Published at 29th of May 2024 10:44:44 AM

Chapter 190: Chapter 190: Chapter 190: A New Job

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Chapter 190: Chapter 190: A New Job


Translator: 549690339

Xiao Qian tried to evoke emotion, just about to say that Yu Minglang wanted to repay kindness, and would work in the Psychological Intervention Group in the future, but then she suddenly changed the topic.

You can marry a Blue Sky hero and have a bunch of kids who all fly in the sky, which would also be considered repaying kindness.

Since she trained Dong Yi herself and didnt charge for treatment, Xiao Qian craftily diverted the conversation. She would trick Dong Yi into entering her own studio in the future.

No one knew what happened during the two days Xiao Qian took Dong Yi out, but everyone could sense that something about her had changed since returning from that outing with Xiao Qian.

She began trying harder to blend into the group and no longer kept up the detached attitude towards everyone. Occasionally, she would even proactively chat with close acquaintances like Shi Touyu, leaving him quite shocked.

Everyone would exclaim how awesome Boss Qian was, feeling as if Dong Yi was dragged out of her closed world by Xiao Qian.

Dong Yis sleepwalking disorder never recurred, and the strange campus floating events ceased as well. Xiao Qian sorted out the medical records and showed them to Professor Liu, who didnt say anything and got busy with her work after seeing them.

Xiao Qian waited for praise but was ignored instead.

Why are you still standing here? Are you waiting for me to praise you? Professor Liu gave Xiao Qian a glance, and Xiao Qian blinked her eyes.

Professor Liu put on a stern face and questioned Xiao Qian about her unconventional treatment methods. You actually used such unverified methods with unimown side effects on patients. Im not criticizing you just because you managed to cure the patient. And you still dare to ask for praise with such thick skin?

She was talking about Xiao Qians use of oil essence mixed with alcohol. Sometimes, in order to treat people, Xiao Qian would resort to all sorts of unscrupulous methods.

I would never do something I am not fully sure about. I made sure that this method wouldnt cause any trouble before I used it

Its too late once trouble happens! Dont do this again!

Xiao Qian felt that this old lady was really unlikable even in her previous life, still the same now. She pouted inwardly, then turned to leave.

Come back. From now on, come to my place every Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

What for? Professor, I am only a freshman, and I am not even your student. You cant exploit my labor and deprive me of my surplus value. Xiao Qian felt uneasy.

Professors in her past life would say similar things, and then Xiao Qian would help them organize medical records and occasionally go out to do free treatments with them. Her professor was really masochistic, always doing volunteer work without charging money. Xiao Qian wondered what her motivations were.

Xiao Qians words made Professor Liu slap the table in anger. Do you think I like you that much? Its all because your future mother-in-law asked me to take good care of you.

Were not married yet, so its only my potential mother-in-law Xiao Qian felt exhausted.

Besides, this matter is related to the Yu Family, so you should be responsible for a part of it.

What? Xiao Qian became serious, this was related to the Yu Family?

From now on, the child with toddler anxiety disorder will come here for treatment every week. If I am not available, you will keep the child company.

When it comes to treating young children, its mostly play therapy with the cooperation of their parents.

After considering it, Professor Liu thought it would be best for the child to come and visit every weekend, as it would allow his father, Yu Mingyi, to spend time with him. The two cities are not too far apart, and seeing the father the child likes frequently would be beneficial for his condition.

Professor, I really cant. I dont know how to handle children. Xiao Qian thought she was still a patient with OCD and didnt have the leisure to play with children.

Thats settled then. Whats with that expression? Do you think I would teach anyone my skills? Some of the treatments I have just explored are still blank in the domestic field, so you should be grateful that Im not charging you tuition and only doing this out of respect for your future mother-in-law.

Potential mother-in-law

Get out and close the door on your way.

After Xiao Qian left, Liu Linlin finally felt free to read Xiao Qians report while sipping her tea.

Although the treatment methods were a bit aggressive, their effectiveness was impressive. Qi Lajiao was really lucky to have found such a talented daughter-in-law.

Xiao Qian returned to her dormitory, feeling like she would never be good again.

Its not that she wasnt willing to amuse Second Brothers child, but because she had some doubts about Professor Lius treatment. Most of the treatment programs for children were parent-child games. When thinking about amusing the child with Second Brother and his cold face, Xiao Qian felt uncomfortable all over.

If he werent Yu Minglangs brother, treating him as an ordinary patient would be okay, but he happened to resemble a nerdy version of her husband, making the situation even more awkward

When she returned to the dormitory, she overheard Dong Yi chatting with Shi Yu.

So angry.

Huh? Who said this? It wasnt Shi Tou, it was Dong Yi? Xiao Qian rarely heard her venting her emotions like this.

What happened? Xiao Qian asked.

In the dormitory, Dong Yi and Shi Touyu sat on the same bed while Dong Yi vented her anger by throwing Shi Touyus pillows.

Da Yi didnt go to tutor? Did the kid anger her? Shi Touyu was comforting Dong Yi.

Although Dong Yi managed to resolve the engagement crisis with Yu Mingyis help, she didnt quit her tutoring job and still taught for some pocket money every week.

The child she tutored was a 10-year old boy. She had agreed to tutor him for 2 hours, but as soon as she arrived, the boy took a comic book and went to the bathroom. He stayed there for nearly 2 hours. When Dong Yi tried to lecture him, he pointed at her and told her to hurry up and leave since she had taken the money.

These kids nowadays, how could they be like this! Even the tutoring fee for two hours is their parents hard-earned money! Dong Yi was indignant.

She was the type of hardworking and thrifty kid who would buy discounted pajamas. She couldnt tolerate such behavior. The key was the boys attitude, which was infuriating. He didnt respect people nor did he show sympathy for his parents.

Did you take the money? Xiao Qian asked.

Dong Yi nodded. They gave it to me at the beginning of the month. I called his parents, but then he said

You dont have to go there anymore, right?

How did you know?!

Xiao Qian adjusted her glasses, Like father, like son. That naughty child must have already told his father about you, saying that your teaching wasnt good. His unconditionally pampering parents would definitely blame you. In the eyes of these ignorant parents, their excellent son can never be wrong.

How could they raise a child like this? Its a waste of money. Dong Yi was still upset about the prodigal child when Xiao Qian suddenly had an idea.

Thats right, how could she forget Da Yi!

Da Yi, are you still looking for a part-time job?


Youre looking for a part-time job to repay those kind-hearted people, right?


Now, theres a job without pay, but you can repay the kindness you owe to your benefactors. Do you want to do it? Its also a job to look after a child.. This child is definitely not as naughty as the one you tutored!

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