Published at 29th of April 2024 09:11:43 AM

Chapter 141: Chapter 141: Chapter 141: Receiving Gifts (Thanks to Kateliu and Shibei+Update)

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Chapter 141: Chapter 141: Receiving Gifts (Thanks to Kateliu and Shibei+Update)

Udted by BXNVEL.CM

Translator: 549690339

Xiao Qian opened the cabinet, took out a medal, and gently stroked it in her hand.

What could be seen was a cabinet full of honors; what couldnt be seen was a little boys stubborn growth, his unceasing struggle, all to prove himself.

Looking at Xiao Qians rare tender eyes, Yu Minglang couldnt take it anymore.

Xiao Qian was puzzled as she watched him walk to the window, swiftly pull the curtains closed, lock the door, turn on the light, and perform all these actions in one go. What was he up to?

I wanted to do this just now. He walked back, hugged Xiao Qian, only in this way could he express how happy he was at this moment.

Xiao Qian was dazed, not even realizing when she was embraced by him.

Fortunately, Yu Minglang wasnt completely clouded by hormones and let go in time.

Xiao Qian turned her back to him, straightening the clothes that had been wrinkled by him. The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

So, why did Uncle just say to let Aunt make the braised pork? She casually brought up a topic, as their relationship had been progressing a bit quickly lately.

Thats his favorite dish. He always thinks braised pork is the best thing in the world, then he naively measures us with his own standards. If he likes someone, hell let Aunt make braised pork. If he doesnt like someone, he wont let her make it. Its like everyone is dying to eat it. Later, when its served, you should save face and eat a couple of pieces. If you dont eat a single bite, hell get upset.


Xiao Qian laughed.

What are you laughing at?

1 think you and Uncle, are a little alike.

Yu Minglang proudly raised his head, Of course, both of us are from upright and unyielding backgrounds, absolutely good men.

Xiao Qian thought to herself that what she meant was they both had a somewhat naive and domineering quality, Yu Minglang and his father were cut from the same cloth.

However, she wouldnt say such words that would offend others. Just let him be proud for a while.

The dinner went quite happily, during which Mother Yu constantly added food to Xiao Qians plate it was clear that she truly liked Xiao Qian. Father Yu and Big Brother Yu drank a little wine, while Ming Lang didnt touch a single drop. Even when resting, he had to be on standby, so he couldnt risk getting involved with alcohol.

Father Yu didnt intentionally strike up a conversation with Xiao Qian. He just asked her to eat more when he was drinking with his son. Seeing Xiao Qian eating braised pork made her even more pleasing to his eye.

This could be considered an acknowledgement of Xiao Qian.

After dinner, Xiao Qian was dragged into the Old Man and Old Ladys bedroom to chat with Mother Yu and Eldest Sister-in-law. Yu Minglang accompanied Father and Eldest Brother in the study for tea and talked about current affairs.

Without stepping in, standing outside the yard and looking in, it always seemed like a very complicated world. After coming in, one would realize that people here are no different from those outside. Mother Yu and Sister-in-law Yu were a bit gossipy, and Xiao Qian was candid; answering truthfully to their questions without arrogance or humility; they got along quite well.

After chatting for a while, Mother Yu stood up and took out a small prepared box from the drawer.

This is a gift for our first meeting. When you go back, please say hello to your mother for me. Whenever its convenient for your family, we will visit them in person.

Mother Yu opened the box, inside which was a gold bracelet.

Gold is not expensive these days, but its not much cheaper either. Seeing this, Xiao Qians scalp went numb. She had just started dating him and hadnt discussed their future yet. Giving such a big gift at first meeting, what was going on!

Aunt, this is too valuable. I am just a student and dont need it. You keep it for now, and I may have a chance to accept it later.

Theres no need to be polite. I prepared this a few years ago when it was cheap. My Eldest and Second Sister-in-law both have one. I always do things fairly, just take it; even if you cant wear it now, youll have a chance to in the future.

Thats right. Ive also received a bracelet from Mom. The Old Lady has a family fortune, so dont worry about making her go broke. Eldest Sister-in-law chimed in, laughing.

Really, its not necessary. I have a bracelet, Ming Lang gave it to me. Xiao Qian extended her hand to show the jade bracelet, but then felt her wrist being grabbed as an ice-cold object was slipped on.

Mother Yu was really candid.

After putting the bracelet on Xiao Qian, she didnt let go. Instead, she took the opportunity to take her pulse.

Xiao Qian, youre a bit kidney-yang deficient. Do you have any symptoms of irregular menstruation or menstrual pain?

Uh, occasionally. Aunt, arent you an orthopedic doctor?

I know a little about traditional Chinese medicine. Zhaozhao, youre a gynecology expert. Why dont you take a look? Mother Yu handed Xiao Qians hand to Eldest Sister-in-law.

Eldest Sister-in-law unceremoniously reached out to diagnose her pulse as well. She only gave Xiao Qian special treatment because she liked her. Even if Second Sister-in-law begged her, she wouldnt do so. For some reason, Second Sister-in-law seemed a little afraid of Eldest Sister-in-law and would hide when she was around.

Theres a slight deficiency. Let me give you a couple of soup recipes to nourish yourself. Xiao Qian, I didnt know you were coming, so I didnt prepare anything else. Please dont mind.

Eldest Sister-in-law lowered her head, took off the necklace around her neck, and showed it to Xiao Qian. Anyone else might not have recognized it, but Xiao Qian immediately did.

Cartier! There was even a small diamond on the pendant, making it look very delicate. No wonder Big Brother is considered a wealthy man of his time, knowing already to buy international top-brand items for his wife back then.

Eldest Sister-in-law, I cant accept this. Its too valuable.

This doesnt cost much. Its just 18k, not even pure gold. I put it on just this morning, and its a new purchase by your Eldest Brother. I think this style is a bit too youthful for me, and I dont wear it well. Itll be perfect for you. Wear it for fun.

Cartier isnt pure gold and doesnt cost much Eldest Sister-in-law, youre quite the joker.

Aunt, Eldest Sister-in-law, Im under a lot of pressure with all of this. Xiao Qian thought to herself that she had only bought a fruit basket while she was receiving a bracelet and Cartier from them. It seemed a bit too much. Moreover, Yu Minglangs family members were much more enthusiastic than she had expected.

It was due to the fact that Second Sister-in-law had caused so much trouble, which made Xiao Qian look even better and highly satisfactory in comparison.

Seeing the youngest find you makes us all happy. You two should get along, and come visit Uncle and Aunt from time to time. Our family is not very particular; dont feel too much pressure. Its a custom in Qiang City that you cant go empty-handed on your first visit.

The words of Mother Yu were quite appropriate, but Xiao Qian knew that it was only customary to give about 200 or 4.00 yuan on the first visit in this city. Mother Yu was giving face to Yu Minglang.

Trying to be modest at this point wouldnt give him face. Might as well accept it graciously.

However, wearing a jade bracelet and a gold bracelet together on her wrist looked rather silly, like a newly-rich coal miner wife. Xiao Qian took off the bracelet, and Mother Yu saw this and hurriedly asked.

Whats wrong, Xiao Qian? Do you not like the style?

Accidentally, she thought of Wang Xiaohong again, the woman Second Brother found, who gave Mother Yu a deep psychological shadow..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!