Published at 27th of May 2024 05:29:14 AM

Chapter 184: Chapter 184: Chapter 185: Beginning the Treatment

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Chapter 184: Chapter 185: Beginning the Treatment


Translator: 549690339

Exploring the human heart is a long and complex process, and Im fascinated by it, Dong Yi. Sooner or later, youll become like me, excited to delve into peoples hearts.

I think I might not be able to reach your level

Ever since witnessing Xiao Qians treatment, Dong Yi increasingly doubted whether choosing this major was right for her. Could she really reach the stage where Boss Qian knew what to do with just a glance? They were all freshmen, but Xiao Qian seemed to possess so much more than her.

Level? Hehe. Xiao Qian chuckled. To this day, she still couldnt fully understand herself, despite learning so much and remaining a patient.

Perhaps, she too was a wrong question designed by fate; one without a correct answer or a right way to tackle.

Boss Qian, can you tell me more about Gender Identity Disorder?

We live in a world thats neither male nor female, but GID patients are neither men nor women. Theyre in a lot of pain, even more so than homosexuals, and theyre helpless. For example, the person we just saw has a womans body but a mans heart. A famous talk show host has a womans heart but a mans bodylets not talk about that. I recommend you read this booklets not talk about that either. Anyway, there are many movies on this subject, all based on real events and experiences.

Xiao Qian initially wanted to use a transgender dance show host as a case study, but decided against it, as that person hasnt become famous yet. She also thought about recommending Dong Yi to read Gender is a Caterpillar by an American transgender writer but changed her mind since the book hasnt been written yet.

Which movies are there?

Boys Dont Cry, based on a true story in the United States. Other similar theme movies await your discovery in the future. Xiao Qian could only think of this one that had already been produced, leaving the rest unproduced due to its radical subject matter for the current society.

Boss Qian, how should we view these people who are different from us?

Firstly, we should understand that Gender Identity Disorder is not the same as homosexuality. These individuals are patients, and as doctors, we must not discriminate against our patients. We cant join the crowd to ridicule them amid the huge public pressure they face. We must maintain an objective and calm heart.

How can we help them? You said theres no right way.

Our power alone cannot change the longstanding values of society, but as doctors, we must understand patients pain and help them alleviate their psychological distress with an objective perspective. Ironically, its the so-called normal people who discriminate and pressure them. Understand?

Yes, empathy is the fundamental requirement for psychologists; we must empathize with every patient.

Boss Qian, you are a kind person.

No, kind people are not suitable for being psychologists, as theyre prone to breaking down. I empathize, but I dont invest too much emotion. I must maintain an objective, calm heart so as to help my patients. Its like treating a cancer patient at the hospitalif the doctor cried excessively out of sympathy for the patient, can they keep a clear mind during surgery?

Psychologists, like other doctors, must remain calm, objective, and understanding towards their patients without excessively investing themselves emotionally. They see so many patients daily that excessive investment can lead to their own breakdown. The number of depression and suicide cases among psychologists is particularly high.

Boss Qian, you are a good doctor. Dong Yi silently regarded Xiao Qian as her role model, hoping to become like Boss Qian someday.

Yes, I am one of the best psychological experts in the country. You will be one too in the future. Xiao Qian was not modest about this at all.

They checked into a twin room at the designated hotel. The small county town near the grasslands was just a io-minute drive to the natural grassland.

Why did you bring me here? Dong Yi asked upon entering the room.

What? Dont you like it? Yes, the hotel is slightly old-fashioned, still retaining the state-owned operation style of its time, but dont underestimate itits one of the few buildings around here.

Years ago, this place was state-owned, and even the signs and so on still retained their original appearance, with walls half-white and half-green paint. It doesnt matter where we stay, but didnt you say we were visiting relatives? They live in the county town of the grasslands. Theres no transportation available at this time, so well go early tomorrow morning. You can lie down and rest for a while; tonight well go out to eat grilled mutton skewers. Unknown to Dong Yi, the room had been tampered withthere was no television or entertainment. When they returned to the hotel after eating skewers, it had already become dark.

Boss Qian, what are you looking at?

Dong Yi noticed Xiao Qian constantly looking around.

I feel as if a pair of eyes in the dark is watching me, but maybe its just my imagination.

Xiao Qian didnt notice anyone following her, but she felt observed. Could it be Second Brothers men?

Staying here was pre-arranged by Second Brother, so they had agreed on the timing and plan in advance. Xiao Qian assumed it was Second Brothers people and didnt mind.

From a far distance, a telescope followed Xiao Qian into the room before reluctantly shifting its gaze away.

At night, Xiao Qian and Dong Yi lay on separate small beds, with the old-fashioned light bulb hanging from the ceiling, emitting a faint glow.

Dong Yi lay on the bed, reading her professional book, while Xiao Qian took out a palm-sized oil lamp from her bag, lit it, and dropped a few drops of essential oil inside.

What are you doing?

This is pure oil essence brought from abroad by Shi Touyu. Its called Happy Sage. Generally, sage has toxins, but Happy Sage is an exception. It can help women maintain their health and alleviate anxiety during psychotherapy, allowing them to relax. However, there arc many contraindications; ordinary people should not use it casually. It can be dangerous, especially when driving.

A scent similar to Muscat Wine filled the air. Xiao Qian took out two beautiful bottles, opened them, and handed one to Dong Yi.

Whats this? Dong Yi took it, tasted it, and found it delicious. However, there seemed to be a hint of alcohol?

Fruit wine, drink it, its a gift, so theres no cost. To not drink it would be a waste.

A mysterious light flickered in Xiao Qians eyes. Happy Sage should never be mixed with alcohol, or hallucinations could occur. Especially when driving, using it is disastrous, making the essential oil dangerous. The purity of the oil sold domestically is not high, so there are few incidents. Xiao Qian had Shi Touyu bring back high-purity Happy Sage.

Her daring actions were because Xiao Qian was a professional psychologist. Ordinary people should never attempt this.

Seeing Dong Yi drink most of the fruit wine, Xiao Qian timed it and silently began treating her. After a brief guidance, Dong Yi was led into it under the reaction of the essential oil..

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