Published at 23rd of May 2024 12:01:30 PM

Chapter 177: Chapter 177: Chapter 176: Distinguish the Money Clearly (Thanks to Book Friends 2017010201 and Hes B

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Chapter 177: Chapter 176: Distinguish the Money Clearly (Thanks to Book Friends 2017010201 and Hes Bi+ for the update)


Translator: 549690339

Your brother? Whats up with your brother? Xiao Qian asked, her smile half-mocking.

Shi Yus gaze flickered, avoiding the topic.

Xiao Qian smirked. When a name was mentioned too frequently by someone who wasnt a blood relative, it was worth pondering. Shi Yu obviously didnt realize that she spoke about her brother more often than the time spent reading professional books.

It was essential to treat Dong Yis sleepwalking. Xiao Qian planned to call Yu Minglang in the evening and ask him to find Second Brother, but found out that Yu Xiaoqiang was on a business trip and could not come back temporarily. Boss Qian, are you looking for Uncle?

Yes, Ming Lang is missing, no matter. Ill call Hai Zhao. He should know. Xiao Qian flipped through her phone book, looking for the emergency contact left by Yu Minglang.

You dont need to, I have Uncles number. Dong Yi pulled out a small book from under her pillow, took out a note from the plastic cover, and handed it to Xiao Qian.

Actually, it would be best if we didnt bother Uncle, hes probably very busy with work. Dong Yi hadnt dialed the number since it was given to her. She had planned to save up some money during the holidays and send some fruits over.

So, Ming Yi gave you his number? Xiao Qian took the note, thought for a moment, and then shook her head.

When Iceberg saved Dong Yi, Dong Yi was still a child, she was overthinking.

Considering it carefully, it was not surprising. After all, Ming Yi personally saved Dong Yi, so it was normal for him to take care of her future life.

The call was quickly transferred to Ming Yi.

Second brother, its Chen Xiaoqian, I need your help.

Okay, when?

Tomorrow at 11:30, okay?

Alright, what is it?

Sure enough, Icebergs speech was cold, just like icicles dripping out. Xiaoqian guessed the order in which Second Brother answers questions, and couldnt help but admire the relation among Xiao Qiangs brothers. Upon hearing her voice, Second Brother first confirmed the time and then asked what was going on. It was unconditional trust in his younger brother, wasnt it?

Im doing a treatment and need your cooperation. Ill tell you when we meet, you just need to come.

Listening to Xiao Qian talking to Ming Yi, Dong Yi was nervously clenching her fists, fearing that she might disturb Uncle.

Tell me the location.

Xiao Qian originally wanted to meet at the school, but when Ming Yi agreed so readily, she almost gave in to mischief.

At the Hongfa Hotel near our school, okay?

Hearing the word hotel, the first thing Dong Yi thought of was the money. She was still very innocent and did not think about other potential implications.

She tugged at Xiao Qians sleeve, shaking her head. Xiao Qian winked at her, implying it was okay.

Alright, see you tomorrow.

Ming Yi agreed so readily that Xiao Qian started to instinctively analyze the situation after hanging up.

Choosing such an ambiguous location, his prompt agreement indicates that either Second Brother Yu is very slow in such matters, or the bond among the brothers is really strong, and he unconditionally trusts Ming Langs choice of partner. The last possibility: he half-trusts and half-doubts, if she does anything unacceptable, he can directly tell Ming Lang.

This Second Brother Yu is really a difficult person to figure out

Xiao Qian, being so habitually analytical, couldnt help but scrutinize anything with potential value. She had mulled over Second Brother Yus divorce several times, always feeling that there was something suspect about it but unable to pinpoint anything. But this time she added that to her analysis.

Boss Qian, why not choose our school dormitory, its cheaper. Dong Yi felt the pressure of spending money.

Boss Qian was treating her illness, so she should bear all these associated costs. But she only had a few tens of yuan left and it was still a month till she could earn more, she wondered if itd be enough.

Its inconvenient at the school. And besides, how could you expect Old Yu, such a straight-laced guy, to sneak into a ladies dormitory?

Well you shouldnt call him Old Yu, you should use a more formal address.

Xiao Qian rolled her eyes, Hes your idol, not mine.

Dong Yi admired Old Yu so much that she couldnt tolerate anyone using a nickname for him.

Regardless, you shouldnt either. Also, estimate the cost, lets see if its enough.

Alright, well discuss it after the treatment tomorrow. You can pay me back when you found a tutoring job.

No, I cant owe money, especially not a friends. Dong Yi insisted.

Well, the hotel you mentioned is run by my dads friend, we can get free service. Shi Yu finally understood what Boss Qian and Dong Yi were fussing about.

No, cash payment. Dong Yi didnt quite understand the twists and turns of the rich, but she thought, if Shi Yu could get a free service, then her father probably had to give something equivalent in return. She couldnt take any advantage, it was a principle.

Its really okay, I just need to let them know. Shi Yu had just finished speaking when the dormitory door was pushed open, and Xu Ruxin, the silly sweet girl who always came to eat for free, came in again.

Shi Yu, let me borrow your phone card.

Oh, wait Shi Yu was looking for it when Xiao Qian gave her a fierce look.

Shi Yu cleared her throat.

That, Ive used it up already and havent recharged yet. The naive landlords daughter had a very keen sixth sense. She felt that if she lent the phone card to Xu Ruxin, Xiao Qian would be upset.

Why havent you recharged yet? I cant even make a call now, really!

Xu Ruxin stormed out with a sour face. Xiaoqian patted Dong Yi, You see? You should learn from her, and toughen up.

They were all people, but Dong Yis financial condition was much worse than Xu Ruxin, yet she had much more integrity.

No, we cant hurt our friends. We need to be grateful. Dong Yi spoke a bit more with Xiao Qian after their recent therapy session.

She was very serious about this, but when the words fell on Xu Ruxins ears, it sounded like the two occupants of the silent dorm were ridiculing her.

She came back, standing before Dong Yi and Xiao Qian.

What are you two implying? Beating around the bush, isnt it tiring? Cant you speak straight?

Ha, weve been very direct. We dont talk behind peoples backs. We said it in front of you, were not tired. On the contrary, its you whos always complaining about how tired you are, you must be very tired, right?

Xiao Qian had wanted to snap at her for a while now.

Seeing that both sides were about to argue, Shi Yu quickly ran over to Xiao Qians side to help mediate, Boss Qian, its my fault, dont be angry

Shi Tou Yu, shut up and get back to your bed. Ill deal with you later. Boss Qian spoke with such an authority that Shi Yu obediently went back to her bed. Whats your problem? You think youre so great? I just borrowed some stuff from my friend, she didnt say anything against it, what gives you two the right to insult me like this!

Xu Ruxin felt deeply humiliated.

How did I insult you? Who used up 100 yuan of Shi Yus phone credit? Who took advantage of Shi Yus generosity? When Shi Yu treated everyone to dinner, you brought along four or five people. Are these not facts?

Boss Qian was too lazy to say some things, but when she saw something incredibly disgusting, she had to intervene.

Listening to Xiao Qian tallying up all these things so precisely, Xu Ruxin turned to Shi Yu in anger.

Shi Yu! So this is how you are!

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