Published at 20th of May 2024 01:19:18 PM

Chapter 172: Chapter 172: Chapter 171: Late Night on the Rooftop

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Chapter 172: Chapter 171: Late Night on the Rooftop


Translator: 549690339

Watching Dong Yi go upstairs, Shi Yu wants to follow, but Xiao Qian holds her back.

The school dormitory is shaped like a loop. Standing in the courtyard and looking up, a huge Robot Cat appears on the rooftop.

Oh my gosh! You really called it! Wuu wuu, it scared me to death, a floating Robot Cat!

Shi Yu gasps in fright, and the cross falls out of her mouth.

I knew I should have brought something of the Sun God with me. Can the Bible and garlic work on a Robot Cat? Ahh!!

Xiao Qian squints her eyes and looks for a long time, pushes Shi Yu away. You look closely, what floating Robot Cat!

I dont want to look, it scared me to death. What should I do? Da Yi went up there, should I go save her? Shi Yu is extremely scared, still thinking about her roommate. She clenches her teeth, runs upstairs with the Bible, 111 fight with that blue fatso!

Xiao Qian, panting with laughter, pulls her back and makes her take a closer look.

You look closely, its Dong Yi.

Da Yi? Shi Yu stares, Has the blue fatso possessed Da Yi?

The light is flickering, so you can only see the brightly-colored parts. You look closely!

Shi Yu gathers her courage to look carefully, but she is still startled.

At first glance, it really looks like a blue fatso floating. But upon closer inspection, it turns out to be a person. The pajamas come with a cartoon hat. When its snapped on, it looks like a floating cartoon character.

The angle is terrifying. Dong Yi is sitting on the rooftop, her legs hanging down. One misstep and shell fall off!

Oh my gosh! What is Da Yi trying to do?! Shi Yu cant wait any longer, but Xiao Qian shakes her head.

Wait a while, if we go there now, she might easily fall.

It scared me to death. What should we do, Boss Qian? Should we call the fire department?! Shi Yu sees her friend, although Dong Yi has always been cold to her, she considers her a friend. Seeing her friend in such a dangerous place makes her heart tremble with fear.

Tears are falling.

Xiao Qian reaches out, wipes away the tears of the oversensitive kind-hearted girl, and speaks like an elder.

Dont be afraid, dont cry when you encounter problems. Think about what to do. If you cry, you may easily lose your calm judgment. 1 observed that there is a large platform on the rooftop. It looks small, but its actually more than one meter. Theres a metal frame to block it. You see that her legs are hanging down, but theyre actually sticking out from the metal frame. The height of the frame is 30 centimeters. Although its very thin, Da Yi isnt heavy. As long as she doesnt jump, there wont be a problem.

What should we do, Boss Qian! Shi Yu is more distressed than when she saw a ghost, and her tears never stop.

This isnt the first time Da li has sleepwalked. It was fine the last few times. This time, it should be no problem as well. Dont panic. According to the time difference, the two of us will go up soon, and I will treat her.

Why Shi Yu attracts Xiao Qians affection is because the child has blood and flesh, even if a little naive and not knowing the hardships of life, shes very kind-hearted and righteous, possessing the pure character of a child her age. Therefore, Xiao Qian looks at her as a junior.

As the two of them hold hands upstairs, Shi Yu doesnt see Dong Yi and covers her mouth, crying. Her mouth trembles, and Xiao Qian feels the coldness of her hand.

Boss Qiandid she fall off?

Shi Yu lies on the roof and looks down; nothing can be seen.

No, lets look for her.

Xiao Qian is very calm, leading Shi Yu around the rooftop. Just like what the other students had said, they found something floating, but when they came closer, it was gone.

Xiao Qian searches back and forth and finally spots Dong Yi, sitting in the corner of the rooftop holding her knees. From this angle, its a blind spot that no one can see.

Thats why she scared the other students the previous few times she sleepwalked.

Dong Yis eyes are half-open and she gazes listlessly ahead, occasionally muttering words that no one can understand.

Boss Qian, what should we do now? Shi Yu feels a little relieved when she sees Dong Yi is fine, but she doesnt know how to handle it.

When sleepwalking, a person loses connection with the surrounding environment. Shes now living in a private world. Her behavior at this time is a symbolic recurrence of her suppressed painful experiences. After the sleepwalking ends, she wont know anything about it.

As Xiao Qian speaks, she contemplates.

What has Dong Yi experienced that is so oppressive and painful, making her feel the need to run to a high place to reenact it?

How should we deal with it?! Shi Yu doesnt understand the stuff about psychology.

There are three treatments for sleepwalking. Although I dont know which one is suitable for her situation, Ill start with the first one, aversion therapy. Since we know that sleepwalking is the reenactment of painful experiences, a mental compensation, we just have to make her disgusted with this compensation, so the aversion therapy is to wake her up and interrupt her compensation.

But my mom said if you wake a sleepwalker, theyll die! Shi Yu is so scared.

Xiao Qian glares at her, Is your mom a psychologist, or am I a psychologist?

She has seen many such cases and cured so many people, so she is still quite confident.

Alright, you do it. Be careful not to kill Da Yi Shi Yu is very nervous.

Xiao Qian pushes Dong Yi, Da Yi, wake up.

After pushing her for a long time, Dong Yi still doesnt wake up, still with her eyes half-open.

Boss Qian, did someone take her soul? Shi Yu is scared. She puts the garlic necklace on Dong Yis neck and stuffs the Bible into her arms.

Shi Touyu, youre a university student, dont be so superstitious! Xiao Qian glares at her and continues to explain. Many people mistakenly think that sleepwalking occurs during a light sleep. The truth is, sleepwalking happens during the deepest sleep. Shes now in the deepest sleep and extremely difficult to wake.

Many things arent so scary when explored from a scientific perspective.

After calling for Dong Yi back and forth, she finally wakes up. Seeing Xiao Qian and Shi Yu, her eyes look a little lost.

Am I dreaming?

Seeing her talk, Shi Yu pounces and embraces Dong Yi, bursting into tears.

Da Yi, you scared me to death!

Shi Yus tears fall on Dong Yis shoulder. Realizing this isnt a dream, she grasps the flashlight Chen Xiaoqian is holding and hugs Shi Touyu.

How did I get here? She looks up at the unfamiliar surroundings. The night wind blows, and the thin pajamas arent enough to keep her warm.

You were sleepwalking. Boss Qian woke you up. Da Yi, you scared me to death! Shi Yu holds Da Yis hand tightly, fearing that if she lets go, there will be no pulse.

Although Boss Qian gave a scientific explanation, the old traditional sayings that her mother mentioned still haunt Shi Yu, making her so scared.

Me? Sleepwalking? How is that possible? Dong Yi is astonished..

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