Published at 26th of October 2021 12:43:05 PM

Chapter 728

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Gavin Peter nodded solemnly and said, "Chairman, I understand, I will do my best to complete the work!"

At this time, Gavin Peter was high-spirited. If six publishing houses and one publishing distributor can acquire them, Jiuding Book Publishing House will complete a qualitative leap.

Now Jiuding Book Publishing House is just the overlord of Hong Kong and Austria, and the top publishing group of Island Publishing House. Its overall strength is first-class in the entire East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Outside of Asia, that is, having a certain influence in the UK, it acquired the Guinness Book of World Records.

But as long as the strategic acquisition is completed, even if only half of it is completed, it will be enough to transform Jiuding Book Publishing Company.

"Well, come on, I believe you won't let me down!"

Xia Yu smiled and encouraged, and he had certain confidence in Gavin Peter.

According to the trajectory of the past life, the current future has served as the president of Penguin Publishing Group. He has been in charge for several decades, and the Penguin Publishing Group has made large acquisitions and built it into the world's largest publishing group. There is absolutely no doubt about his ability.

Now that he can give him full financial support, there is no reason that Gavin Peter would do worse.

"Chairman, then I'll go back and make a plan first."

Gavin Peter got up and said.

Xia Yu also got up and said, "Well, I will say hello to Liu Tianci, and then you can just contact him directly."


After sending Gavin Peter out of the office door, Xia Yu checked the time and found that it was half past eleven, so he went straight home.

Back at the residence, the nanny was already cooking lunch, and Xia Yu found that Li Qian was not in the living room.

But her shoes had been placed at the door, and she had obviously returned.

"Sir and Madam are in the room."

The nanny who brought the food reminded in a low voice.

"Well, I got it!"

After speaking, Xia Yu went straight upstairs and saw Li Qian in the bedroom.

It's just that Li Qian was sitting at the desk looking at the file intently, and didn't notice Xia Yu appearing at the door.

Xia Yu was a little curious, knocked on the door of the room, and awakened Li Qian.

Seeing Xia Yu, Li Qian stood up from the table with a smile, and rushed towards Xia Yu: "A Yu, you are back, I'm sorry, I didn't notice."

"It doesn't matter, what are you looking at, so serious!"

"The fund has collected some information. Sister Ling would let people do charity projects, but I wanted to participate personally, so I took some of the information home. Just now I was thinking about how to help the poor children."

Li Qian pursed her lips and said truthfully.

Xia Yu stroked Li Qian's face for a while, looking at the firmness in her eyes, he smiled: "Well, you have to participate in it to understand, come on!"

Xia Yu scratched Li Qian's nose and said affectionately: "But before you work, you have to eat yourself, let's go, go down and eat first, and then cook after eating."

Li Qian tapped her head lightly, and responded deftly: "Yeah!"

After that, the two went downstairs arm in arm. After lunch, Xia Yu also designed a charity plan with Li Qian, and did not rest until half past one.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Yu arrived at Jiuding Securities Company and found Wang Qi in the office.

"Wang Qi, how is the situation of Huaguang Shipping and Huaguang Real Estate?"

As soon as he entered the office, Xia Yu sat down on the sofa and asked straight into the subject.

Wang Qi immediately got up from the desk and found a blue file box from the cabinet behind.

After Xia Yu opened the box, Wang Qi began to report the results like a few treasures.

"Chairman, the stocks of these two companies have been hunted down, and the stock prices have now rebounded slightly."

"Among them, Huaguang Shipping started to buy the bottom when it fell to about 620 million and acquired 22% of the equity at a total cost of 139 million Hong Kong dollars."

"Huaguang Real Estate's share price fell to 510 million Hong Kong dollars at its lowest point. The stock price began to rise after the hands-on dips. A total of 27.6% of the shares were acquired at a cost of 143 million Hong Kong dollars."

"Now the market value of Huaguang Shipping has risen back to 680 million Hong Kong dollars, and the market value of Huaguang Real Estate has risen back to 570 million Hong Kong dollars."

"In addition, short-selling Huaguang Shipping made a profit of 115.60 million Hong Kong dollars, and short-selling Huaguang Real Estate made a profit of 65.6 million Hong Kong dollars, with a total profit of 181.2 million Hong Kong dollars!"

Seeing this detailed result, Xia Yu smiled satisfied and praised: "Not bad!"

"Thanks for the praise, Chairman!"

Before the unprecedented market value, the market value of Huaguang Shipping was 1.28 billion Hong Kong dollars and the market value of Huaguang Real Estate was 920 million Hong Kong dollars.

But later, the two companies were suppressed by short selling to 620 million and 510 million. Huaguang Shipping fell by more than 50%, and Huaguang Real Estate fell by more than 40%.

However, the two companies lost a combined market value of 1.9 billion Hong Kong dollars, and Xia Yu made more than 180 million Hong Kong dollars from it, which is not too small.

Now the acquisition of so many shares in the two companies has cost a total of 282 million Hong Kong dollars.

After the market value recovers later, even if the market value no longer breaks through, cashing out these holdings can make a profit of more than 260 million Hong Kong dollars.

Coupled with short-selling profits, net profit of more than 400 million yuan ~ ~ is definitely a big profit.

So Xia Yu suddenly had the idea of ​​starting a few more companies.

Fortunately, he was only thinking for a moment, not so stupid as to provoke anger and resentment. The Zhao family was in his hands this time. He took care of the Zhao family's righteousness and sat upright, and no one could blame it.

But if he doesn't know how to constrain and robs other big families for no reason, it will seriously disrupt the financial order, not only will offend the Hong Kong government, but will also make all the big families fight against him.

After the incident subsides, you don't have to worry about acquiring the company normally.

Xia Yu put the stock certificate and contract and other materials back into the blue file box and handed them back to Wang Qi, and exhorted: "Huaguang Shipping's future is bleak, and all of it will be cashed out when the stock price goes up."

"On the contrary, Huaguang Real Estate can continue to hold it. When the time is right, I will let you cash out and then cash out."

In the past few years, the real estate industry has experienced an astonishing growth. The stock price of Huaguang Real Estate Company definitely still has a lot of room to rise. It is the best time to cash out before the 1983 stock market crash, and continue to buy bottoms after cash out.

Then after the stock market crash in 1983, the HSI was around 600 points, and before the global stock market crash in 1987, it would rise to about 4,000 points, which is nearly six times the room for gains. At that time, it will be the most The best choice.


After Wang Qi responded, he locked the file box back into the safe.

Then he sat down again and reported something to Xia Yu: "Chairman, there is something to report to you, which is about Wing Lung Bank."

"Wing Lung Bank plans to go public, and now Standard Chartered Bank is the main push behind the scenes. In order to raise the stock price, the senior management of Wing Lung Bank contacted me and planned to make our company one of the underwriters."

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