Published at 26th of October 2021 02:50:19 PM

Chapter 823

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The Kadoorie family has jumped out and proactively issued a takeover offer to Swire Group, and Xia Yu also realized that he could not wait.

He first counted the number of shares he already had.

Standard Chartered Bank originally held 23.4% of the equity, and then used bank resources to acquire a cumulative 5.2% of the equity from a few minority shareholders, so it held 28.6%. Of course, because of the signing of a confidentiality agreement and a ten-day buffer period, the equity of Standard Chartered Bank has not changed.

As for Jiuding Bank, it has already won the five minority shareholders, and its shareholding ratio has reached 8.8%.

In the end, Jiuding Securities Co., Ltd. not only targeted some minority shareholders to purchase stocks, but also absorbed them from the secondary market. Of course, they also bought some shares of China Light & Power Corporation when investing.

Therefore, when Xia Yu asked about the situation, Jiuding Securities' shareholding ratio had reached 8.1%.

According to statistics, the current Xia Yu party has reached 45.5%, exceeding the 11.5% ratio of the Kadoorie family, the largest shareholder of the company.

Such a high shareholding ratio, completed in such a short period of time, is inseparable from the resources of the Jiuding Consortium.

The stronger the strength, the easier it is to do things that seemed rare before.

Such a high shareholding is only 4.5% short of more than 50%. If this is not taken down, Xia Yu's stock **** name can be thrown directly into the pit!

Therefore, Xia Yu gave an order and directly ordered Jiuding Securities Co., Ltd. to switch from the dark to the open, and start to do it openly.

Jiuding Securities Co., Ltd. directly increased the quotation of 0.2 Hong Kong dollars and placed a 1,000-lot buy order, and at the same time issued quotations to several more determined minority shareholders.

In addition, Jiuding Securities also initiated a takeover offer to Swire Group and intervened in the acquisition.

Seeing this situation, Norman Shiyahuai, who had arrived in the UK, was heartbroken after hearing his son's report.

Fortunately, he thought of Charles Rohill's promise, and the future of Swire Group in the oil field appeared in his mind, and he was in a good mood.

As for the acquisition invitation of the Kadoorie family and Jiuding Securities Company, Norman Shi Yahuai told his son, but he refused directly without discussing it.

The equity is gone, what's more to talk about!

Of course Norman Shi Yahuai also told his son not to leak out the stock rights of China Power Company, so as not to undermine Charles Rohill's calculations. It would be bad if the Rohill family was offended. After all, Shi Yahuai's family strength is far less than Luo. The Hill family is even more demanding at this time.



"Damn Norman Shiyahuai, he is a traitor!"

In Kowloon, the Kadoorie family smashed in, another call showed that the unanswered Roland Kadoorie broke out in anger. He directly smashed the microphone on the marble table, the microphone directly broke, and he cursed angrily.

Seeing his father's trembling all over, Michael Kadoorie was very angry, but he was even more worried about his father's body. He quickly suppressed his anger and comforted his father: "Father, you have to pay attention to your body. This is already the case, and you are very angry about it. The body is not worth it."

But how can Rolandz Kadoorie calm down? He thought of being at Norman Shiyahuai's house a few days ago, and the latter promised him that he would stick to the alliance.

But only a few days later, Norman Shi Yahuai concealed from him, and directly treached his faith, but he was miserable!

Now the phone can't get through, and the takeover invitation is directly rejected. Norman Shi Yahuai's attitude is already a lice on the monk's head-it is obvious.

The only good point is that at present, it seems that Swire Group’s 11% equity interest in China Power Company is not in the hands of the Jiuding Consortium. This is a blessing in misfortune.


The more I thought about it, the more angry Roland Kadoorie became. Although he was panting, he still felt hypoxia, and his eyes turned dark.

People in their early eighties are in poor health and really can't stand stimulation.

Seeing the old father shaking a little, Michael Kadoorie, who was in his prime, was frightened and asked with concern: "Father, you should lean on the sofa first. I'll call the family doctor."

"No, I just need to calm down!"

Roland Kadoorie stopped his son's actions and leaned on the leather sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

Michael Kadoorie looked worriedly and waited quietly.

After a long time, Roland S. Kadoorie finally recovered his calm. He slowly opened his eyes, showing a trace of fatigue on his face, and said to Michael Kadoorie: "This time our family can be said to have encountered the biggest one since World War II. Trouble, a bad one will lose a core industry again."

As for the trouble during World War II, it was that the devils hit the eve of the Xiangjiang River. The British government ordered Roland Kadoorie’s father, Ellie Kadoorie, to blow up the power plant on the Kowloon Peninsula. The Kadoorie family’s inland properties were also confiscated by the devils. In addition, the Kadoorie family was caught in the camp of the devil, and Eli Kadoorie died in the camp.

After the end of World War II, Roland Kadoorie was determined to restore the family business. Although he encountered many setbacks over the past few decades, it was never as dangerous as it is now, and it was so dangerous that he didn't have a bottom line in his heart.

"Father, our family still holds 34% of China Power Corporation's equity. As long as we are willing to spend money, we can definitely keep it!"

Michael Kadoorie said firmly to Rolandz Kadoorie.

Roland Kadoorie sighed with a wry smile: "But the key is that the time is too short, and the funds raised now are not enough!"

"Father, don’t you let Baoyuan Investment Company acquire first? We can also borrow from HSBC or Schroder first to see if we can acquire the shares held by Standard Chartered Bank, as long as we acquire the shares held by Standard Chartered Bank. Equity, then no matter how the Jiuding Consortium competes, it is doomed to fail!"

"If the equity of Standard Chartered Bank is bought by the Jiuding Consortium, then we are really in trouble!"

"Of course, we can't ignore those small shareholders. Although the acquisition will be more troublesome, as long as we get half of it, we can increase our family's equity to more than 50%, which is also a way."

Michael Kadao thought about it and suggested.

Roland Kadoorie shook his head and said: "I found Gals Liddell. He did not agree or object. He will definitely plan to sit on the ground and raise the price. Now with such a good opportunity, he will not easily sell the shares to us. The key is Sufficient funds are still needed!"

"It is simply not feasible to expect to borrow from Standard Chartered Bank to acquire the stocks held by Standard Chartered Bank. As for HSBC, given our current disadvantage, Shen Bi may not be able to help us much."

"Those small shareholders, I also called one by one, but the situation was very bad, and they all found reasons to shirk. I don't know if their equity was sold or if they plan to raise the price."

"To sum up, the key is to have enough funds!"

"Then you can only find Schroder Group!" Michael Kadoorie said immediately.


Seeing that Michael Kadoorie said a word and stopped saying it, Rolandz Kadoorie frowned and asked, "Or what?"

Michael Kadoorie struggled for a moment, and said: "Or we will sell the shares of Xiangjiang Shanghu Hotel Group to cash out a sum of money to increase the shareholding of China Power Corporation."

After that, Michael Kadoorie looked at his father nervously.

This is the result of his thinking for a day. After all, he is still young, and his affection for the Hong Kong Shanghai Hotel is not as deep as his father's, so he will not be affected by emotional factors when considering the pros and cons.

There was an obvious anger on Roland's Kadoorie's face, but he immediately recovered his calm and fell into thinking.

For a long time, he sighed and said: "You are right, anyway, the Hong Kong Shanghai Shanghai Hotel Group is doomed to lose. Rather than losing both of them, we should not cut off a bit and try our best to save China Power Corporation."

"This matter will be left to you. The news is released to the outside world that the equity of Xiangjiang Shanghai Hotel Group will be transferred. The Jiuding Consortium will definitely come. The difference is that they will show up on their own or entrust others to purchase. Under the premise of raising the price, sell it soon!"

The battle for Xiangjiang Shanghu Hotel Group has been divided. Although the equity held by the Kadoorie family is valuable, it is also very limited. Therefore, it is impossible to sell at too high a price. This is why Rolandz · Kadoorie is also clear.

"I will contact the Schroder Group and ask Baoyuan Investment Company to buy the stock."

"Good father, don't worry, I will not let you down!"


Soon, the Kadoorie family released the news, and the news reached Xia Yu.

Xia Yu did not hesitate, and immediately asked Jason Gregg, the general manager of Jiuding Insurance Company, to come forward to discuss the purchase of equity.

On the other hand, Jiuding Securities Company continues to acquire stocks and competes with the Kadoorie family.

The two sides are discussing cooperation while fighting fiercely. This strange situation is really eye-opening, and it is also impressed by the courage of the Kadoorie family heroes to disconnect.

Of course, this also revealed some information, that is, the Kadoorie family is in a weak position and is shrinking its strength in an attempt to protect itself.

This has strengthened the confidence of investors who still hold shares of China Power Corporation.

According to logical analysis, when the strength of the Kadoorie family shrinks, it is time for it to fight for life. At that time, the stock price of China Power Company will definitely skyrocket due to competition.

Naturally, Xia Yu could see this clearly.

I feel that if this goes on, it will fall into extremely vicious will greatly increase the cost of acquisition, which is not a cost-effective thing.

Xia Yu immediately decided to launch the general offensive ahead of schedule.

Soon, Xia Yu’s orders were issued, and Jiuding Securities Co., Ltd. and Jiuding Bank each found a minority shareholder. The opening was a high price of 30%. At the same time, they offered a big stick and planned to use a little coercion. Means.

On the other hand, Xia Yu went to Rohill and his son Xiangjiang Co., Ltd., found Charles Rohill, and commissioned him to acquire the shares of China Light & Power Company held by Swire Group.

Finally, it was for Standard Chartered Bank President Gals Liddell to secretly contact the Schroder family in the UK to see if they could reach an agreement to remove Roland’s Kadoorie, who holds 20% of the shares, from the position of chairman of Baoyuan Investment Company. After kicking off, Hu stopped the stocks currently acquired by Baoyuan Investment Company.

Two days passed in a flash, and the equity transaction of the Hong Kong Shanghai Hotel Group was about to be resolved, but the atmosphere over Hong Kong Island became more tense. Many people understand that the most intense moment is coming.

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