Published at 29th of April 2024 09:11:44 AM

Chapter 140: Chapter 140: Chapter 140: Various Ways of Flattery (Monthly Ticket 1050+Updated)

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Chapter 140: Chapter 140: Various Ways of Flattery (Monthly Ticket 1050+Updated)

Udted by BXNVEL.CM

Translator: 549690339

I personally have great respect for people with ideals and passion, but I also want to invest more time and energy in my family.

What Xiao Qian meant was, if everyone is busy being passionate, who would make money and get rich?

But the Yu family interpreted it as, if everyone is busy working, who would take care of the children and do the chores?

Well, that works too.

If the Psychological Intervention Group needs my help in the future, I can be their free external support.

Xiao Qian meant it seriously, but Father Yu took it as youthful impulsiveness.

We have a wealth of talented people, and we dont need a little girl like you as our external support.

In his heart, he had already acknowledged Xiao Qian.

Shes indeed a good and different child, suitable for their youngest.

Xiao Qian smiled and kept silent on the issue. Time would prove her point, and she didnt need to argue. Sooner or later, they would need her help.

Dad, just ask a few questions for formalitys sake. Dont make it an interrogation for my Xiao Qian, can we eat now? Yu Minglang felt sorry for Xiao Qian, as the old man made it hard for his beloved, and he couldnt bear it.

Yu Minglang, Ill say it again, do not express your opinions and keep silent! After showing off against his son, Father Yu immediately felt his wifes icy glare.

He knew better than to antagonize their family matriarch for too long. Time was running out for his questioning, so he asked the final question.

Tell us your opinion on our youngest son.

Direct questions from a straight man.

If it were a younger girl, she might have been too shy to answer.

Xiao Qian picked up the teapot on the table, filled Father Yus empty teacup, and filled the eldest sister-in-laws empty cup. She naturally made the gesture, not affected at all.

Ming Lang

The named Yu Minglang instantly straightened up, swallowing nervously. He had never heard her opinion of him before, and felt as tense as a student being visited by the homeroom teacher at home.

Xiao Qian glanced at him before answering seriously.

He is a very outstanding man, with a strong sense of responsibility. Reliable when faced with difficulties, I admire the true masculinity in him. This is thanks to Uncle and Aunts upbringing. Ming Langs gains in this family are not material or power but the spiritual inheritance from generation to generation. These pure values are rare nowadays, and I cherish and am fortunate to have met such a genuine man.

Even a fool would know to speak well in front of a girls parents, and Xiao Qians words were indeed sincere, but she still held back some thoughts.

In addition to his merits, he also had shortcomings: watching Dragon Ball, horror movies, adult European and American films, being occasionally shameless, constantly dropping morals, creatively being jealous, occasionally acting foolishly, having an eccentric mind. Oh, and his intimate dominance in bed, that one needed emphasis.

While Xiao Qians complaints were just in her mind, her spoken words deeply touched Father Yu, especially the last sentence about the spiritual inheritance of the family, which made him immensely satisfied.

Haha, good, you little girl, you really know how to speak.

Thats all from my heart, I hope I didnt overstep.

Seeing Father Yus expression, Xiao Qian knew she had won him over.

She glanced at Yu Minglang, seeking praise in his eyes, but found his gaze burning with passion. It made her blush.

She just wanted to flatter the old man and inadvertently also pleased the young one.

Let Aunt hurry up with the dishes. The braised pork can be cooked now. Ming Li, go get my treasured wine. Were happy today, wouldnt it be fine to drink a little, my dear wife? Father Yu was satisfied with Xiao Qian and tried to gain some benefits for himself.

You can only drink a little, and its all thanks to Xiao Qian. Ming Lang, take Xiao Qian to your room and have a look. Ill call you when dinners ready. Mother Yu was also very satisfied.

Yu Minglang took Xiao Qian to his room. The Yu family had a total of five rooms: one for the parents, one for the sister, one for the eldest brother and second brother (a bunk bed), one for Yu Minglang, and one study room.

No wonder Yu Minglang said that the girls in his family had status it was evident from the distribution of the rooms.

Yu Mingxis room not only faced the sun, but it was also large, even larger than her older brothers room.

Although Yu Minglang also had a single room, it was tiny, not even half the size of his sisters. It seemed hastily partitioned from his brothers room. Xiao Qian tapped on his wall and, sure enough, it was made of flimsy partition boards.

After placing a single bed and a desk inside, there was just enough space for a small wardrobe and one person to walk through.

It was hard to imagine that he grew up in such an environment.

Others only saw his family background, imagining him growing up pampered. But upon entering the family, Xiao Qian saw the truth. Her poor Yu Minglang had no status at home. Father Yus temperament made it clear that he wouldnt bend the rules to help his son in his career. He was an experienced disciplinarian, evident from Yu Minglangs upbringing.

Having grown up in such a family and having experienced hardships in his career without his fathers help, Xiao Qian couldnt decide whether to be relieved that Yu Minglang hadnt become a spoiled second-generation rich or to feel sorry for the difficulties he had faced along the way.

However, the family was filled with warmth. Xiao Qian noticed that Yu Minglangs wardrobe contained various certificates and trophies from his childhood honors he had received. They had been well taken care of clean and dust-free.

Father Yu focused more on his childrens spiritual growth. Xiao Qians recent speech had struck a chord in the hearts of the Yu family.

The wives of Second Brother Yu had taken completely different paths when they joined the family. When Second Brother Yu brought Wang Xiaohong home, she was astonished by the size of the family home and could hardly hide her surprise. She answered questions immodestly and, after becoming familiar with the family, tried various ways to question them about their wealth, even crying poor to get things.

The real well-off families were not as complicated as outsiders imagined. They had a pure spiritual world with an emphasis on the honor of their heritage. Wang Xiaohong was like a misfit among the Yu family, making everyone uncomfortable.

Qian Bao, you did great just now. Yu Minglang hugged Xiao Qians waist and didnt let go. His girl had just made a great impression on his family.

Even when his older brother had brought his wife home, the old man hadnt been this satisfied.

Xiao Qian faced his wardrobe and felt the mans arms around her waist, sighing.

Whats the matter? Yu Minglang asked.

Nothing, just looking at these trophies and thinking She put her hand on his face and whispered softly, Youve been through a lot..

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