Published at 14th of May 2024 11:36:16 AM

Chapter 165: Chapter 165: Chapter 165: Adding Words by Myself

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Chapter 165: Chapter 165: Adding Words by Myself


Translator: 549690339

Yu Minglang, still unaware his love history had been exposed, quickly took Xiao Qians call while running.

Xiao Mei, whats going on?

I need your cooperation. Im conducting a hypnotherapy session right now. No matter what you hear, answer I forgive you, okay?

Okay. Yu Minglang didnt know what she was up to, but he knew he ought to follow Xiao Meis instructions.

Xiao Qian rushed into a room, put her phone on speaker, and snapped her fingers.

From the other end of the phone, Yu Minglang heard Xiao Qians gentle voice, You are now in a hypnotic state, can you hear my voice?

I can.

It was Zheng Xu!

Yu Minglang listened intently; it was the first time he had witnessed Xiao Qian conducting a psychotherapy session, and it was with Zheng Xu!

Follow my voice, take me to the moment you fear most, tell me, who do you see?


The person lying on the ground

Who is he?

I dont know.

Ill let him tell you himself. The incident from that year doesnt matter. Come on, the person lying on the ground, tell him, do you still resent him?

Xiao Qian was asking Yu Minglang on the phone.

I forgive you. Although Yu Minglang didnt know what Xiao Qian was asking, he still answered truthfully.

Did you hear that? Hes forgiven you. Now tell me again, do you resent Zheng Xu for nearly burning you to death?

No, I forgive himbut can he stay away from my woman in the future?

Xiao Qian rolled her eyes impatiently. Who allowed you to improvise, Yu Minglang?!

Right now, Zheng Xu was still in a state of hypnosis; anything said could affect his subconscious. That bastard Yu Minglang would have to pay for this!

Who is your woman? Zheng Xu asked.

The woman treating you. As long as you stay away from her, I will forgive you. The fire was not your fault. It was my lack of rescue knowledge, not knowing I should cover my mouth and nose during a fire rescue.

Zheng Xu seemed to be trying to remember who was treating him. Xiao Qian was irked. Because of Yu Minglangs audacious improvisation, the therapy session was disrupted!

Having never encountered such a situation, she didnt know what might happen next.

Zheng Xu, did you hear that? The near-death incident was his own fault, not yours. Do you still feel guilty?


Are you still afraid of saw teeth?


Very good.

At this point, Xiao Qian knew Yu Minglang was of no further use to her. Without even saying goodbye, she hung up the phone.

That damn Yu Minglang, just you wait. Once Im done treating Zheng Xu, youll get yours, you shameless cretin!

After hanging up, Yu Minglang shrugged. He played the good Samaritan, and Xiao Mei didnt even say goodbye to him. She was so ruthless!

However After listening to her therapy session, Yu Minglang furrowed his brow. So, the fire was caused by Zheng Xu?

No matter. He did as Xiao Mei instructed, so she would definitely commend him for it!

Returning to his office, Yu Minglang immediately felt something was off.

Why were all his employees looking at him with such eyes?

He then saw Qiao Zhen awkwardly holding the gift box Xiao Mei had given him

Yu Minglang quickly walked over, snatched the box and opened it to take a look. Several senior managers closed their eyes.

They have learned too much

Well, my girlfriend is a bit overenthusiastic, but its understandable. The lady is inexperienced in love. Yu Minglang shamelessly took the credit, looking rather smug.

Qiao Zhen raised an eyebrow in approval. Not bad, his skin was thick enough.

Who exactly was inexperienced in love, and who was the overenthusiastic one? Who was humming songs as he made the bed for the girl, who delivered warmth from miles away, who used a slingshot to smash the girls window in the middle of the night, who mistook a carnation for a red rose

It was you, Old Iron!

Yu Minglang calmly stored the box away. The note symbolizing her enthusiasm was also put in his pocket out of love.

The adorable Xiao Mei, he liked her more and more, he had no choice, who made her so enthusiastic.

Right now, Chen Xiaomei really wanted to tear Yu Minglang apart.

The patient she had waited to treat her whole life was rendered unpredictable because of his extra lines.

She only asked him to say one sentence, but who knew this guy would go overboard!

And even dared to ad-lib!

If Xiao Qian found out, not only did Yu Minglang ad-lib, he even added the term enthusiastic to her character behind her back, she would want to kick him to high heavens! His hide was so thick, too thick!

Xiao Qian snapped her fingers, bringing Zheng Xu out of hypnosis. Zheng Xu moved his neck around, and looked at the clock. This time, it had been quite a while?

He didnt remember what had just happened, but he felt relaxed all over, as if a weight had been lifted, and he felt very comfortable in his heart.

How do you feel now? Xiao Qian asked him, her heart hanging in suspense. She was worried that Yu Minglangs extra lines might have affected Zheng Xu.

I feel very good, as if I am really relaxed.

Zheng Xu stood up. This treatment session was the most comfortable one he had had so far, his heart radiating satisfaction from the inside out.

Lets continue with the desensitization test, look at this card, do you feel anything? Xiao Qian picked up the cards and showed them to him one by one.

Zheng Xu shook his head.

Xiao Qian kept testing with every card, until the last one. Although Zheng Xu still found the image unpleasant, he didnt feel as though he would faint!

What about this, do you feel dizzy now? Xiao Qian formed a saw-tooth with her hand. Zheng Xu stared at her fingers and shook his head.

However, when he shifted his gaze to Xiao Qians face, he felt something strange

Whats wrong? Xiao Qian was relieved. The therapy had finally made significant progress.

Zheng Xu waved her off, Just stand there, dont get too close to me.

For some reason, getting too close to Xiao Qian made him feel uneasy.

What had happened? Xiao Qian was dumbfounded. It took a few seconds for her to realize what was going on.

That shameless Yu Minglang!

The side effects of the therapy had shown up here!

Stay away from his woman; even that suggestion was effective!

But no matter what, finding Zheng Xus innermost issue meant his treatment would be easier moving forward. Xiao Qian estimated that he would fully recover after two more sessions.

This was the first major case she had taken on since her return.

The therapy yield tangible results and Xiao Qian was thrilled, she felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

When she left Zheng Xus home, the sun was warm.

Xiao Qian declined Zheng Xus offer to accompany her and walked down the street alone.

People were bustling about the streets, and the traffic was ceaseless. The sun shone brightly, and this scene played out every day, with people coming and going.

As Xiao Qian walked onto the overpass and looked at the people below, she was reminded of a short story she read once.

A child who had never paid attention to a pregnant woman, when his mother told him that women with big bellies were pregnant, the child would always notice pregnant women on the street, as if they suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The fact was, they had always been there, but the child hadnt noticed them before.

It was the same for psychologists..

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