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Chapter 144: Chapter 144: Chapter 144: Hidden Meaning in the

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Chapter 144: Chapter 144: Hidden Meaning in the

Udted by BXNVEL.CM

Conversation (Birthday Update)

Translator: 549690339

Yu Minglang seemed to still not have had enough fun, Second Sister-in-law, I heard you also have

I have some things to deal with at home, so Panpan will stay here overnight. This kid always cries for his grandmother and doesnt follow me, so Ill go first!

She didnt even bother to take the cordyceps, fearing that Yu Minglang would think of something else of hers, and she rushed out, leaving her child behind.

Mother Yu and the others left, and pushed Yu Minglang, glaring at him fiercely.

Yu Minglang looked unconcerned, Xiao Qian is not an outsider, she will see it sooner or later, hiding it is useless.

Hearing this, Mother Yu wanted to kick him even more. This stinky kid, doesnt he know what face is?

As for Xiao Qian Mother Yu looked at Xiao Qian thoughtfully. Her performance just now really didnt look like that of a girl in her teens.

Eldest Sister-in-law and Eldest Brother exchanged glances. Eldest Sister-in-law looked at Xiao Qian puzzledly and then at Eldest Brother. Eldest Brother nodded, and Eldest Sister-in-law understood that Xiao Qian was doing it on purpose just now.

Xiao Qian picked up Panpan and held his little hand. Panpans hand had many burrs on it, and in the north, it is called knife-gun-bomb. The child seemed to have a habit of pulling out the knife-gun-bomb, leaving many small cuts on his fingers that looked painful.

Aunt, how old is this child now?

21 months.

Xiao Qian gently asked the child, Baby, where did mom go?

The child didnt answer her.

This child is a bit late in speaking. Mother Yu came over and looked at the grandson in Xiao Qians arms.

My two stinky sons were already running around the house at this age, talking non-stop every day, so annoying. Eldest Sister-in-law followed.

Eldest Sister-in-law had given birth to a pair of twin sons, who are now 7 years old. They were picked up by Grandma in the evening and didnt come over. They usually run to their grandparents house when they have nothing to do.

Have you taken him for a check-up? Xiao Qian asked.

Doctors communicate more directly. They didnt get angry at her question, Mother Yu and Eldest Sister-in-law answered.

We checked, theres nothing wrong, only his stomach is a bit bad. Mother Yu thought about it and felt worried. She felt that Panpan was a bit late in speaking and took him for a check-up.

When they got back, Wang Xiaohong found out and cried a lot. She felt that her mother-in-law didnt trust her and thought she was abusing the child. She could think a lot about anything others did.

Where do you think something is wrong? Yu Minglang asked Xiao Qian.

I dont know if I should say it in front of Aunt and Eldest Sister-in-law.

After all, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are real doctors, Xiao Qian is just a psychology doctor from a past life, so its normal for her to say something. But now, shes still a student.

There are not so many rules in my house, just say it. Mother Yu said.

1 cant make a certain diagnosisMing Lang, go get some paper and a pen. Xiao Qian knew in her heart that it was her first time at her boyfriends house, and she should be low-key and not show off, but as soon as it involved a child, she couldnt stand idly by.

Yu Minglang brought the paper and pen, and Xiao Qian drew some shapes on it. While she was doing this, the Yu Family watched. Even Father Yu quietly came out of the study.

Xiao Qian showed the shapes one by one to Panpan. Panpan went from having no reaction at first to pointing at the shapes and making noises. Xiao Qian gently talked to him, and finally, he leaned his head on Xiao Qians shoulder.

Where did daddy go?


The Yu Family was very surprised to hear that Xiao Qian could talk to the child.

They never thought that Panpan, who spoke so little, could communicate with Xiao Qian, whom he had just met.

Mother Yu diverted Panpans attention with some fruit puree and managed to get him away from Xiao Qians arms.

Whats going on with this child? Yu Minglang asked.

Xiao Qian glanced at Panpan and gestured towards the inner room.

Mother Yu followed Xiao Qian and Yu Minglang into the room. Father Yu wanted to listen, but he felt embarrassed. Normally, he would eavesdrop through the door, but today its not appropriate since the youngests girlfriend is here

Eldest Brother smiled and brought Father Yu to the study. He signaled to Eldest Sister-in-law, and she handed over the fruit puree to the Aunt before following Xiao Qian and the others into the room.

The child is young now, but he can understand some things, so Xiao Qian doesnt say these things in front of the child.

I suspect Panpan has infant anxiety accompanied by a fear tendency. Xiao Qian said once they entered the room.


At first, I suspected that Panpan was autistic, but there would be no way if that were the case. Luckily, he has normal intelligence. He can understand what we say, but this child is a bit anxious. Look at his hands, the skin is torn apart.

Infants behavior is different from adults. Anxious adults will vent, while non-verbal children will subconsciously tear at their own hand skin, tearing it constantly.! thought he was lacking vitamins. Mother Yu also noticed this problem.

Hes definitely lacking vitamins, otherwise, his skin wouldnt peel so easily. He has a slow reaction to the outside world. I feel like this child is anxious with accompanying fear, and he doesnt dare to open his heart.

Whats the cause?

Its hard to say, it could be congenital, or it could be due to environmental influences. Xiao Qian understood in her heart that the possibility of it being congenital was too small. Looking at Wang Xiaohongs behavior, it was clear that the child was influenced by her.

She couldnt say this so bluntly in front of Mother Yu.

What should we do?

Isolate him from the source of his fear, let him interact with his peers as much as possible, and most importantly, he must feel the warmth of his family. While he is still young, correct him as soon as possible, or else it will be too late

Xiao Qian didnt say it, but everyone could imagine what would happen.

Xiao Qian is not an authority in infant and child psychology, she could only make simple judgments but couldnt provide detailed treatment.

You can try to find domestic experts in infant and child psychology who can provide more professional solutions than me.

Mother Yu nodded solemnly, feeling guilty in her heart.

As a doctor, she didnt notice the childs problem. Mainly because after she took the child for a checkup, Wang Xiaohong made a fuss. Since then, Mother Yu rarely visited her, not expecting the child would be like this. If it werent for Xiao Qian noticing, the two doctors in the family wouldnt have noticed the issue.

Xiao Qian stayed with Yu Minglang for a while before leaving.

Only Eldest Sister-in-law and Mother Yu were left in the room.

Ive always thought Wang Xiaohong was not capable of taking care of children. Last time I went over, she wasnt home, and her mother-in-law left Panpan in the yard while leading a bunch of people playing mahjong in the room. I dont know where she found so many idle old ladies.

Mother Yu still felt angry when she thought of that scene. When she went there, Panpan was sitting pitifully in the yard, dressed in dirty clothes. The yard was full of free-range chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, and cats, and the child was obviously scared.

We should bring the child to our house and not let her raise him.

Ill think about how to talk to Second Brother about this, Im really tired of dealing with Wang Xiaohong, she cries all the time, and it hurts my ears. Mother Yu sighed.

Mom do you think Xiaohong and Mingyi can really stay together? Eldest Sister-in-law had been wanting to say this for a while.

She and her mother-in-law werent unable to deal with Wang Xiaohong. However, when Second Brother brought Panpan back from outside, the Yu family felt they owed Wang Xiaohong, so they had been lenient with her. Today, Youngest Brother Yu directly confronted her, and Eldest Sister-in-law felt relieved.

Second Brother made his own choice, and hes the one who has to decide. How did Second Brother become so confused about choosing a partner when he used to be so smart as a child? Comparing Wang Xiaohong to Xiao Qian makes me feel like shes lived in vain for so many years. Mother Yu worried.

Yes, I really like that girl Xiao Qian, her performance today was really good

In the study, Big Brother Yu poured his father a cup of green tea.

What do you think of the girl Youngest found? Father Yu asked Big Brother Yu. Big Brother Yu was always smiling, no matter how powerful he was outside, when he returned home, he was just a kind old man. He saw through everything but hardly said anything.

Whenever there was an issue in the family, what he said would always work.

I think shes good.

Youngest didnt look up, but when Ming Lang raised his head, Xiao Qian could follow, and she controlled the timing exceptionally well. Based on these two points, Big Brother Yu had reason to believe that Xiao Qian could stay with Ming Lang in the end.

Father Yu nodded without saying anything. If only Second Brother could find a woman like that, then as Second Brother continued to rise in the future, his wife would become a hindrance.

Youngest is still young and passionate, and its good for him to go through this ordeal. His girlfriend is not an ordinary person, she wont let anything happen. Lets see how Youngest handles this matter and let him grow in the process. Dad, have some tea.

An hour later, when Big Brother and Eldest Sister-in-law left the Yu family, they discussed the issue on their way back.

Ming Li, Mom talked to me about bringing Panpan to our house and raising him herself. What do you think?

When youre short on flesh in your stomach, you dont think straight Big Brother Yu touched his chubby belly and shook his head.

Youre already obese with high blood pressure, and you still want to eat! Dont change the topic! Im really troubled. Look at Second Brothers wife, she makes trouble every day, and shes made our moms hair turn white from worrying. Youngest really did a good job today. I was also surprised by Xiao Qian. When I was 18,1 was clueless about everything. She seems to understand everything, which is great. If only Wang Xiaohong was half as sensible as Xiao Qian.

Second Brother doesnt want to find a smart woman. If Wang Xiaohong was a smart, broad-minded person, he couldnt marry her.

What? Eldest Sister-in-law didnt understand.

Big Brother glanced at the potted plant between the co-pilot and drivers seat, smiling.

This plant used to have several branches, how come theres only one now?

I trimmed it. The space in the car is only so big, we cant have too many branches. One branch absorbs nutrients and grows betterNo, why are you changing the topic again?

Silly daughter-in-law, Ive already told you the answer. You can think about it yourself. As for Second Brother, I can only tell you that hes been very sensible since he was a child, but he has a strong sense of responsibility and is too emotional, which sometimes hurts him. His marriage to Wang Xiaohong may be a one stone two birds situation, or maybe he couldnt see things clearly after that incident. These things all need time. The key to the problem depends on how Youngest handles it.

Yu Minglis eyes turned to the outside of the car, his smile faded, just hoping that Youngest Brother Yu could grow up quickly and not disappoint everyone, staying together with him and Ming Yi to guard their family.

Meanwhile, Xiao Qian was also thinking about a crucial question: should she step in.

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