Published at 29th of May 2024 10:44:43 AM

Chapter 191: Chapter 191: Chapter 191: Two Important Matters

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Chapter 191: Chapter 191: Two Important Matters


Translator: 549690339

Benefactor? Whose child is this? Can I help with homework? Dong Yi asked in confusion.

Its your uncles little treasure. No need to help with homework, just keep them company. The teacher took her and with Dong Yi, who also majored in psychology and was brought up by Xiao Qian. As long as she taught her the methods, she would definitely be able to do it well.

No problem.

Hearing that it was her uncles family matter, Dong Yi was willing to help even if it meant jumping into a frying pan, let alone looking after a child.

Is this what they call paying off debts with ones body? Shi Yu watched the whole process and made an accurate comment.

Dong Yi looked at her seriously, Dont insult my uncle. Im doing this willingly.

She wanted to express that it didnt matter if she had to pay back the debt by helping her uncle with his child; she was willing to help. But when Shi Touyu heard this, it sounded even more lewd.

Oh, voluntarily

Xiao Qian slapped her on the head, Shi Touyu, stop thinking about these unhealthy things all the time and find something serious to do!

Serious matters? Which one do you want to hear?

What serious matters could you have? Hurry up and say it. Xiao Qian felt relieved after pushing the responsibility onto Dong Yi.

Serious matter one, our club is going to perform a fantastic stage play, and guess who weve chosen as our leading lady?

What kind of good actors could your unlucky club possibly find? Xiao Qian was dragged by Shi Touyu to see their performance once, and within five minutes, she felt as if her teeth were falling out from the cheesiness. Who even came up with those cheesy lines?

Haha, you definitely wont be able to find any faults with this person. We unanimously voted that the person is Boss Qian!

Xiao Qian was stunned.

Even Dong Yi was surprised.


Its you, Boss Qian! We all voted, thinking that the only person who can handle this role is you. Its an honor! To have a leading lady from outside our club this is a thick and heavy stroke in our clubs history!

It took Xiao Qian a few seconds to react from the shock.

Shi Touyu, how many gifts did you stuff to your club president for them to make such a stupid decision?

I didnt stuff any gifts! Dont underestimate me! The club president begged me for this, even giving me several bags of Oreos

You sold out your roommate for a few bags of Oreos? Da Yi, lets get rid of her. We dont want this rotten meat. Someone else can pick her up if they want. Dont! Boss Qian! I didnt sell you out for Oreos, I really think that only you can handle this role!

What kind of role is it? An old lady picking up trash, an aunt selling soda, or a tree that doesnt speak? Xiao Qian thought that their lousy theater troupe wouldnt be able to do anything good.

Shi Yu piled up smiles on her face, Its a great role, one that our club president poured their heart and soul into writing just for you. It matches your temperament perfectly. The props were made by pooling everyones money and the costumes are gorgeous. They are the best clothes our club has. Oh, what is it? Even Dong Yi was curious.

Female Vampire- ah, Boss Qian, dont kick me! Shi Yu clung to the door tightly, preventing Xiao Qian from pushing her out, and begged pitifully.

Ive already promised the club president. The impression you gave during the school opening rap was too deep and unforgettable. Everyone feels that if we can get Boss Qian, then the attendance is guaranteed.

You better spit the Oreos back out. Whoever wants to act can act. Im not playing house with you guys!

Wearing ridiculous clothes and reciting cheesy lines as a vampire was a horrifying role!

If Boss Qian agreed to do this kind of thing, that would really be weird.

Youll definitely agree, you cant run away from me. Ive got connections and Im not doing this without any assurance! Shi Touyus eyes shone with a cunning light, and she snickered in her heart.

She had already prepared her trump card!

Xiao Qian was too lazy to deal with her, Tell me, whats the second thing?

Our last roommate will appear soon!

Oh? Its been so long since the start of the school year, and Xiao Qians bed remained unoccupied. She even thought it would stay vacant forever.

I have firsthand information. Our roommate will move in by next Monday at the latest. Boss Qian, considering how timely my information is, you should think about the female lead role Boss Qian!

Shi Touyu chased after Xiao Qian, who was the hot favorite. Xiao Qian slammed the bathroom door in her face.

Dream on, no way! She was absolutely not going to perform such childish things on stage.

No way, but theres a window. Do you think I, Shi Familys Xiao Yu, would fight a battle without preparation?

Shi Touyu took out her phone and found a corner with no one around.

Hello, is this my most beloved elder brother? Yes, did you prepare the thing I asked for? Good, give it to me on Monday. No problem.

Humph, she didnt believe she couldnt hook Boss Qian with this!

On Saturday, according to the appointment with Professor Liu, Xiao Qian and Dong Yi went over.

Whats going on? Professor Liu saw that Xiao Qian had brought someone along and her face immediately sank.

Xiao Qian pulled Professor Liu aside and spoke in a low voice.

Professor, heres the thing: This is my roommate, the sleepwalker patient I just treated. For this treatment, Id like her to join in

What do you think of my place? Can anyone just come? Chen Xiaoqian, dont get carried away just because your mother-in-law is backing you!

Professor Liu was an old lady with a terrible temper, prone to snapping.

Professor, heres my rationale: Da Yi has been treated by me. Although she no longer sleepwalks, the shadow in her heart remains. Youre an authority; you should be even more clear than me. If we can find something that satisfies her desire to repay this debt, not only will it help her condition, but it will also be good for the child. She is also majoring in psychology. In this way, both parties benefit.

After hearing this, Professor Liu thought for a moment, Its feasible in theory. The problem is, shes still an inexperienced student, and it might be difficult for her to operate.

You can rest assured about that. Ill guide her through the first two treatments and be available to help her whenever theres a problem after that.

Liu Linlin laughed at her.

Youre still a student, but youre certainly not lacking confidence.

For a fresh breath, use Green Arrow!

Professor Liu slapped her on the head, You just love to be sarcastic! Let me tell you, this child is from the old Yu family. If you cant handle it well, you deal with it from your mother-in-laws side, and dont come bothering me!

Its my future mother-in-law Xiao Qian corrected her for the Nth time.

Yu Mingyi had rented a one-bedroom apartment near his workplace, solely for taking care of his sons medical treatment. When he saw Professor Liu bring Xiao Qian and Dong Yi to him, he was slightly surprised.

Xiao Qian, isnt Dong Yis illness cured? Is there anything I need to cooperate with?

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