Published at 24th of May 2024 07:34:17 AM

Chapter 181: Chapter 181: Chapter 182: Refresh (Monthly Ticket 1500+ Updated)

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Chapter 181: Chapter 182: Refresh (Monthly Ticket 1500+ Updated)


Translator: 549690339

Yu Minglang was the one with the fiercest temper in the old Yu Family. After his second brother got divorced and didnt take back the house, Mother Wang came to make trouble. Yu Minglang was blunt and directly confronted her.

Not to mention making a scene, even if Mother Wang wanted to find a place to do so, she would have to find an opportunity first.

For Wang Xiaohongs matter, Second Brother ultimately showed mercy and did not take her to court. The matter was dealt with quietly. If Mother Wang still didnt know what was good for her, Yu Minglang had ways to deal with her. His second brother might be reluctant, but he could do it.

This kind of old lady who had never seen the world could easily be intimidated and brought into line. The principle of repaying kindness with kindness and enmity with enmity didnt work for him. Since both sides were enemies, he simply took back the kindness and treated everyone as enemies.

This matter was suppressed by Yu Minglangs high-profile attitude without any waves.

Xiao Qian wrote a detailed report on the first treatment of Dong Yi and went to see Professor Liu.

Not to interfere and continue to find methods? Reading the last few words written by Xiao Qian, Professor Liu recited them.



I want to ensure that each of my treatments has a positive effect. If the outcome is negative, its better to maintain the status quo and wait until a better method is found before starting the treatment.

Professor Lius eyes showed approving radiance.

She had originally thought that if Xiao Qian couldnt handle the case well, she would take over herself, since this was a long-standing psychological issue that ordinary therapists might not be able to handle properly.

Xiao Qians performance had surprised her somewhat.

Who taught you these treatment methods?

You did. Theoretically, I learned from textbooks, but in practice, my teacher guided me personally.

Xiao Qian couldnt say it outright, so she looked at the distance and said, It was a teacher I greatly respect. Although she never received the title of an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, she is the best psychologist in my heart.

Academician? Haha, Im not one either, but Ive helped many people just the same.

Xiao Qian probably knew that Professor Liu had some issues with this title, so it was not surprising that she would react this way.

Where is your teacher now? Is she from our school?

Isnt it you? Xiao Qian thought for a moment, Shes gone to another world, and I can no longer contact her.

With this explanation, there should be no problem, right? The Liu Linlin of the past life and the Liu Linlin of this life can be considered as two different worlds.

Professor Liu assumed Xiao Qian meant that her teacher had passed away and didnt ask any more questions.

Xiao Qian couldnt tell what she was thinking and took the initiative to ask, Professor Liu, if you were my teacher and the treatment was stuck at this point, what advice would you give me?

I cant make a 100% judgment without facing the patient directly. However, since you have already started the treatment, I can no longer interact with her. Based on my clinical experience, people who have had such experiences may enter the situation more easily when they return to the scene.

Xiao Qian thought about it and shook her head, The place has been rebuilt and is different from before.

Just as Professor Liu was about to give Xiao Qian some advice, Xiao Qians eyes lit up, Right, recreate the scene!

Professor Liu nodded, exactly.

Xiao Qian was delighted and bowed deeply to Professor Liu, Thank you, Professor, for your advice. Ill start preparing right away.

The medical record

Ill bring it to you after the second treatment!

Xiao Qian wanted to put her thoughts into action immediately and left in a hurry.

Liu Linlin shook her head, I didnt teach her, she just comprehended it on her own. Her teacher must be an amazing person

Xiao Qian called Second Brother when no one was around and made her request. Second Brother was silent for a while.

Are you sure?

Yes, this will definitely cure Dong Yi, at least it wont let her sleepwalk anymore.

Alright, Ill arrange it. It needs approval, so wait for my news. Knowing that the little girl he saved had psychological problems, Yu Mingyi also paid great attention to it. So even though Xiao Qians request was a bit excessive, he still agreed.

The waiting time for Second Brothers reply was a bit long. During this period, Dong Yi found a part-time tutoring job, tutoring a little boy every Saturday and Sunday, earning 8 yuan per hour. She could earn more than 100 yuan in a month, which made her very satisfied and cherished the opportunity.

Shi Touyu had been busy with club rehearsals these days, and she had completely integrated into university life. Under Xiao Qians guidance, she had cut ties with those messy friends.

At noon that day, Shi Touyu went to eat with the drama club members on an AA system, while Xiao Qian and Dong Yi ate at the canteen together. Just as they sat down, they heard people talking behind them.

Did Shi Yu from the Department of Fine Arts really get taken care of by someone?

As soon as Dong Yi heard this, she sat straight up and wanted to get up to confront them, but Xiao Qian held her hand and shook her head.

Yes, Xu Ruxin said that the cosmetics she uses are all brought back from abroad. You see, she usually dresses so plainly, where does she get the money to buy such things?

Xu Ruxin? Dong Yi remembered, wasnt she that sweet and innocent girl who was slandered by Boss Qian?

Arent Xu Ruxin and Shi Yu friends?

After Xu Ruxin found out Shi Yus true colors, she stopped hanging out with her. I never thought our school would have students like this Ah!

The girl who was talking suddenly realized that Xiao Qian had come over at some point and sat down next to her, arm on her shoulder, looking very gentle. Dong Yi stood beside Xiao Qian with an angry face.

Classmate, following the crowd is not a good habit.

Boss Qian Everyone knew this figure in the school.

Hearing their roommate being talked about was a very awkward feeling. Moreover, Xiao Qian had a certain aura that made ordinary people feel somewhat intimidated.

The truth is not what you said, its this

Xiao Qian whispered a few words into the girls ear, who looked astonished. Really?

I also heard it from someone else. Who knows if its true or not? Just make sure you dont spread the word, alright?

I wont say anything!

Xiao Qians eyes twinkled. Between women, if it is said that, whatever happens, the matter isnt to be spread, the most likely result is that the news will spread rapidly. Oh, human nature.

Leaving the canteen, Dong Yi asked Xiao Qian, Boss Qian, why didnt you let me argue with her?

Shes not the one spreading the rumors. Your explanation would just make things messier. In the end, youd offend someone who would turn around and spread even worse rumors, hurting Shi Touyu in the process.

What did you say to her?

I didnt say much. I just mentioned why Xu Ruxin always has men from outside the school treating her to dinners and that she comes back very late. Shi Yu may have seen something, so thats why she was discredited by Xu Ruxin.

Xiao Qians words were half true and half false. Xu Ruxin did have a habit of freeloading on meals, and she would occasionally go to the night market with female classmates. However, she wasnt that bad. She was just one of those two-faced bitches who would freeload on peoples meals while pretending to be innocent and not giving anything back.

When Xiao Qian grouped these two truthful sentences together, she didnt know how others would imagine it.

The best way to deal with rumors is to create a bigger one to refresh the situation..

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