Published at 7th of May 2024 11:02:37 AM

Chapter 155: Chapter 155: Chapter 155 Too Happy (With 1200+ Monthly Tickets)

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Chapter 155: Chapter 155 Too Happy (With 1200+ Monthly Tickets)


Translator: 549690339

How old are you, young man? What do you do? How long have you known Xiaoqian? Fat Aunt looked at Yu Minglang with a gleam in her eyes. This information would indeed provide great fodder for conversation.

Yu Minglang responded with a smile. Chen Xiaoqian, noticing his intention to continue the conversation, pushed him along, Go check if the water on the stove has boiled yet.

After Yu Minglang was sent away, Fat Aunt was left with Xiaoqians serious face. Unable to continue their conversation, she flicked off disheartened.

Xiaoqian entered the kitchen to find Yu Minglang, who was sneaking around eating the buns he brought. Xiaoqian slapped him without warning, causing him to almost choke.

Whats the big deal? We still have lots of buns.

Who said anything about the buns? Do you know who she is? Are you close to her?

Xiao Mei, arent you getting jealous of nothing?

Get lost! Shes the most gossiping old lady in our street! Why did you talk so much to her?

I only told her the good things, dont worry. What she spreads is definitely positive news.

From the Aunts gossip-filled eyes, her dry lips, and her excessive saliva, Yu Minglang had analyzed she must be a gossip. With this chance, he decided to spread the news that Xiaoqian was taken, to save her from the unwanted attention.

Xiaoqian wanted to smack him again he was definitely doing this on purpose!

Jia Xiufang just happened to come back, and upon hearing the doors noise, Yu Minglang quickly wiped the oil from his mouth, acting as if the person who just ate the buns wasnt him.

What were you two doing in the kitchen? Xiaoqian, did you really eat those buns without washing your face? Go wash up!

Xiaoqian glared at the real culprit what a shameless guy!

Aunt, I was getting some water for Xiaoqian. Yu Minglang said with a pleasant smile.

He began looking for a washbasin. Xiaoqian kicked him in the buttocks, and Jia Xiufang saw it and quickly slapped Xiaoqian on the head. Dont bully Minglang. He is so innocent!

Aunt, its okay. As long as she is happy.

Xiaoqian gritted her teeth in anger. Yu Minglang, you just wait!

After breakfast, before Yu Minglang had a chance to say anything, Jia Xiufang began speaking.

Qianer, you can go out with Minglang for a walk. But, you have to come back early. It cant be like yesterday.

Dont worry, Aunt. Well be back after we eat dinner and stroll around the Night Market. Yu Minglang quickly answered, then, taking Xiaoqian by the arm, they started to leave with haste.

Only after they had departed did Jia Xiufang mutter to herself.

That boy is really honest, planning to come back only after dinner

Once Xiaoqian got in the car, she pinched Minglangs waist. You good-for-nothing! Ive been patient with you for long enough!

Please dont hold back. You can beat me up anywhere once we reach our destination.

Yu Minglang gave Xiaoqian a wink, making her blush.

In two lifetimes combined, nobody had as thick a skin as Yu Minglang. She admitted defeat

Where are we going? Minglang, come on! You dont have Alzheimers. We were separated for only a few hours, and I havent even had a good sleep yet! Interrupting a womans sleep is the worlds most unforgivable crime theres absolutely not a doubt about it!

Were going to my place, to sleep. Minglang worried about Xiaoqian hitting him, so he quickly added, We wont be sleeping together.

Have you lost your mind? I was sleeping peacefully at my house. Why do I have to come to yours?

At times, he seemed sharp when handling issues; at other times, how could he be so naive? Was there something different about his brain?

I want to watch you sleep Xiao Mei, I dont know how long it will be until I see you again after I go back this time.

Xiaoqian laughed in exasperation. Arc you saying goodbye to my corpse? This is making it seem like your last visit to a dying person. One less look every time.

Dont say unlucky words. Its 6 o clock now, Ill let you sleep until twelve. Then, we will get up and eat, continue our date!

Yu Minglang was very persistent about dating.

Since they hadnt dated yesterday, he must secure a date today no matter what!

Actually we Xiaoqian wanted to say they still had plenty of time, but

seeing Minglang immersed in a stupid mans romantic gullibility, she stopped herself.

Ill sleep on the bed, and you sleep on the floor. Dare to cross the border and Ill kill you!

So, I can sleep on the floor? Yu Minglangs eyes brightened, as if he had gained a great advantage.

He thought he was going to sleep on the sofa.

Xiaoqian saw Minglangs excited reaction and couldnt help but smile.

Initially, she wanted to exploit his male weakness, torment him for a while, and tease his appetite, but seeing him like this, she somehow felt unable to go through with it.

Once they arrived at his house, Yu Minglang was humming a tune while making the bed. He had a large bed, exceptionally clean.

Xiaoqian saw him about to really sleep on the floor. But its already October, the ground was cooling and the heating wasnt on, so she tugged his arm, pointed to the bed subtly with her chin.

Minglang acted like he had won the lottery. Not only could he stay in the same room, but he could also sleep on the same bed?

The middle of the bed is the boundary. If you dare to cross it, youre going to get it, okay?

Yes, beauty! He took off his shoes and was about to climb into bed when Xiaoqian kicked him off. Go take a shower!

Xiaoqian lay on his pillow, feeling surprisingly at ease. There was not a single scent on Minglangs bed or pillow, not even the faintest trace of detergent. But it felt even better than her own bed, the thought of him humming in the shower made her smile as she closed her eyes.

Yu Minglang took the fastest shower in his life. When he came out, Xiaoqian was already asleep. He watched her as he dried his hair, his eyes becoming dry as well. He took his camera intending to photograph her sleeping face when she suddenly opened her eyes.

What are you doing, infringing on my portrait rights?

Just a souvenir from our first sleepover.

Get away, no photos! Xiaoqian grabbed his camera, leaving Minglang a bit disappointed.

Minglang, fresh out of the shower, was wearing shorts and a tank top, his wet hair revealing his strong arms and long, shapely legs. Seeing this, Xiaoqians eyes darkened.

Hes clueless. Any man with a knack for it would use his good physique to flirt. Yet this blockhead just stepped out in his ball game tank top, which did show off his strong muscles, though. The fitted tank top vaguely revealing his abs.

Minglang got into bed, he on the outer side and her on the inner, with a huge gap between them. He lied with his back to her.

Xiaoqian was playing around with his camera, it was an SLR.

Minglang turned back to see her fiddling with his camera. That was a gift from my big brother to me.

Mmm, your big brother treats you well.

Yesterday, when Xiaoqian was leaving his big brothers house, his brother gave her a bag of tea. The packaging was simple, but Xiaoqian knew that it mustnt have been cheap. Big Brother Yu was good to his brothers.

Hey, come here. Xiaoqian beckoned.

Surprisingly, Minglang turned away, Remember to keep a distance.

He was afraid that if he got too close, he wouldnt be able to control himself.

Dont you want to take the photo anymore?

He suddenly sat upright, full of energy, snatched the camera from her hand, configured the timer, and quickly sat next to Xiaoqian.

He was elated.. Their first photo together, was now a reality!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!