Published at 31st of May 2024 11:40:36 AM

Chapter 193: Chapter 193: Chapter 193: Always Able to Meet Again

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Chapter 193: Chapter 193: Always Able to Meet Again


Translator: 549690339

The bus wont be here for a while, and during the wait, Dong Yi looked at Boss Qian in confusion.

Ever since Boss Qian emerged from her uncles place, she had been chuckling. Was it really that funny?

Whenever Xiao Qian thought of the name Gangdan, she would break into a radiant smile.

Truly a testament to Professor Lius great mind. Look at this unique name. She had originally thought his name would be something like Four Pancakes, Four Cannonballs, or Four Stinkballs.

Yu Gangdan, whose egg is made of steel, haha!

Noticing Dong Yis inquiring gaze, Xiao Qian finally repressed her smile.

Da Yi, did you learn something today?

Um, I understand some of it now.

Ill jot down todays focus points for you when we get back. As were dealing with a childs treatment, the process may be longer. I see youre quite close to Second Brother, so could you come over here by yourself if theres a problem? Mecoming over here? Dong Yi hesitated slightly.

Do you have a problem with that? Xiao Qian figured she was quite close to Second Brother, so she shouldnt be afraid of him, right?


Xiao Qian wasnt quite mindful of the gender differences yet. After all, a man with Second Brothers temperament would never overstep the boundaries. Dong Yi has the potential to become a psychologist in the future, and she would have many opportunities to interact alone with male patients.

Xiao Qian didnt think it was a problem, but someone else did.

This person was Wang Xiaobo, who came to pick up Xiao Qian and Dong Yi.

Yu Mingyi didnt call him initially, but when he heard that Wang needed a car, he enthusiastically volunteered. He had heard from his mother about his sisters divorce from her husband, and his first reaction was to question Yu Mingyi.

But Yu Mingyi was deliberately distant, leaving him no opportunity to meet him. Finally, he seized an opportunity and wanted to have a good talk with Yu Mingyi.

Instead of seeing Yu Mingyi, he saw two young ladies that he once saw having dinner with Yu Mingyi!

Xiao Qian saw a car approaching. Recognizing that its model was similar to the one used by Yu Mingyis company, she flagged it down.

Did Captain Yu send you?

Get in. Wang Xiaobo looked at them for a long while before speaking.

Xiao Qian only felt uncomfortable under his gaze, and met his gaze.

Do you know me?

No worries. Wang Xiaobo shifted his gaze, surprisingly finding himself feeling somewhat guilty under this young girls piercing gaze.

On their way back, Wang Xiaobo kept speculating about which of the two girls was involved with Yu Mingyi. It must be an affair, which is why his sister was dumped!

He must find out who entangled with his brother-in-law, and make his brother-in-law reconcile with his sister. He felt an immense responsibility on his shoulders.

Two pretty ladies, whats the reason you two are here to see Captain Yu?

No comment. You are supposed to respect your superiors privacy, arent you? Xiao Qian responded.

The confidentiality of their patients identity must be kept, even if the patient was just a kid.

Wang Xiaobo was bored and constantly felt that Xiao Qian was not to be trifled with. He dared not to ask more, but occasionally cast a glance at Xiao Qian and Dong Yi through the rear-view mirror, guessing who it might be.

Xiao Qian and Dong Yi sat in the backseat, feeling the drivers unusual gaze. He kept sneaking glances at her and Dong Yi. But whenever she noticed, he would look away.

Xiao Qian never thought this man was the brother-in-law of Yu Mingyis ex-wife. Usually, a man watching a woman has two motives either to seek revenge or out of liking. Xiao Qian thought it was the latter.

When they arrived at the school, Wang Xiaobo stopped the car and turned to Dong Yi.

Young lady, may I have your contact information? We could be pen pals. You could tell me about school life, and I could share some interesting things about life with the Blue Sky Elite.

Throughout the drive, he felt that Dong Yi was the most probable one. Intuitively, Xiao Qian, the tough looking one, wouldnt be Yu Mingyis type. Its the quiet girl who seemed suspicious.

Me? Dong Yi was slightly taken aback.

Xiao Qian shielded her and said, No need. She already has a boyfriend. Moreover, you cant just blab about your workplace to others. Have you forgotten the rules of your unit?

Dong Yi is instinctively thankful to people like him, and Xiao Qian had to prevent Dong Yi from going off the tracks.

Wang Xiaobo hit a wall. Xiao Qian didnt give him another chance to pester them and led Dong Yi away.

Da Yi. As Xiao Qian led Dong Yi through the heather bushes, she stopped in her tracks.


People have many different kinds of emotions. Gratitude is not love. Dont develop inexplicable positive feelings for anyone who seems superior, allowing them to see an opportunity and take you in.

Xiao Qian felt she needed to take back her previous joke. She had jokingly suggested that Da Yi find someone working up in the sky in the future. But considering todays situation, she felt obliged to give a heads-up.


Im not against you considering this profession. But remember that people come in all kinds. For instance, never consider someone like the one we just met with the shifty eyes.

I didnt have any special feelings for him.

Xiao Qian found her response reassuring. Its easy for these innocent young girls to be swept off their feet if theyre not kept an eye on.

When they got back to the dormitory, the door was left ajar, and Xiao Qian and Dong Yi were both taken aback.

A tall man wearing a leather jacket was standing in front of Xiao Qians bed, fussing with something.

Dong Yi nearly screamed, but Xiao Qian covered her mouth and pulled her outside.

Boss Qian, theres a thief! Dong Yi said nervously in a low voice.

Why would there be a man in the womens dormitory? There was only one explanationhe was a thief!

Shi Touyu is not present. We will hold him down and hand him over to the dormitory manager. Xiao Qian made a calm decision. After discussing it with Dong Yi, they both quietly entered the bathroom. One grabbed a bucket, the other a mop, looked at each other, and came out together.

The plan was to dump the bucket over the mans head, and then both of them would attack.

But when Xiao Qian stepped in and saw that he was just making the bed, she urgently called a stop.

Da Yi, dont do it!

After saying that, Dong Yi, taking advantage of her height, dumped the bucket, and the man became a classic buckethead zombie from Plants vs Zombies.

Damn it, what the hell are you two doing! A muffled voice came from under the bucket.

Dong Yi kicked at him, but Xiao Qian rushed to grab her. Under the effect of inertia, they both stepped back a few steps.

When Shi Touyu walked in, she just happened to see this chaotic scene. She gasped in surprise, and put her hand to her mouth to scream.

Why the infighting when were supposed to be on the same side? Are you really fighting each other over a man!

This scene made Shi Touyu imagine that Da Yi and Xiao Qian were fighting over a man, and the one under the bucket was the object of the fight.

Your way of welcoming people is certainlywarm. The man took off the bucket, his voice filled with annoyance.

Its you!

Its you guys!

Xiao Qian and Dong Yi recognized him. Wasnt he the one with gender identity disorder who was saved by Boss Qian from the train? What was his name again?

Little Coal Ball! Xiao Qian remembered.

Im Xiao Miqiu. Hey, werent you the psychologist? What are you doing here? Xiao Miqiu didnt expect to meet acquaintances..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!