller the room for downward decline, and the greater the room for upward rise. Xia Yu is more favorable.

"In that line, the account has been arranged enough and the manpower is ready. It's all about Xia Sheng's show." Liu Tianci smiled lightly.

"It's our good show." Xia Yu smiled and corrected.

"Haha!" Liu Tianci laughed.


On the other hand, Ma Chengkun was still in Wu Chengtai’s command room, watching the depressed stock price of Dafa Real Estate, then looking at the floating profits on the account, and thinking of the panic situation in the "Jiuding Daily", Ma Chengkun was overstocked. The gloom of a few days was wiped out, not to mention it was refreshing, and the mood was extremely good.

"Wu Sheng, when are you going to buy the bottom?" Ma Chengkun asked.

"Wait, I got the news that Dafa Real Estate wanted to buy back shares and struggled once, but Li Zhaoxu couldn't do so. Except for him, other shareholders didn't want to buy back. If he dashed his hopes, he would be able to do it all at once. Swallowed Dafa Real Estate." Wu Chengtai sneered.

Yesterday afternoon, several shareholders of Dafa Real Estate contacted him, intending to sell his shares to him and leave. Wu Chengtai and those who came would not refuse to accept all as ammunition to suppress the stock price today, and they also told Wu Chengtai , Li Zhaoxu intends to rely on the repurchase of stocks to enhance investor confidence, and requires other shareholders to also raise funds to buy back.

However, it is estimated that Li Zhaoxu will be vomiting blood today, because besides him, almost all the other shareholders have sold their shares. They all know Wu Chengtai's determination to suppress the stock price of Dafa Real Estate, and also accept the purchase price given by Wu Chengtai. , Don't dare to be greedy, just sell out and exit

Now, Wu Chengtai is already calculating the shares in Li Zhaoxu's hands, because Dafa Real Estate was founded by Li Zhaoxu. Although he introduced shareholders in the middle of the process and allocated many shares and diluted many shares in order to be listed, Li Zhaoxu still has about 30% of the shares. , Wu Chengtai wants to swallow Dafa Real Estate wholly, he must take the shares in Li Zhaoxu's hand.

But if he wants to take the shares in Li Zhaoxu’s hands, Wu Chengtai must break Li Zhaoxu’s confidence. He also inquired clearly through his contacts. Li Zhaoxu’s funds are not much, only more than two million. Li Zhaoxu still wants to borrow from the bank, Wu Cheng Tai also mobilized contacts to say hello, which led to Li Zhaoxu not borrowing money.

So as long as Li Zhaoxu's funds of more than two million dared to enter the market to repurchase shares, Wu Chengtai would consume Li Zhaoxu's funds and make him desperate.

After Li Zhaoxu struggles, in the end Dafa Real Estate will only let Wu Chengtai knead, and finally eat it. At that time, it will be less difficult to acquire the shares in Li Zhaoxu's hands.

It can be said that Wu Chengtai has calculated every step and just waited for Li Zhaoxu to drill inside!

Just then a subordinate suddenly ran over and shouted: "Boss, Dafa Real Estate held a press conference and claimed that it had prepared tens of millions of funds to buy back stocks."

Wu Chengtai nodded, showing a playful smile: "Ten thousand yuan of funds? To deceive people who don't know, I will see how long your ‘ten million funds’ can support!"

"Always pay attention, as long as someone buys stocks, I will be forced to suppress the stock price and drain the other party's funds!" Wu Chengtai ordered.

"Good boss!" Replied solemnly under his hand, and then ran back again to deliver Wu Chengtai's order.


At the seat of HSBC Securities, Xia Yu is ready, and HSBC employees next to him, under Liu Tianci's arrangement, heed Xia Yu's instructions and helped Xia Yu complete the operation.

In another place of HSBC, Liu Tianci also has people ready to operate at any time, and scan the goods simultaneously with Xia Yu.

"Start buying!" Seeing that the time had come, Xia Yu gave an order to direct the operators to buy stocks.

Seeing Xia Yu's hands, Liu Tianci also started to sweep the goods.


At the seat of   Tianwu Securities, a staff member saw that someone started buying the shares of Dafa Real Estate. He immediately executed Wu Chengtai's order to continue to suppress the stock price, and then a dedicated person reported to Wu Chengtai.

"Boss, someone has already started to buy, and now they are continuing to suppress the stock price!" An employee trot over to report to Wu Chengtai.

Wu Chengtai nodded to indicate that he knew, then stood up and said to Ma Chengkun, "Ma Sheng, go, let's go over there and see."

"Haha!" Ma Chengkun laughed and stood up to see the actual operation.


Ps: Silver has been voted to lose contact in Dongguan~

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