Published at 6th of May 2024 08:44:24 AM

Chapter 153: Chapter 153: Chapter 153: The Parting of Tired Swallows

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Chapter 153: Chapter 153: The Parting of Tired Swallows


Translator: 549690339

Looking at the out-of-control Wang Xiaohong, a rare emotion finally emerged in Yu Mingyis unshaken eyes.

When I married you, I didnt think about divorce.

You liar! You look down on me and never want to sleep with me. Youve wanted a divorce all along Wang Xiaohong covered her face and sobbed in pain. That unbearable past had always been a burden on her heart. She thought that Yu Mingyi looked down on her just because of that, but she never expected him to say he didnt care.

I dont look down on you. I just didnt take good care of you, and divorce would be better for your illness.

Youre lying, youre lying! How could a man not care about that? She had always felt deeply inferior about this matter and constantly sought to create trouble for herself which she hoped could prove her existence. She just wanted him to deny her words and directly say, I dont look down on you.

But she didnt know that using this wrong method to ask a man like Yu Mingyi could only backfire.

And when he finally said the answer she wanted to hear, it was too late to go back

For the sake of the people we both care about, this marriage cannot continue. Ill make arrangements for your treatment and life afterwards.

Yu Mingyi, if I didnt make such a fuss and seriously tried to live with you, would you still divorce me? Would you treat me as your wife? Would you fall in love with a woman like me?

Yu Mingyi fell silent, There are no ifs in the world, but I can tell you that if you dont cross my bottom line, I will treat you as my wife.

But without love, perhaps they would be like countless other couples who have lived a plain life without any setbacks.

The concept of love was too abstract for Yu Mingyi. It was difficult for him to apply such an abstract thing to a specific person. His straightforwardness made it impossible to deceive this woman. Wang Xiaohong was responsible for her current situation, but the love she desired, he really couldnt give.

Wang Xiaohong covered her face and cried, knowing that her title as the Yu familys second daughter-in-law was definitely lost. She didnt know where to go after the divorce

Although you didnt help me the other day, Ill still compensate you financially. I hope you can start a new life after the divorce. I have a cold personality and cant take care of a womans thoughts, I apologize for the pain Ive caused you.

She didnt understand why Yu Mingyi said she didnt help him the other day?

Only Yu Mingyi knew the answer to that.

It took less than half an hour for Second Brother to enter the room to reach a divorce agreement with Wang Xiaohong, who hung her head and not spoken a word, as if she had become a different person.

No one knew how Yu Mingyi had managed to persuade her, but Xiao Qian could see that he must have played a ruthless card, making Wang Xiaohong totally regretful. However, there is no regret medicine in the world.

When Yu Mingyi and Wang Xiaohong were talking inside, Big Brother Yu had already asked a lawyer to draft the divorce agreement. Wang Xiaohong signed it with tears in her eyes, lingering over Yu Mingyi, but he resolutely signed without looking at her.

Boss Yu locked Wang Xiaohong in a small room to prevent her from changing her mind, and sent her to complete the divorce formalities at daybreak.

Yu Minglang and Xiao Qian left, leaving Second Brother Yu and Boss Yu to have tea.

The compensation you gave her was more than I thought. Eldest Brother poured a cup for his younger brother.


Do you still feel like you owe her?

Its my lack of consideration.

Second brother, sometimes you really dont compare to the youngest, who seems chaotic but is very clear-headed. He knows very well who can be close to him and who cant. I cant let you go, I mean, you cant not know what kind of crooked thoughts Wang Xiaohongs brother has? Besides, Wang Xiaohong has tormented you for so many years, do you feel relieved now?

Seeing Second Brothers expression, Boss Yu knew that he was still bothered about it.

Dad has always been proud of you. If you give up your dream because of this, hell be heartbroken.

Its better to suffer a short pain than a long one.

Big Brother Yu filled up his younger brothers cup.

Second Brother, our youngest brother is not the child who needed you to shoulder responsibility for him back then. You dont have to worry about his future, and the trouble with tree attracting the wind wont happen to our family. I have faith in my two younger brothers, and the Yu family wont fall apart because of us three, you just do what you love.

Big Brother Yu believed that the reason Second Brother chose Wang Xiaohong was to punish himself for the unresolved feelings about their colleagues sacrifice years ago. Both younger brothers had unlimited potential for the future, and they couldnt let family trivialities hinder their progress.

Second Brother Yu silently picked up his teacup and sipped, Big Brother, youre overthinking it. I didnt want to change jobs because of Xiaohongs help, and even if I did, it wasnt the main reason.

Then what is it?

Second Brother was a straightforward person, so if he said it wasnt the main reason, it definitely wasnt.

Even the cunning businessman, Boss Yu, couldnt guess what was in the iceberg-like Second Brothers heart.

Second Brother Yu picked up his teacup and stopped talking.

I will tell Dad and Mom about your divorce tactfully, saying that you two are incompatible, they wont object. Your job wont let you go easily, it will take at least a few years, I hope you can get through it and not give up on the blue sky you love so much.

Second Brother Yu looked at his reflection in the teacup and forced a smile.


When Yu Minglang took Xiao Qian home, it was already past three in the morning, and the street vendors selling fried dough sticks were setting up their stalls.

Tell Second Brother to introduce Wang Xiaohong to our schools Doctoral Supervisor, Liu Linlin. She can treat Wang Xiaohong.

Isnt Wang Xiaohongs problem just a gynecological disease?

Xiao Qian shook her head.

Gynecological disease is just a physical issue. Wang Xiaohong has an xaddiction.

Whats that? It sounded like it wasnt a good thing.

The scientific name is called x Dependency Syndrome, which is a manifestation of anxiety disorder. In intimate behaviors, the brain secretes dopamine, which produces pleasure and forms a brief sense of happiness, thereby escaping anxiety. When I first met her, I discovered this from the analysis of her medications. After close contact today, Im sure she has this mental illness.

Can you cure it?

Yes, the foundation of the treatment must be based on untangling the knots in her heart. I saw your Second Brother today, and he opened the knot for her. Although I dont know how he did it, Wang Xiaohong will get better as long as she cooperates with the psychologist in the later stages. But Yu Minglang, I wont treat her.

I didnt plan on asking you to treat her eitherI was just curious, why wont you treat her?

Maybe its because I was born cold-blooded, but I have principles when it comes to treating patients. Whoever pays me more gets my attention, and I have no sympathy for those who cant afford it and seek me out unless they can really touch me. Like your ex-second sister-in-law, who caused her own death, I dont have the sympathy to deal with her. There are so many good people I cant even take care of, and besides, Second Brother will pay for her medical expenses, so I cant slaughter a fat lamb, so I wont bother.

Yu Minglang lowered his head and kissed her little mouth, I just love your ruthless side..

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