Published at 6th of May 2024 08:44:28 AM

Chapter 147: Chapter 147: Chapter 147: He Knows Everything

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Chapter 147: Chapter 147: He Knows Everything


Translator: 549690339

Wang Xiaohongs hand went limp with fright, nearly dropping the phone. She dare not rage on anymore; she had a bad feeling about this.

Ming Yi, you must be busy with work. I wont bother you anymore.

Wheres Panpan? Yu Mingyi wanted to hear his sons voice.

Hes at grandmothers. The kid doesnt want to leave when he sees his grandma. I cant help it.

Then hang up.

Yu Mingyi abruptly ended the call, leaving Wang Xiaohong with an uneasy feeling.

No matter how much she had previously made a fuss, Yu Mingyi had never mentioned divorce. Even though he only agreed with her today, it still made her feel very apprehensive.

She called her younger brother, Wang Xiaobo, asking if Yu Mingyi had been particularly close to any woman recently. Knowing that Yu Mingyi had been busy with work, Wang Xiaohong was still anxious. This anxiety made her more restless and her body longed for contact.

She walked towards the wardrobe, taking out a small box, which was a box of condoms. Then, she walked downstairs, silently taking a cucumber from the kitchen, but after looking at it, she put it down and replaced it with an eggplant

Yu Mingyi was completely unaffected and finished up his recent work. A call from Ming Lang came through.

Second Brother, come downstairs, Im outside your office.

Yu Mingyi glanced at the time. It was already 9 pm. His youngest brother coming at this time made him think for a few seconds before he looked at his phone thoughtfully.

Yu Minglang waited for Yu Mingyi to come out, signaling for his second brother to get in the car. Neither of them spoke in the car. Yu Minglang drove him to a night-time hotel in downtown, booking a room, ordering a few small dishes and a bottle of wine. After pouring for his second brother, he raised his wine glass and the first thing he asked was,

Second Brother, have you ever had any casual relationships out there? From the past till now, be honest.


Yu Mingyi picked up his wine glass and drank it all at once.

Did my sister-in-law meet up with Wang Xiaohong today?

What does it have to do with my sister-in-law wait, did you know in advance that that woman was sick? Yu Minglang, a smart man, guessed it in an instant.

His sister-in-law was a gynecologist. Wasnt it possible that his second brother knew about it way earlier?


The wine glass slipped from Yu Minglangs hand, shattering on the floor.

You knew?!


Yu Minglang was completely in shock. He quickly collected his thoughts as he had considered many possibilities when he arrived.

For example, his second brother could have messed around and gotten some disease, but he quickly denied this idea.

He was unsure about others, but he knew his second brother would never do such a thing. Therefore, when Yu Mingyi denied it, Yu Minglang quickly believed him.

However, what Yu Minglang didnt expect was that his second brother knew about it all along?

Unless you instigated her disease, it means she had problems from the start, and you still married her? Second Brother, have you lost your mind, or no, is your brain filled with feces?

Yu Mingyi quietly filled his wine again, clearly not wanting to answer. Second Brother was a really obstinate man. If he didnt want to utter a word, no one was able to pull a word out of him.

Dont say anything else, go back and file a divorce. Give her the money she should take, do what you should do, send her as far away as possible. Dont tell me you have feelings for her, I wont believe it even if I am beaten to death.

If his second brother

actually liked Wang Xiaohong, Yu Minglang would have to smash his head open with a brick. It would have to be some extreme taste that would make him like her.

In fact, Second Brothers current behavior was beyond understanding. With his capabilities, why did he have to choose a problematic and inferior woman? Sorry, he could only use such a term to describe Wang Xiaohong.

I promised her brother that I wouldnt divorce her until her illness was cured.

So, you want to watch her anger our mother to death? Second brother, you are really something. Do you treat others this way? Are you so harsh on yourself that you have to find such a woman to punish yourself? Ive said it so many times about what happened back then, it had nothing to do with you. It was a natural disaster. Just how long do you plan on punishing yourself?

When Yu Mingyi heard what Yu Minglang said, his face tightened angrily, clutching the wine and intending to pour a full cup, only to be stopped by Yu Minglang.

Who wouldnt feel bad when a comrade sacrifices themselves? But it has nothing to do with you, Second Brother. It was a natural disaster, not you who caused harm!

A few years ago, there was a chance for an official business trip at Yu Mingyis unit. Yu Mingyi should have gone, but then he was ill and his condition wasnt good, so they didnt bring him along. He narrowly escaped a disaster.

Wang Xiaohongs brother came back alive, but one of Yu Mingyis close colleagues sacrificed himself. From then on, Yu Mingyi had been in a state of depression.

His comrade had insisted on operating until the very last moment to protect the airplane and refused to parachute out, leading to his sacrifice. All these years, Yu Mingyi couldnt get past it. Although he didnt say it, Yu Minglang knew that his second brother must have felt that he should have been the one who died that day.

Latterly, Wang Xiaohongs brother developed cancer. His only dying wish was for Yu Mingyi to marry Wang Xiaohong. Without a second thought, Yu Mingyi agreed, and as a result, he hasnt had a peaceful year since.

Even if you feel guilty about Brother Mas death, what does that have to do with you marrying Wang Xiaohong? Her brother also went, but in the end, didnt he come back alive? If you ask me, her brother never meant well. There are so many people in your unit he could have entrusted his sister to, why must he pick someone from a prestigious family? Why didnt he find a brother with a poor family to marry his sister?

Yu Mingyi was silent for a while before finally saying, Youngest brother, dont stick your nose into my business.

If I dont care about you, who else would I care about? Youre my brother, my real brother! If she meant to live her life with you, I wouldnt say anything. But look at how she is now, is that how a normal woman behaves? You seem pretty comfortable wearing this green hat, have you ever thought about our parents reputation?

If word of this spread, how could the old Yu family carry on? It would be too humiliating.

She had that sickness before we got married.

I fuck! Yu Minglang was absolutely done with his brother.

So, was it that he knew what Wang Xiaohong was like all along?

Second Brother, what are you thinking about? Can you talk to me properly? Not for anything else, but just for the sake of Panpan, okay?

What happened to Panpan?

Panpan has child phobia. Do you think your son could turn out okay under the influence of such a woman?

Has it been diagnosed?

When it came to his son, Yu Mingyi immediately became very serious.

My girlfriend diagnosed it whats with that look on your face? Dont think that my girlfriend is just a university student who just started school, she is really accurate with such things.

Lets get a diagnosis for Panpan first, then well see.

What about when its diagnosed, will you divorce her then?


Upon hearing Yu Mingyis firm response, Yu Minglang sighed with relief.

If you werent my real brother, I wouldnt even bother with you Second Brother, in front of a woman like her, do you really have any fantasies?

Yu Minglang had been puzzling over this question all night. He thought his brother couldnt possibly have such distasteful preferences..

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