Published at 9th of May 2024 07:51:40 AM

Chapter 160: Chapter 160: Chapter 160: What are you going to do?

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Chapter 160: Chapter 160: What are you going to do?


Translator: 549690339

Youre like the fool we talk about back in our hometown, the kind of guy a girl marries for money because hes easy to manipulate.

These tiny, shabby fish, you could buy a bucketful at the market for ten yuan. How much would the gas cost for him to drive back and forth?

Yu Minglang couldnt laugh anymore, and he fished in frustration. He was indeed a great fisherman, with several hooks on one rod, and he could catch at least three fish at once.

Xiao Qian propped her cheek on her hand, giving her finely tuned assessment.

Fool catching fool fish.

Yu Minglang was furious, dropped the rod, and grabbed the fleeing woman to kiss her ferociously. He was only satisfied when her provoking little mouth couldnt breathe his words anymore.

Yu Minglangs fishing was really fast, and he had half a bucket in no time. He handed the fishing rod to Xiao Qian so she could have some fun, while he gathered some dry firewood, lit the fire, and started cooking fish soup for her with the mineral water he had brought.

He prepared the fish and started the fire, while Xiao Qian didnt catch anything for a long time, so she just sat around and watched him work.

If he didnt mess up, he might actually be reliable. If he hadnt turned Xiao Qian into a mess, this kind of picnic could have earned him some points.

As he finished preparing the food, Xiao Qian took his phone, and after inputting a few numbers, Black Cucumber showed up.

Xiao Qian twitched the corner of her mouth, Yu Minglang saved his number in such a despicable way, making fun of Zheng Xu.

What are you calling him for? Yu Minglang thought she was calling her family, but when he leaned over and saw it was for Black Cucumber, he wasnt pleased.

We ran into him; lets eat together. He ran an errand for me yesterday, and you made him angry, so its just a coincidence this time. Hes had a fight with you before, both of your parents know each other, and its not good if things get too stiff.

Xiao Qian thought it was the perfect opportunity for Zheng Xu and Yu Minglang to make peace.

Yu Minglang snorted, Im only bringing two bowls.

One for me and one for Zheng Xu, perfect.

Yu Minglang stood up and walked towards the pot, nobody could stop him; he was going to make the pot dirty!

You and I share one, were the hosts, and hes the guest. You cant let him criticize us.

Thats better. Yu Minglang was satisfied, Qian Bao meant that he was family, and Zheng Xu was just a moocher.

Xiao Qian called for a while, but no one answered.

Whats going on? Is he not answering because he doesnt like you?

Black Cucumber isnt that kind of person, he probably didnt hear it. You call again.

It had been a long time since Zheng Xu went in, and his car still hasnt come out; he must be in the school now.

Xiao Qian found it strange, called again, and still nobody answered. Somethings not right! What if something happened to him inside? What could happen to him? That kid might be hiding somewhere in the school reminiscing, so dont bother with him. Yu Minglang didnt believe a person like Zheng Xu could have any trouble in such a ruin.

He made a wicked smile, He might be in school, taking down the old doors and windows to sell for money; such a profiteer.

Xiao Qian slapped him on the head, Cant you go through a day without being mean? Get up, take me in to find him!

My fish soup hasnt finished cooking yet.

Yu Minglang was too lazy to go find Zheng Xu. He was already merciful enough to invite that guy to drink fish soup, and now he had to go in and ask him? That was too much of an honor for Zheng Xu.

Youre not going, right? Fine, Ill go myself! Xiao Qians uneasiness grew, knowing that Zheng Xu had a specific phobia. If there was anything in the school that triggered his illness, he would be in great danger now!

When Yu Minglang heard her say that, he reluctantly took the fish soup off the fire and extinguished it.

It doesnt look far, but the road is tough. Ill drive you over.

The off-road vehicle skidded through the mud, following Zheng Xus tire tracks into the abandoned campus. The school wasnt actually big, and they saw Zheng Xus car very soon. Yu Minglang parked his car next to Zheng Xus and led Xiao Qian out of the car.

Fearing that Xiao Qian would fall, he held her hand as they followed the footprints.

The weeds were dense, and it was easy to find the marks Zheng Xu had trampled. As the two followed the marks, Yu Minglang asked with confusion, What did he come in here for?

Xiao Qian looked up, and in front of them was an old, shabby brick house, its windows stripped by the nearby villagers. It was pitch black inside, with faint traces of dark stains on the walls.

This is the warehouse where I saved people from fire back then hey, Zheng Xu, are you in there? Yu Minglang shouted at the dark, dilapidated room, his voice echoing in the emptiness.

After shouting twice without any response, Yu Minglang led Xiao Qian inside.

The small room wasnt big, filled with thick dust. They could only see the sunlight streaming through the windows in the dark warehouse. As Yu Minglang and Xiao Qian walked in, the dust swirled around.

Xiao Qian spotted Zheng Xu lying on the ground!

Zheng Xu! Xiao Qian hurriedly ran over, and Yu Minglang followed, placing his hand on Zheng Xus nose to make sure he was breathing before checking his pulse.

Vital signs look normal is he just drunk and passed out?

Xiao Qian looked around and suddenly had her gaze fixed on the warehouses beam. The warehouse was quite shabby, with the most primitive wooden beams common in rural areas. From her angle, the thickest beam had a mark painted on it with white paint, resembling a large sawtooth.

She muttered, Carry him to the car quickly.

There must have been something triggering his phobia.

Xiao Qian directed Yu Minglang to carry Zheng Xu away, glancing back at the odd beam several times before deciding to write it off as a coincidence.

Yu Minglang carried Zheng Xu to the car, laid the seat flat, and began pinching him at the Renzhong acupoint for first aid, but Zheng Xu still didnt wake up. Why dont you give him artificial respiration and see if thatll wake him up? Xiao Qian knew in her heart that Zheng Xu had a heart condition and that it wasnt serious; he would wake up in a moment. She said this just to tease.

Yu Minglang showed a colorWithTokens_EXPRESSION_EXPRESSION_ EXTREMELY_CONFLICTED_AT_contradictory_EXPRESSION_TOOexpression, looking at Zheng Xus thin lips while swallowing hard.

He doesnt meet the criteria for artificial respiration either, its not like he cant breathe on his own

Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. Look at him now, can you kiss him, no, I mean give him artificial respiration, for me? Xiao Qians eyes sparked.

Yu Minglang couldnt resist her pleading, feeling that if Qian Bao asked anyone for anything, her eyes would come with an electric shock.

He could only brace himself and bow his head, trying to psychologically prepare himself: pretend that Zheng Xu is just a mannequin hes blowing air into, or even a large chunk of speechless pork.

Xiao Qian saw that he was really about to give artificial respiration, and didnt want to tease him anymore. How could she really let him kiss? She just wanted to see if Yu Minglang would listen to her. Just when she was about to pat his shoulder to stop him, Zheng Xu opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Yu Minglangs enlarged face, less than

40 centimeters away from him, eyes closed. What was he trying to do?!

Zheng Xu quickly threw a punch, but Yu Minglang instantly sensed the murderous intent and sidestepped it.

Zheng Xu sat up, What are you doing?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!