Published at 23rd of May 2024 12:01:30 PM

Chapter 178: Chapter 178: Chapter 177: Great Favor Becomes Enmity

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Chapter 178: Chapter 177: Great Favor Becomes Enmity


Translator: 549690339

Huh? Shi Yu was puzzled. What kind of person was she?

Shi Yu didnt understand the situation and was already despised.

I considered you a friend, and yet youre keeping tabs on how much I owe you and vice versa. Arent you tired of it?

I didnt count and Im not tired Shi Yu felt inexplicably blamed. Seeing Xu Ruxins tears, Shi Yu wondered what she had done to offend her so much.

Forget it, I wont borrow from you. Its just a phone card worth 20 yuan. At least I saw your true colors! Xu Ruxin tried to leave, but Chen Xiaoqian grabbed her collar and pulled her back.

Youre not tired because you only take from her. Can you say you ever gave anything to Shi Yu?

I gave her my full friendship!

So youre just an ungrateful wretch? Dong Yi could see through it too. Wasnt this the ungrateful wolf her auntie used to teach her about as a child?

Were you genuinely trying to be friends with her, or simply saw her as a rich sucker? When Shi Touyu invited everyone out to eat before, you not only took advantage of the free meal but also brought several others along. Whats the deal with that?

I just wanted to introduce more people to her. Having more friends means more opportunities! Xu Ruxin hated Shi Yu, never expecting that shed been badmouthing her behind her back.

Actually, it wasnt Shi Yu who said those things. It was other classmates who went out to eat with Shi Yu. Xiao Qian heard the gossip in the canteen, which mentioned that Xu Ruxin brought several people over for a free meal and even acted like a host, making the ones she brought think that she was paying the bill.

Shi Yu paid the bill and gained favor with her classmates, but Xu Ruxin took advantage of it, playing the fool and turning Shi Yu into a gullible target. And today, Xiao Qian just happened to talk about it.

Friendship is never a one-way street. You always take but never repay. Even the best friendships can be drained like that. In the end, who sees who for who they really are just stay away from Shi Yu in the future.

Its as if youre so rare and valuable! A bunch of weirdos! Xu Ruxins face turned red from Xiao Qians retort, feeling tremendously hurt.

Xu Ruxin, you can insult me, but dont drag the rest of our dorm into it. Dont come to me anymore about past matters. Shi Yu finally became emotionally stirred when she heard Xu Ruxin generalize the situation.

Youre all bullying me! Xu Ruxin cried and ran out of the dormitory.

After she left, the dormitory fell into a brief silence.

Shi Yu had a guilty expression, while Xiao Qian began to study with pen and paper, unaffected. Dong Yi pondered for several seconds before finally speaking.

Boss Qian, from a psychological perspective, whats her issue? People striving to learn always focus on different things.

Shi Yu? Too naive if she hasnt been through hardships. She has too much money to burn, said Xiao Qian unsympathetically.

Hey! Isnt anyone going to sympathize with me or comfort me? Shi Yu protested. Couldnt anyone see that she was a poor, vulnerable victim?

Im not talking about her. I mean the one just now. She took so much from Shi Touyu but never showed gratitude. Instead, she felt wronged. Why is that?

A bowl of rice raises a benefactor, a bushel of rice grows an enemy. If you keep giving and one day you stop, the other party will feel you owe them, not realizing that without your help, they would have already starved to death. Dong Yi, your grace turns into grace, and resentment turns into resentment is human nature. The one who just left mixed up rice raising an enemy, and thats also human nature, all within the scope of psychological studies on interpersonal gratitude.

Boss Qian, I dont quite understand Im genuinely trying to get along with everyone, but I feel a bit upset about how things turned out. Shi Yu was outgoing and always wanted to get to know more people, but todays events had shaken her.

The idea of rice raising an enemy in the field of psychology is still controversial and lacks research supporting this theory. Experts believe that the reason why this theory is widely accepted is that positive emotions do not evoke empathy as easily as negative ones.

Boss Qian, stop talking about the experts. Tell us your opinion.

Occasionally, when Xiao Qian started to talk seriously about a positive topic, Shi Yu would feel uneasy, preferring the high-level sarcasm of Boss Qian instead.

My personal view is similar to something I read in a magazine: peoples desires, like seawater, only make them thirstier the more they drink. I believe that you should try to choose friends on the same level as you, either financially or spiritually, and seek connections. Having 100 lousy friends is worse than having none. There are always people in this world who are extremely selfish and self-centered yet disguised as innocent and naive, hurting others with their fake naivete. When you reason with them, they accuse you of overthinking.

Come to think of it, wasnt the logic of Wang Xiaohong and the naive girl just now quite similar?

Second Brother Yu gave Wang Xiaohong a family, but she wasnt satisfied. She wanted more and more, and when she couldnt have anymore, it turned into hatred. There were too many people like that. Selfish people would never think it was their problem; they would think that if you had something, you should give it to them, otherwise you were the selfish one. It was such a fascinating logic, and most people were like that, only varying in degree.

Xiao Qian never indulged such people; she didnt see herself as a savior, nor did she think she was a good person. She didnt need miscellaneous friends. She just wanted to live her life according to her own will, so being a bad guy was often more comfortable than a good person.

Shi Yu seemed to understand something and felt as if she had wasted her life so far.

Boss Qian, why do I feel like you, sometimes, understand life better than my mom?

Xiao Qian threw a pillow at her, Are you implying that Im old?

Not old, just mature

Shi Yu hugged Xiao Qian, Boss Qian, you feel like an elder to me, providing the perfect warmth.

Get away from me! Youre just insinuating that Im old in various ways, thinking I wont catch on?

Xiao Qian teased her, but deep down, she felt like an old soul among these teenagers.

A person experiencing minor growth pains, like Shi Yu, was what youth was all about. Xiao Qian shifted her gaze to Dong Yi, who was indeed taking notes, recording the theory of interpersonal gratitude that Xiao Qian had just talked about, and planning to look up more information at the library when she had time.

Compared to relatively normal kids like Shi Yu, Dong Yis maturity was also forced by life. Xiao Qian hoped that after tomorrows treatment, Dong Yi could integrate into a normal life. Even without Shi Tous vibrant life force, she could still be happy.

It all depended on what Yu Mingyi would do.

When it was time for their appointment, Xiao Qian brought Dong Yi along, and as expected, saw Yu Mingyi waiting outside the hotel in casual clothes.

Dong Yi? Yu Mingyi was also surprised to see her.

He looked at Xiao Qian questioningly, and she nodded in confirmation.

What I need your help with is this..

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