Published at 28th of May 2024 05:51:47 AM

Chapter 189: Chapter 189: Chapter 189: Timely Assistance in Snow (Monthly Ticket 1600+ Updated)

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Chapter 189: Chapter 189: Timely Assistance in Snow (Monthly Ticket 1600+ Updated)


Translator: 549690339

Xiao Qians face turned red, but luckily it was too dark to see it.

Yu Minglang, being shameless as he was, stuck close to her vital spot and failed to think of it. Yu Mingyi reached out, once again displaying his incredible arm strength, and pulled the shameless Youngest Brother Yu up by his bulletproof vest.

Second Brother, if only you had come a few minutes later.

To prevent you from going deeper on the path of making a mistake.

How is this a mistake? Im just completing the task you gave me! Xiao Qiang said unabashedly, pulling Xiao Qian up and helping her rearrange her clothes. What task did I give you? Yu Mingyi, the iceberg, was also shocked by his younger brothers shamelessness.

Yeah, isnt the task you gave me to safely escort her until the people are satisfied?

Getting a little intimate with his girlfriend should also count as making her satisfied, right?

Yu Minglang not only won Yu Mingyis contemptuous look but also got a kick from Xiao Qian, aiming at the same spot Second Brother Yu had just kicked.

Having thick skin could invite public anger.

Xiao Qian pretended that nothing had happened and asked Yu Mingyi.

Second Brother, how is Dong Yi now?

Shes asleep, in the car. Her reaction is basically consistent with what you said. Ill have someone send you out, and then please take care of Dong Yis treatment. Contact me if you need any help.

Alright. Xiao Qian stretched out her hand and formally shook hands with Second Brother.

Thank you all for your support of my treatment this time, and also thank you, Second Brother, for your cooperation.

Second Brother shook hands with Xiao Qian in return, Youre welcome. Dai Yis condition has also been a concern for all the colleagues who participated in the rescue back then. This is a little donation from everyone, hoping that she can recover as soon as possible.

Second Brother handed over an envelope with thick banknotes inside.

Xiao Qian hesitated whether to accept it on behalf of Dong Yi, but Second Brother stuffed the envelope into her hand.

Take it. Its not just me, all the old colleagues who participated in the rescue donated. We all care about her. We will donate to her until she finishes her university education.

Alright, then Ill accept it on behalf of Dong Yi. Thank you all.

Yu Minglang watched the two of them talk so formally, getting goosebumps all over.

Can you two not be so formal? Were all family, no need for all these polite words.

Xiao Qian turned around and began to give a serious explanation.

Take care of yourself when youre outside, bring more of Aunts special rheumatism ointment. If you dont pay attention when youre young, your muscles and bones will hurt when youre old. You dont have to worry about me. After you come back, just call my home, and youll be able to find me.

I understand.

Also, if you have frostbite, remember to soak it continuously in hot salt water. Dont ignore it. Get some Yunnan Baiyao to take with you.

Xiao Qian remembered that Yu Minglang had frostbite on his hands in his past life, which would recur every winter. It was left over from his time at the old unit.

1 know. You also pay attention. I may not be able to pick you up personally when you come back for winter break. Ill have Hai Zhao contact you, and you two can set a time. Dont book a train ticket. Its crowded and unsafe in winter.

The two of them took turns talking, with Yu Mingyi listening on the sidelines, baffled. Was all this small talk really worth so much time?

Moreover, when these two talked, why did it seem endless?

Yu Minglang finished talking with Xiao Qian, turned around and saw his Second Brother staring intently. He patted his shoulder and said.

Second Brother, actually, most couples or spouses have a pretty healthy relationship. There arent many women like some people. You shouldnt let one bad experience ruin everything for you.

You talk too much nonsense. Second Brother Yu was still struggling with the fact that his younger brother had gotten a girlfriend who acted like a mother. At home, the youngest was never like this!

Wait until Second Brother finds a girlfriend, he might not talk less than Minglang.

Yu Minglang laughed, hugged Xiao Qian, and kissed her, See, Im also a man protected by a woman now. My Qian Bao cant stand it when you talk about me. Second Brother, you cant understand the joy of people like us who have a family.

Yu Mingyi silently watched their interaction, thinking that if having a family means being so foolishly happy, he doesnt want it.

On the way back, Dong Yi slept, and Xiao Qian thought about their brief time together. The reluctance she hadnt shown in front of him now surged to her heart, making her feel it was more sour or sweet.

Seeing his busyness firsthand, his work filled every minute of his time. If she could have been like she is now in her previous life, empathizing with his hardships, perhaps the outcome would have been different.

She used to hate it when Yu Minglang said he was busy because it meant she had to do this and that.

But now that she thought about it, using Wang Xiaohongs matter to hit Yu Minglang and telling him that taking care of a patient with mental illness requires a lot of patience, wasnt it the same concept?

Suddenly feeling that she had been unfair to him, her heart was inexplicably irritated. She even began to recall whether she had behaved badly when they first met. It should not have been easy for him to come out and see her.

In the future, she should treat him better

After Dong Yi woke up, Xiao Qian carefully treated her again, and the effect felt much better this time.

Da Yi, this is for you. Xiao Qian handed the envelope left by Yu Mingyi to Dong Yi.

What is this?

Its the money left for you by your uncle and the uncles who participated in the rescue back then.

Such a thick stack, even if it wasnt ten thousand, itd be several thousand.

1 cant take their money. Although Dong Yi couldnt remember much and didnt know what had happened after Xiao Qian hypnotized her completely, she remembered that her uncles embrace was very warm.

She had already received their kindness and couldnt repay them, so how could she take their money?

Take it. They just hope you can live well. Youre still a student now and dont have the financial ability, so you need to live well and study well.

But Dong Yi clenched the envelope. She did need money right now. She wanted to regain her freedom and escape the arranged marriages her family had set up. But this was all her benefactors money, and taking it made her feel guilty.

Dont hesitate, just take it. Once you graduate, youll be a psychologist, and you can help many children like you. Spread this love. All your uncles care about you, and with all this concern, you should live well.. If you really want to repay them

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