Published at 28th of May 2024 05:51:48 AM

Chapter 188: Chapter 188: Chapter 188: Xiao Meis Enlightenment

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Chapter 188: Chapter 188: Xiao Meis Enlightenment


Translator: 549690339

I, I, Im serious! The bad guy probably didnt expect anyone to be so ruthless, running away just after getting so close.

Xiao Qian shouted at Yu Minglang, Darling, dont you want me anymore?

Xiao Mei, you should have realized what you were in for when you betrayed me just now. Do you want to shout a slogan? Ill miss you.

Alright! Let me think about what they say in the movies Justice will prevail! Xiao Qian shouted at her captor with all her might, causing their eardrums to ache. Taking advantage of this, Yu Minglang moved forward and landed a kick.


The three bad guys lay in a row, and Xiao Qian sighed at the three unlucky fellows.

I told you, justice prevails, and evil cant defeat it

With a casual strike, they took care of the trio of villains, who were soon taken away by the police.

Yu Minglang and Xiao Qian explained the situation together, and when they came out, half an hour had already passed.

This is the first time Ive ever done something like catching a thief. It feels pretty good. Xiao Qian sat in the car, feeling quite impressive, a different kind of sensation as if being a good person was really rewarding.

Yu Minglang was driving, and the two of them steadily headed toward their agreed-upon destination. Fortunately, they hadnt wasted too much time, or else they wouldnt have made it in time for Dong Yis treatment.

There had been no messages from Yu Mingyis side, so it seemed that Dong Yis condition was stable.

We were lucky that we only encountered those who dont know kung fu. If we meet someone more skilled, I could escape, but with you, the little traitor, it would be impossible.

Xiao Qian disagreed, How can you say our cooperation today wasnt good?

Good, how could it not be good? It was so good that it went over the top Chen Xiaomei, youre getting a bit too bold. Dont you know that Im here with you and youre messing with those people? Are you leaning towards individual heroism?

Isnt that a sign of my full trust in you? With you around, how could I be in danger? Xiao Qian basked in it, and her self-esteem was quite high.

Nonsense, if you get hurt accidentally, wouldnt it kill me to see it? He would be recorded in history as having watched his girlfriend get hurt right in front of him a dark history.

Moreover, for you, this is a game, but for me, its like putting my beloved on the edge of a knife. In the future, if there is a situation like this, let me handle it, dont act on your own, protect yourself, and never get hurt, understand?

Xiao Qian was often used to seeing his playful side, and suddenly seeing him so serious made her a bit unaccustomed.

Looking at his serious and dignified profile, she thought this must be what he looks like at work, right? Her heart raced a little.

She was suddenly reminded of the first time she met Yu Minglang in her past life, when he had the same very professional and serious expression.

Yu Minglang said all that and looked back at Xiao Qian staring intently at him, immediately reflecting on whether he was used to talking like this outside and had said too much?

Unity, tension, seriousness, and liveliness. Xiao Qian muttered his previous words.


Yu Minglang didnt hear clearly.


As Yu Minglang was about to drive around a puddle, Xiao Qian spoke up from the side.

Im curious about what it feels like to kiss you in the car.

Yu Minglang drove the car straight into the puddle.

Fortunately, this car could pass through the UVA puddle, but thats not the point. The point is

He quickly drove through the puddle, stopped the car, grabbed her, and held her close to give her his answer.

The different scenario had a different effect on them, taking their relationship to a new level, even when they were apart, they still yearned for each other and were not satisfied.

It took Yu Minglang a full minute to suppress his primal instincts. He had just lost control for a moment and wasnt like himself, in this situation. With a single sentence, she shattered his restraint, and the souls upheaval in that moment became his best experience.

He even thought in that moment that he wanted to press her down here and carry out divine retribution on the spot

As more terrifying scenes appeared in his mind, Yu Minglangs face grew slightly flushed. He glared at Xiao Qian but was attracted by the inadvertently seductive look in her eyes. Realizing that he couldnt let her continue to lead him on, Yu Minglang turned his head and cursed softly.

You troublemaker.

Blaming me for your lack of self-control? Xiao Qian still felt her lips tingling.

She really wanted to do it. Yu Minglng when serious was the strongest man in the world. Conquering him gave her a sense of accomplishment as if conquering the entire world.

But her heart was racing too, having barely gotten the upper hand over Yu Minglang in work mode

But it was worth it, wasnt it?

Yu Minglang and Xiao Qian arrived at their agreed-upon location, but Dong Yi and Second Brother hadnt shown up yet.

Isnt your exam coming up soon?


Do well on the exam, and I might not be able to accompany you during the winter break, but I can receive your emails

Hes going to be busy overseas again, and the period might be quite long.

Can it be done before the New Year?

In theory, its possible, but- He couldnt bring himself to finish the sentence.

Xiao Qian didnt show any emotions, but as she hung her head, looking regretful, Yu Minglang felt a strange sense of guilt.

Indeed, Ive been too busy on my end. In the future, when I have time, Ill take you out to play- The more he said, the more cruel he felt.

Reality was like that, but when putting it in front of a beautiful girl like Xiao Mei, he felt bad.

Not knowing whether he could spend the new year with her during their first year of being together, it was natural for her to feel emotional.

Its all your fault! Xiao Qian raised her head and glared at him.

It is my fault. Ive been too busy-

Whos talking about that? Im saying its your fault for not telling me sooner! If I had known you would be coming, I would have brought the things I bought for you to give to you in person!

Now that hes leaving, she couldnt give him the gifts anymore.

What did you buy for me?

A facial cleanser, look at your face, its a mess! I had someone buy you a set of mens skincare, no fragrance, so you can use it when youre outside. Its your fault for being careless and playing surprises!

Men, they dont pay attention to skincare. They wouldnt get anywhere without a woman by their side.

She wanted to hit him, but Yu Minglang caught her hand, gently kissed it, and then directly lifted her onto his lap with his arm strength.

Xiao Mei, I want to kiss you again.

He said so and did precisely that.

His considerate and stubborn Xiao Mei, so difficult to let go of.

When Yu Mingyi arrived, Yu Minglang had already pressed Xiao Qian down to the ground and was kissing her.

Yu Mingyi stretched out his leg and aimed a kick at his brothers butt, causing Yu Minglangs head to bury into Xiao Qians body.


Yu Minglang had imagined this scenario countless times in his mind, but he never had the chance or the courage to try it.

Second Brother, divine assistance!

This wasnt just a touch of the hand, but it was the face, the face!

Even through the clothes, he could feel the fragrance, and the tactile sensation was really good..

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