Published at 29th of April 2024 09:11:45 AM

Chapter 138: Chapter 138: Chapter 138: Youngest Deserves It

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Chapter 138: Chapter 138: Youngest Deserves It

Udted by BXNVEL.CM

Translator: 549690339

Boss Yu didnt park the car in the parking lot because he bought too many things, and he didnt have the strength to carry them all, so he had to drive around to conserve energy.

However, what was the deal with Yu Lao coming to join in uninvited?

As the older brothers and sister-in-laws car drove away, Xiao Qian turned around and looked at him with a sinister smile.

Yu Minglang, youre becoming more and more shameless.

Thank you for the compliment.

Yu Minglang generously admitted it.

He had found such a good girlfriend, how could he not show her off to the uncles, aunts, and aunties in the yard? It would be too suffocating if he didnt.

His girlfriend was beautiful and intelligent, worthy of being shown off. He wished that everyone would know about her with a beating of gongs and drums.

Moreover, they had spent hundreds on matching outfits, so they had to show them off to other people, or else they would feel sorry for their poor wallets

Xiao Qian saw that he was shameless and wanted to pinch him again when Yu Minglang quickly spoke up.

Uncle Zheng, what brings you here?

Xiao Qian smiled automatically and quickly withdrew her hand that was ready to pinch him.

She felt that this man called Uncle Zheng looked familiar, like she had seen him somewhere before

I came to do some errands and catch up with old friends for a drink. Uncle Zheng smiled as he looked at Yu Minglang and the little girl holding his hand.

Come to my house! My old man has a bottle of Moutai hidden away. Lets dig it out and have a drink. Yu Minglang said enthusiastically.

Uncle Zheng was not from this city, so it wasnt easy to meet him.

Not today, maybe another time. I see you have plans today as well. Uncle Zheng gestured towards Xiao Qian, and Yu Minglang laughed heartily.

You guessed it! This is my girlfriend Chen Xiaoqian. Xiao Qian, this is Uncle Zheng.

Hello, Uncle Zheng. Why did he look so familiar? Especially his eyes

You have a girlfriend now, time flies. Uncle Zheng nodded.

Yu Minglangs hand moved from Xiao Qians hand to her waist, and he grinned as he said.

Indeed, time flies. You never know when fate will strike.

Haha, you naughty kid, youve been a sly one since childhood. My second child is even older than you, and I still dont know when Ill get to hold a grandchild. The Yu family is so fortunate.

Uncle Zheng thought about the fact that although their family conditions were more or less the same, the members of the Yu family, even the youngest son, had girlfriends. He felt a wave of sorrow when he thought of his own two rascals.

At this age, they had everything they should have. The things they had fought so much for in their youth seemed so meaningless now. It would be better to be like Old Yu, having a grandson to hold as soon as he got home.

It must be soon. I heard that my Second Brother has had many girlfriends. There must be one suitable for him.

Xiao Qian glanced suspiciously at Yu Minglang, curious about who this Second Brother was. She wondered how large a grudge Yu Minglang must bear against him to mention his many girlfriends in front of their father.

As expected, Uncle Zhengs face darkened.

That kid, if he were only half as steady as you guys, I wouldnt have to worry so muchforget about him, how have you been lately

Yu Minglang made small talk with Uncle Zheng for a while before taking Xiao Qian away.

Once they were far enough away, he said to Xiao Qian.

Thats Zheng Xus father.

Xiao Qian finally realized why Uncle Zheng looked so familiar his eyes were so much like Zheng Xus!

No wonder Yu Minglang was purposely showing off just now!

Yu Minglang dodged Xiao Qians pinching hand and said solemnly.

You see, Im so good, deliberately delaying so you can take a closer look at Zheng Xus father. Do you think Zheng Xus psychological issue is related to his dad?

Xiao Qian pondered for a moment and shook her head.

I dont think so. I feel that Uncle Zheng is a very normal person. Although he seems a bit serious, he shouldnt have a negative impact on his child.

In just a few minutes, it was clear that Zheng Xus father was not the type to be indifferent to his children. Although he was an important figure, the mention of his children brought a softness to his eyes. Despite his complaints, it was apparent that he was satisfied with his son.

If its not due to the family, he must have been up to some mischief in his day-to-day life. Yu Minglang nodded sagely.

Xiao Qian narrowed her eyes and stretched out her hand to pinch him hard. Dont think that by changing the subject, Ill forget how shameless you were!

Having a girlfriend with a good memory was not always a good thing. Yu Minglang felt that his waist might be bruised tomorrow.

However, upon second thought, his situation was better than his fathers. His dad was always having his ear twisted while he only got pinched on the waist where others couldnt see

Xiao Qian had wondered what Yu Minglangs home would be like, whether it would be antique or solemn and serious. But when she arrived at his home with him, she found it to be an ordinary home with nothing special about it.

Even the furniture in their home was from the 1980s, old furniture, with landscape paintings on them. The scratches on the furniture could still be seen, but it was cleaned thoroughly and there were no unnecessary decorations. The house was spotless. However, several valuable items were casually placed around without drawing attention or showing off, exuding an aura of depth.

Yu Minglangs mother was a very serious-looking woman who seemed younger than her actual age. Yu Mingxi took after her mother in appearance. Yu Minglangs father and Second Brother Yu Mingyi looked alike, both with very serious faces and deep wrinkles, not smiling at all.

When Yu Minglang brought Xiao Qian into the house, Eldest Sister-in-law and Mother Yu were waiting at the door. Mother Yu took one look and liked her, the girl was good-looking, and most importantly, her temperament was just right

Pleasing to the eye.

Having reached their social position, they had seen all sorts of people and their friends children. For a girl of her age to show such composure and grace, with her actions appropriate and not afraid of being the center of attention, and her attire neither too casual nor too showy, she was clearly a person with a sense of propriety.

Mother Yu couldnt help but compare her to the girl who had come to Second Brother Yus home wearing such an outfit She forcibly shut down her imagination and decided not to think about it anymore, lest she get upset.

She quickly took another look at Xiao Qian to put out her inner fire. The more she looked, the happier she became.

Xiao Qian hadnt expected to receive such a warm welcome. Eldest Sister-in-law personally handed her a pair of slippers while Mother Yu grabbed her hand and refused to let go.

Yu Minglang knew in his heart that there was no harm without comparison. Compared to Second Sister-in-law, the girl he brought home was simply too good.

Father Yu sat on the sofa, sitting up straight while stealing glances at Xiao Qian with the corner of his eye. He had thought that a girl who would come home with the youngest Yu in the middle of the night would be a seductive woman. Instead, he saw a clean and capable young girl with good temperament.

He was slightly relieved but couldnt show it, so Father Yu sat up even straighter.

This old man pretending to be dignified is my dadDad, why would you dress like this? Are you trying to scare people? Yu Minglang saw his father wearing formal clothes, his face pitch black. Was he trying to intimidate his girl?

Father Yu couldnt save face after being exposed and got up to kick Yu Minglang.

Everyone, except for Xiao Qian, laughed.. Yu Lao deserves it!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!