Published at 15th of May 2024 07:44:03 AM

Chapter 167: Chapter 167: Chapter 167: Scared to Death (Monthly Ticket 1300+ Update)

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Chapter 167: Chapter 167: Scared to Death (Monthly Ticket 1300+ Update)


Translator: 549690339

After a long vacation, Xiao Qian returned to her dormitory and found Dong Yi was already back and reading.

When did you come back? Xiao Qian asked as she put down her luggage.

I never left. Dong Yi was reading a newspaper and taking notes, with half a page full of information about tutoring jobs.

You didnt go home?

No. Dong Yi finished writing down the numbers and prepared to leave. Xiao Qian stopped her.

Use my phone card to make the call. She guessed that Dong Yi was about to go outside and use a public phone to inquire about tutoring jobs.

No need.

Xiao Qian didnt insist. Dong Yi was the kind of person who would never take advantage of others, even for a penny. She was very careful about her expenses, not wanting to accept any food given to her.

Looking across to Shi Touyus bed, Xiao Qian saw her suitcase, which meant she had also returned.

She must have gone to some other dorm room to chat again.


As expected, a few minutes later, Shi Touyu came back and saw Xiao Qian. She yelled and gave her a big hug, Boss Qian, Ive missed you so much!

Xiao Qian nodded, I brought back some local specialties from my hometown and will give you a bag.

Give it to me! Shi Touyu was not polite at all. Xiao Qian took out the gifts Jia Xiufang had asked her to bring back for her roommates and shared a portion with Shi Touyu, who happily accepted them.

Wait a minute, I also have a gift for you.

She rummaged through her suitcase and found a set of skincare products to give to Xiao Qian. I bought three sets, and I originally wanted to give one to Da Yi, but she would definitely refuse. Ill give it to Xu Ruxin instead.

Xu Ruxin was the innocent sweet girl who always came over to use Shi Touyus things.

Shi Touyu, are you so rich that you can afford to give everything to everyone? Xiao Qian recognized the brand; it was imported from abroad. Shi Touyu didnt treat these products as anything valuable, but for common people, they were considered luxury items.

What can I do? Da Yi definitely wont accept it! Shi Touyu said, recalling how Dong Yi wouldnt even accept fruits from her before.

You fool, you dont even know how to give a gift. Just leave it there and watch me later. Xiao Qian knew that Dong Yi was financially struggling, so she was more considerate and wouldnt easily accept things from others.

There was a knock on the door. Shi Touyu went to open it, and it was Xu Ruxin.

Xiao Yu, I found it. This thing is hard to find.

Xiao Qian looked up and saw Xu Ruxin handing over a piece of red cloth the size of a school bag and a string of garlic to Shi Touyu. Shi Touyu nodded, Thank you.

So what gift were you going to give me? Xu Ruxin asked, her eyes shining when she saw the cosmetics on the table.

She was used to receiving gifts from Shi Touyu, who now hesitated because Boss Qian said not to give it away, so she didnt have anything else to offer.

Xiao Qian handed the slightly discounted fish fillet that her playboy brother bought for her with his first months salary to Shi Touyu, Give her this. Right, the Qiang City specialty, delicious and inexpensive! Shi Touyu nodded in agreement

Xu Ruxin was slightly disappointed, Just this

She thought Shi Touyu would give her something better, I even spent quite a bit of money on this garlic.

How much? I Shi Touyu was about to say she would compensate her, but Xiao Qian interrupted.

You always use her phone card to make so many calls and eat so much of her food. Why dont you mention that?

Why bother keeping track among friends? Hehe Xiao Yu, I have something to do, so Ill leave first. Xu Ruxin slipped away.

After she left, Xiao Qian glared at Shi Touyu.

Stop bringing all kinds of people to the dormitory. Its annoying!

Only Shi Touyu would consider someone who took advantage of others and never reciprocated as a friend.

Shes just a little stingy, no big deal. Shi Touyu still didnt realize the seriousness of the problem. She used her teeth to bite the red cloth, making a few small holes, and then tore it into three strips.

What are you doing with this?

Shi Touyu handed one of the torn red strips to Xiao Qian. Anxiously and mysteriously looking around, she whispered.

Boss Qian, let me tell you a big secretour dormitory building is haunted!

Xiao Qian was drinking water and was almost choked by Shi Touyus dramatic behavior.


Its haunted! Shi Touyu repeated while tying the strip of red cloth to Xiao Qians bed head.

As soon as I came back, I heard everyone talking about it. We were on vacation, right? Then a senior student stayed here to work and didnt go home. One night, she woke up and saw a white figure moving back and forth oh my god, it scared me to death!

Xiao Qian wasnt scared by her words but was startled by her sudden increase in volume.

Shi Touyu, you entered the university through art, but no matter how you got in, youre still a university student. How can you be so superstitious?

How is it superstition? The senior student saw it! They brought a few people to the upper floor to check, and there was no one there. Its terrifying!

Maybe someone got up in the middle of the night to get fresh air on the upper floor. By the time the senior student saw them and went over, she must have missed them by just a moment. Whats the point of making these things? Its creepy!

Xiao Qian tried to untie the red cloth, but Shi Touyu slapped her hand.

Better safe than sorry! Dont untie it! I asked my mom, and if something like this happens, we can each tie a piece of red cloth, and it will keep the ghost from coming near our dormitory!

Then why are you making a string of garlic?

East and West combined! What if its a western ghost? Ill hang this on our dormitory door, and no one will dare to come near it!

You wait for the dormitory manager to knock on the door. Hanging such a thing would invite inspection from the dormitory manager, right? Shi Touyu could really be troublesome.

I cant worry about that much now; just hang it up first! Its too scary-

Xiao Qian looked at Dong Yis empty bed, deep in thought.

In her past life, there were rumors that the dormitory building was haunted, and that Dong Yi had become a vengeful spirit after her death. But now, Dong Yi was alive and well, so how could such a rumor exist?

She didnt believe in the supernatural and wasnt afraid of it. Furthermore, she didnt believe Shi Touyus story about a white figure, thinking some student must have misinterpreted what they saw.

Xiao Qian removed the label from the cosmetics and casually asked Shi Touyu.

Is your family able to bring things from abroad?

Hmm, do you want to buy something?

I want to get some pure plant oil essence from France. Price is not a problem, but it must be good quality. Xiao Qian had been wanting these for a while; she would use the oil essence during hypnosis sessions, tailoring the combination to the individuals constitution.

At that time, it was impossible to find very pure oils in the domestic market.

Alright, tell me what kind you want, and write it down.

Xiao Qian wrote down the items she needed and then added another.

Also, get this brands mens lotion and aftershave.

Yu Minglangs skin was dry, and he didnt like to apply fragrant skincare products. In her past life, Xiao Qian bought him imported mens products with no fragrance. These products were only available from abroad, as there were no domestic stores.

Shi Touyu took a look at the list, Boss Qian, you have good taste. Ive bought this for my brother before, and its super expensive. He treats it like gold, not knowing its value!

Money is not a problem. Just let me know how much it costs, and Ill pay you.

When it came to things for Yu Minglang, Xiao Qian never bought anything subpar. It was the same in her past life and now..

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