Published at 24th of May 2024 07:34:17 AM

Chapter 180: Chapter 180: Chapter 181: Yu Family Demon (Monthly Ticket 1450+ Updated)

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Chapter 180: Chapter 181: Yu Family Demon (Monthly Ticket 1450+ Updated)


Translator: 549690339

Wang Xiaobo immediately went out to call his sister.

His sisters phone was turned off and couldnt connect. Wang Xiaobo became more and more worried, so he called his mother.

After telling the old lady what he saw, the old lady got furious.

Xiaobo, are you sure you didnt see wrong?

What am I seeing wrong about? My brother-in-law is grinning like a flower with a pretty girl on each side, both better looking than my sister. Who knows what theyll do after dinner? Mom, you need to think of something quickly. My sisters not home, what should we do about this?

Dont worry, theyre just bullying our family because we have no one, right? You keep an eye on what Yu Mingyis up to, and when his dad comes home tonight, Ill go to their house and ask his parents for an explanation!

Wang Xiaohongs mother thought she had found a chance to force the Yu Family to arrange a hospital job for her niece. But she didnt know that when she went there at night, Father and Mother Yu had just taken Panpan on a vacation to recover, and missed them.

Looking for Big Brother Yu, Big Brother Yu was on a business trip, and the eldest sister-in-law had gone to another city for medical exchange.

Mother Wang, with her sister, blocked the entrance to the Family Home. The guards and security guards dared not to slack off or make noise. They had to let the Yu Family handle this. The only one who could be found now was Yu Minglang, who was still in Qiang City.

Yu Minglang finished his days work and eagerly called his beloved Xiao Mei.

Xiao Qian was telling him about taking Dong Yi to see Yu Mingli during the day.

The reception room at the guesthouse is not suitable.

Whats wrong, Xiao Mei?

I feel that the treatment effect is not good. My patient is too restrained and cant relax. This makes it difficult to achieve the effect I want. I simply gave up hypnosis and changed it to casual conversation, but your second brother is so frustrating. Hes like a leader receiving the masses, and the conversation effect is not good either.

Xiao Qians original plan was very simple: to find a place for Dong Yi to be hypnotized after dinner, and then let Second Brother Yu comfort her.

But the environment wasnt good, and Second Brother Yu was like that, so it was an unfavorable start.

Do you need my help? I can find you a better place. How about a hotel? Yu Minglang asked.

No need, its not a matter of environment. How can I explain it to you My intuition is that even if we change to a hotel, it wont work. I cant find the patients soul code.

Where exactly should the treatment take place? This was a difficult question.

At the moment, Dong Yi was in the self-study room alone as Shi Touyu was participating in the theater troupe activities. It was very convenient for her to talk. She didnt tell Yu Minglang Dong Yis name or condition, as it was her patients privacy. She just said that she found the child Second Brother Yu saved back then, who had some psychological issues and needed Second Brothers help.

Its okay, our Xiao Mei is the best. I believe youll definitely solve the problem! While Yu Minglang was giving Xiao Qian a dose of spiritual chicken soup, an employee came over and said there was an emergency, so Yu Minglang had to end the call with Xiao Qian.

Mother Wang was unlucky. It would have been better for her to look for the smiling tiger, Boss Yu, than to mess with the worlds devil, Youngest Brother Yu.

The moment Yu Minglang heard it, he knew he couldnt tolerate it!

Mother Wang and her sister sat angrily in the guards room, and when they saw Yu Minglang entering from the outside, they were still somewhat unconvinced.

Doesnt the Yu Family have anyone else? Youve got a kid here to talk to me.

Just say what you want. Yu Minglang didnt have a good impression of this family.

I want to talk to your parents.

Theyre busy. I can represent my family. Go ahead, whats the problem?

Theres no big deal. We caught your second brother messing around with a woman outside. For this matter, your Yu Family should at least give us an explanation! Mother Wang ordered haughtily.

Yes, explain it! Her sister echoed. Because of her own child not being able to work at the hospital as a nurse, she had been harboring resentment. Now she felt like she had caught the Yu Familys tail.

After listening, Yu Minglang knew. Xiao Mei had just talked to him about it, and this family came buzzing over like flies. Disgusting!

Second Brother Yu never did things too absolutely. Even after the divorce, he didnt force Wang Xiaohongs family to move out. However, these people seemed to be even more energetic.

Lets not mention that the so-called caught in the act youre talking about doesnt exist. Even if my second brother has a new partner now, it has nothing to do with your family, and our family doesnt need to give you any explanation. Yu Minglang started with no room for manoeuvre.

If Mother Wang talked to Mother Yu like this, Mother Yu, after all, was someone with a status, and her words would be relatively more tactful. But she insisted on provoking Little Tyrant Yu Minglang. Yu Minglang was the one who didnt tolerate anyone except Xiao Mei, and his words were direct and discourteous.

Interesting, kid, your words are straightforward. Arent you going to consider your second brothers future? Hes still a serving individual. If we expose the matter at the unit, can he continue to develop? Hurry up and give us an explanation, otherwise, Ill go to the unit and expose it!

Sis, dont talk to him. Call his parents over!

Looking at the two arrogant shrews, Yu Minglang didnt even bat an eyelid. He went out and called the on-duty security guard in.

Mother Wang saw the on-duty security guard come in with Yu Minglang, who then asked him to take the stick off his waist.

Wha, whats going on? Are you going to hit us? Her voice was trembling.

Im not going to hit you. You want to go to the unit, right? Im just demonstrating how this kind of stick is played. Yu Minglang took the stick from the guard and skillfully turned it around in his hand, displaying an amazing aura.

Yu Minglangs speed was enough to scare Mother Wang silly. In less than a minute, he demonstrated his superb stick skills, making the guards and security guards envious.

If Young Master Lang worked with them, hed be the highest-paid there for his impressive ability, right?

Yu Minglang reassembled the stick and returned it to the security guard. Take good care of it. Its not clean enough.

Yes! Idol, I worship you.

Leave now.


When there were only the scared Mother Wang and her sister left in the room, Yu Minglang said contemptuously, You can come and make trouble whenever you want, but dont come to this yard again.

Did they really think his familys neighborhood was a wet market? They could come and go as they pleased? If it werent for Second Brother Yus face, they wouldnt even be able to enter the yard.

Seeing Mother Wang so scared that she couldnt even speak, Yu Minglang continued.

My second brother and Wang Xiaohong have already completed the divorce procedures. Our two families no longer have any relationship. It doesnt matter how you came before, but from now on, if you come and make trouble again, you may be considered as dangerous elements threatening or even assassinating leaders. Do I need to explain how that would be handled? Divorce? Mother Wang was dumbfounded.

For the specific reason, ask your daughter after her treatment is over. This time, Im in a good mood and wont hold you accountable for your mistakes. Go back and move out. Of course, if you want to come to the unit or my parents side to make trouble, you can. But I cant guarantee that Ill show up to save you next time. Can you guess how the guards will handle you next time you come?

Yu Minglang demonstrated flipping a stick, and Mother Wangs face turned pale with fear..

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