Published at 23rd of May 2024 12:01:31 PM

Chapter 176: Chapter 176: Chapter 175: Magical Method (Additional Monthly Ticket 1350+ Update)

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Chapter 176: Chapter 175: Magical Method (Additional Monthly Ticket 1350+ Update)


Translator: 549690339

Professor, would you like to have an apple and join our plot discussion? decided Xiao Qian, who vowed not to admit to anything.


Were discussing a novel plot, Xiao Qian said. In truth, she knew that Professor Liu could not stand this. She nudged Dong Yi discreetly. But late to the details, Dong Yi with tear-streaked face nervously nodded to the request having no idea about the identity of the old woman but noticing the usually unrestrained Boss Qian appeared unusually playful.

By next Monday, I want a full case report. Make sure its neatly written, 300-word manuscript, adhere strictly to the format, and dont give me less than a thousand words. Liu Linlin unemotionally said, and dropped the bag of apples on Xiao Qians bed, observing the raw Psychology textbooks arranging alongside her pillow. She flipped through casually.

Xiao Qians heart started to pound.

Professor, do I, um, need to write a review for a TV series?

Your major subject teacher was my student. Perhaps I should have a word with her about unauthorized practice.

Professor, you look radiant today, its as if youre radiating limitless youth. Im so blessed to have such a youthful professor like you leading my homework. Professor Liu gave a half-smiling look at Xiao Qians flattering, Not a minute later.

Yes! Task will be completed!

Xiao Qian had a flashback of occasions while in school when she was being pursued, scolded and criticized by the mentor.

Shes graduated, but still felt uneasy every time she meets a teacher.

She was unsure of why the professor needed the case, but she had this feeling that if she doesnt serve this old lady properly, she will face trouble in future.

After seeing off Professor Liu, the professor suddenly stopped to ask Xiao Qian, In the TV series you watched. Why was the treatment conducted by the rescuing uncle, and not her own relatives?

Nightwalking tends to be an outcome of longing for families and stress. Seeing a loved one, making a phone call, or writing a letter can effectively relieve excessive yearnings. However, in cases where the person has passed away or an adoptive family is absent, I chose to resort to emotional compensation using a person she likes, Xiao Qian says.


Xiao Qian awkwardly vowed that she saw her teacher laughed. The old lady loved making mischief, a preference that she recalled from her old days.

Thats from the TV series I watched. Xiao Qian quickly changed course and Professor Liu hummed in response.

Dont forget, Monday.

After she left, Xiao Qian breathed a sigh of relief. It was quite overwhelming.

Shi Touyu, what are you sleeping here for? A voice of a girl. Xiao Qian turned back to see a naive girl poking the face of Shi Touyu at the doorway.

Shi Yu sat against the wall and had fallen asleep. His mouth corner lifting slightly, seemingly he was having a beautiful dream.

Lend a hand, help her in. Xiao Qian asked Xu Ruxin, who freeloading on Shi Touyus food to help.

I have other work, why dont you do it yourself if youre so capable? Xu Ruxin grunted and walked away.

She had taken so much from Shi Touyu and now after a small conflict about cosmetics gift, she began to sulk at Shi Touyu.

Xiao Qian didnt bother about her and asked Dong Yi to help carry Shi Touyu in.

Why is she sleeping at this hour? Dong Yi asked puzzledly.

After chatting with Xiao Qian, her mood had improved considerably.

Xiao Qian nudged Shi Yu who didnt wake up. Reminded of her mentors recent visit, Xiao Qian extended her hand and snapped her fingers in front of Shi Yus eyes. Shi Yu woke up instantly.

I feel so relaxed Huh, Boss Qian, are you done?

How did that happen? She didnt wake up when you pushed her, but then woke up with a snap? Dong Yi thought it was incredible.

Seemingly remembered something, Shi Yu grabbed hold of her hair and yelled exasperatingly.

Oh no, did I sell you guys out in my daze? There was a serious-looking old lady who made a bet with me, and then I just

Could it be that she had blabbered something in confusion, and then dozed off like someone who had been drunk?

She guiltily looked at Xiao Qian but found Xiao Qian was snickering.

Boss Qian?

Ah, its fine. That was Professor Liu. Dont make bets with her anymore.

Why not?

Because this trick of hers, it deceives people who are gullible. Xiao Qian mimicked a snapping action.

Shi Yu covered her mouth, It felt like a magical oriental sorcery!

Isnt it just a mind control trick?

Its nothing magical, and it doesnt work on everyone. For example, children, people over 70, anyone with below-average intelligence, naive city dwellers and naive girls from wealthy families, it works on them. Xiao Qian was tell nothing but the truth, the Sivag Mind Tricks were not universally effective, at least not on her and Yu Minglang.

Ah, I only remember her saying something called Schwarzenegger

Sivag Mind Tricks! Xiao Qian corrected.

Came from the mystical old womans magic Shi Yu got a taste of the danger of gambling.

Suddenly, Shi Yus eyes sparkled, Boss Qian, do you know this magical mind trick?

Yes. She was personally tutored by her teacher. Especially useful against people like naive girls from wealthy families.

Teach me, Ill treat you to a month of delicious street food! Could she, with this skill, hypnotize her idiotic brother?

She was thrilled at the thought of her strapping her brother with a leash and making him do whatever she wanted.

First, you will not be able to learn it. Second, your voice is not suitable for hypnosis. Third, you wont hypnotize your brother. Even I cant do it.

Shi Yu widened her eyes, What did you do when I was hypnotized? Did you peek into my soul?

Xiao Qian rolled her eyes, I dont need to peek. Its so obvious that anyone with eyes can see it. You might think that learning hypnosis is easy, but it isnt. Your aura, look, finger movement, voice, and most importantly figuring out how to match your voice with the other persons brainwave. Every little aspect is important. If any piece is missing, it wont work. Go for it, if you can, Da Yi.

Xiao Qian made a cheering gesture to Da Yi, who nodded affirmatively. This seems interesting, she thought. I want to learn it.

The snubbed naive girl from wealthy family couldnt bear it any longer.

Its because I was not serious. If I was, you would be frightened.

Hmm Having had her moment of satisfaction from a mysterious disdainful smile, Xiao Qian got down to making some sort of time table.

Its now Wednesday, the professor means for her to sort out Dong Yis situation within these few days. She has to quickly get in touch with Second Brother Yu. If her treatment fails, the professor will have to step in.

She knew her teacher who would freely offer treatment to people which Xiao Qian doesnt do. She would refuse to provide treatment if there isnt any money involved unless its for a good cause. But her teacher wasnt of the same view and would treat anyone who needed help.

Um, Boss Qian, the thing between my brother and me, how did you find out? Shi Yu asked awkwardly in a lowered voice..

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