Published at 6th of May 2024 08:44:25 AM

Chapter 152: Chapter 152: Chapter 152: Already Too Late

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Chapter 152: Chapter 152: Already Too Late


Translator: 549690339

Xiao Qian really is the nemesis of our youngest. When this kid gets angry, no one can control him, but your words are effective. Eldest Brother playfully said when he saw Xiao Qian easily control Yu Minglang.

Ming Lang usually has excellent emotional management skills. Hes just in chaos because of this personal issue. Its also related to his age. In a few years, he definitely wont be able to get so angry. Its good for a young person to be impulsive for their family once, but when they reach a certain age and become too cautious, they become old.

In her past life, when Xiao Qian met Yu Minglang, he was already a very mature and stable man. After all, he is not young anymore. Xiao Qian doesnt hate his current appearance, and even finds it a little cute.

Thats true. Both of my younger brothers are excellent, but Second Brother isnt as lucky as Ming Lang; he didnt find a wife like you.

Eldest Brother, youre joking. Its still a long way to go for Second Brother. This tea is good.

Xiao Qian tactfully commented, knowing that Yu Mingli wouldnt be easily fooled, but he loved hearing her praise and laughed heartily.

If you like it, take some home when you go back. I just got these from an auction, and I have plenty more.

Eldest Brother, youre usually not willing to share your tea leaves with anyone. How come you suddenly become generous? Yu Minglang knew how much his older brother treasured those teas. Its not just about money; the precious tea has such a low production that even if you have money, you cant find it.

Good tea should be shared with good people. Giving it to Xiao Qian doesnt waste it, but if I give it to our old man, hed brew it in a huge tea pot. He wouldnt be able to tell the difference even if it was high-quality tea.

Just like Wang Xiaohong, not knowing how to cherish such a great husband, she ruined it all herself. Shes just not lucky enough.

It was Yu Mingyi who came over an hour later.

As soon as he entered the room, the fire in Yu Minglang, which had been extinguished by drinking a stomach full of tea, flared up again.

Second Brother Yu, hurry up and deal with that woman.

Where is she? Yu Mingyi still maintained his usual indifferent attitude, as if it wasnt his wife who was caught cheating.

In the small room.

Yu Mingyi went in, and when Wang Xiaohong saw him, she immediately knelt down.

Ming Yi, I was wrong! Please forgive me, just this once. For Panpans sake, dont divorce me. The child needs a mother.

Wang Xiaohong tried to use the child as a shield.

Yu Mingyi didnt say a word, just helped her up from the ground.

You can set the terms for the divorce.

Wang Xiaohong wailed, Yu Mingyi, you promised my brother! You promised him!

This move usually worked like a charm. As long as she mentioned her brother, he would let anything slide.

Even once when she was caught using a cucumber during an episode of her illness, he didnt say anything.

But this time was different.

Ill sell the house and give you proper financial compensation. Ive also contacted a doctor for you. You cant delay treatment any longer.

Seeing that Yu Mingyi was determined to divorce, even mentioning her brother didnt work, Wang Xiaohong threw herself at his legs, begging bitterly.

Ming Yi, I swear this was the first time I sought someone else. Usually, I take care of it myself! Please, dont divorce me. We still have Panpan to raise!

After mentioning her brother, she brought up the child again.

I didnt think it through with Panpan. I thought following the doctors recommendation and leaving the child with you would help with your condition, but it turned out to be harmful to Panpan. I will take good care of her, making up for what I owe her.

Yu Mingyis cold attitude was just like before. However, this time Wang Xiaohong could tell that he was no longer indulging her and was determined to divorce her.

Why, Yu Mingyi! When you married me, you knew what kind of person I am. You didnt mind back then, why do you want a divorce now? Youre betraying my late brother!

There were many reasons why Yu Mingyi had previously put up with Wang Xiaohong, and it was very complicated.

But now, Wang Xiaohong had crossed the line, not only behaving recklessly but also hurting the child, so Yu Mingyi could no longer tolerate her.

Continuing to indulge Wang Xiaohong would mean letting down his family. His youngest brothers words had awakened him.

It was only then that Wang Xiaohong realized the cold-hearted Yu Mingyi was no longer the man who let her have her way.

She had thought Yu Mingyi didnt dare to fight back because he was weak, but now she realized that in his eyes, she was utterly insignificant, not even worth half of his family. Instead of calling it tolerance, it was more like he simply didnt see her.

This man really was a piece of cold, unbeatable ice.

Yu Mingyi! Are you playing me? From the beginning, you never really cared about me. You never touched me after we got married because you looked down on me, and you didnt want to live with me. Youve been wanting a divorce from the start, havent you?

Originally, I intended to wait until your illness was cured and then become a real couple with you. But you kept refusing to face your condition and became more and more out of control. Now, I think I have no way to cure you. Go see a doctor, Ill cover all the costs.

Yu Mingyi rarely spoke such a long speech to Wang Xiaohong, and this one was also not as cold as before. In fact, when he mentioned becoming a real couple, there was even a hint of warmth.

But sometimes warmth can be more devastating than cold. Hearing this, Wang Xiaohong even forgot to cry.

She looked up at the man she had always looked down on verbally, but secretly admired and thought she couldnt reach, with her tearful eyes.

Yu Mingyi took a tissue and wiped her face.

Coming to this point, I cant shirk my responsibilities. Im not a man whos good at coaxing women. I couldnt stay with you because of work, and I failed to cure you through marriage. Its my fault. If you continue to be with me, your condition will become even more serious. For the sake of the great favor youve done for me, I will arrange a good life for you. Marriage isnt suitable for the two of us, lets divorce.

A woman can mention divorce a thousand times, but none of them compare to a mans once.

Yu Mingyis words hurt Wang Xiaohong more than any scolding. At that moment, Wang Xiaohong finally understood that it was her own doing that ruined what could have been a happy marriage.

You look down on me, right? After all, I was insulted and infected with a disease before I married you. You knew this, and then your family looked down on me and tortured me Her voice trembled as she spoke, covering her face with her hands, utterly devastated.

I admit, I dont have much affection for you, but I dont despise you either. I knew about your past, but it wasnt your fault, and I didnt care about it. If you could just restrain yourself, then maybe But, it was too late.

The youngest brother was right; Yu Mingyi wasnt just an individual, he represented the entire Yu Family. He couldnt let his family bear the consequences of this issue.

Ah! Wang Xiaohong cried out loud, filled with regret, but it was all too late.

She wanted to belittle Yu Mingyi to prove to herself that she wasnt that pathetic.

Yu Mingyi was such a remarkable man that Wang Xiaohong couldnt help but feel inferior, but he never fought back. The more arrogant Wang Xiaohong became, the more she felt noble when trampling on Yu Mingyi, as if treading on well-born Yu Mingyi would elevate her too.

But at this moment, when Yu Mingyi was serious, she realized how pitiful she had been he never paid her any attention..

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