Published at 31st of May 2024 11:40:36 AM

Chapter 194: Chapter 194: Chapter 194: New Roommate (Monthly

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Chapter 194: Chapter 194: New Roommate (Monthly


Ticket 1650+ Update)

Translator: 549690339

There are no strangers in life. Xiao Qian had a sudden realization, Could you be the fourth roommate who has been missing all along?!

If this is Dormitory 4444, then I am your new roommate. Hi, beautiful ladies, nice to meet you!

Dong Yi was already dumbfounded.

Shi Yu widened her eyes, What is the school thinking? Why do we have to share a dormitory with a man?

Xiao Miqiu shrugged, Im also regretful. I originally wanted to go to the male dormitory, but the school wouldnt agree. I dont want to share a dormitory with women either.

Why should we? Im going to protest to the dormitory manager! Since when have we followed Europe and America and started coed dormitories? This young lady is like a delicate flower, and I dont want to expose myself! Shi Yu angrily stormed out, but Xiao Qian stopped her.

No need to go, shes a woman at least physically, shes a woman.

A woman?!

Shi Yus face clearly showed an expression that said, Are you teasing me?

Psychologist Chen Xiaoqian, did you know about this the first time you met me? Xiao Miqiu asked Xiao Qian.

If I couldnt figure this out, I wouldnt dare call myself a psychologist. Xiao Qian hadnt expected that this person with gender identity disorder would be her roommate.

Woman, youve successfully piqued my interest. Would you consider dating me? Xiao Miqiu took advantage of her height to trap Xiao Qian between the beds.

Shi Yu and Dong Yi both had expressions of not being able to react. Women could also tease women?

Xiao Qian calmly kicked Xiao Miqiu away, I wont consider it. I have a boyfriend.

So, what should we call you? Shi Yu pondered at the person in front of her who looked like a man from any angle and still seemed like a strong, vicious presence. But Boss Qian said they were a woman?

Call me Qiuqiu. I have a mans heart, so you can treat me like a man. If you ever need help with lifting water bottles or changing light bulbs, just let me know.

But are you really going to live with us? Dong Yi was still trying to find the right words. This was like a story of a man and three women in a dormitory, and it sounded a bit strange.

My ID card says Im a woman. Theres nothing I can do about it. The school is too conservative, so they forcefully put me here. But dont worry, I usually dont stay in the dormitory. Just let me know when there are inspections, and Ill come back to keep up appearances. I wont cause you any trouble.

Qiuqiu also felt awkward staying in a room with three women.

Ladies, in celebration of our shared living arrangement, Id like to treat you all to dinner tonight. Please grace me with your presence, shall we? Xiao Miqiu finished tidying up her own bed and made a gentlemanly invitation.

I wont go. Dong Yi wanted to read. Shi Yu also felt awkward and didnt know how to interact with him, but Xiao Qian grabbed her around the shoulders.

According to my judgment of him, this kid must have worked a lot and saved some money. We dont have to take too much advantage of himjust enough for a night market barbecue would be fine.

Haha, beautiful lady, you even knew I have a job? Xiao Miqiu laughed heartily.

Not only do I know you work hard, but I also know what youre working for. Lets go, youngsters. Xiao Qian pushed everyone out. Xiao Miqiu was still pondering Xiao Qians words. What did she know about what he was going to do?

Such a mysterious person

Shi Yu watched Xiao Miqiu walk ahead and nervously tugged Xiao Qians sleeve, speaking softly, Boss Qian Im having trouble finding a way to interact with him.

She didnt know how to get along with a person like this. It felt like everything she said was wrong.

Just treat him like an ordinary person. You treat us the same as you treat him. In the future, let him do things like changing light bulbs, taking out trash, and carrying water buckets.

But should we treat him as a man or a woman?

Treat him as a man. Respect his choice. Even if you dont agree, dont ridicule him. Just try to understand. Xiao Qian spoke very softly, not knowing whether Xiao Miqiu had heard or not.

Xiao Miqiu was majoring in Physical Education, and there were very few girls in his major. Therefore, he ended up in Xiao Qians dormitory. The reason he hadnt registered at the start of the semester was because he was hospitalized. The reason was

My father broke my leg.

At the night market barbecue stall, Xiao Miqiu was chatting with Xiao Qian and the others. There was a bottle of beer in front of him, and his sitting posture was the standard manly posture.

Why? Thats too harsh, isnt it? Shi Yu, under Xiao Qians persuasion, tried her best to treat Xiao Miqiu as an ordinary person. If she didnt look at him with colored glasses, he was just an ordinary young boy.

What other reason could there be? Its because I refused to wear a skirt, and I styled my hair like this. He said Im a blind follower, a pervert, and a homosexual. He had heard these two words for too long and had gotten used to it.

Its not homosexuality, nor is it perversion. Its gender identity disorder. Xiao Qian corrected seriously.

There was a clear difference between the three. Xiao Miqiu was neither a cross-dresser nor a homosexual. She truly believed she was a man.

Boss Qian, can you treat him? Shi Yu whispered to Xiao Qian when Xiao Miqiu went to order food. Xiao Miqiu was chatting with the single-eyelid barbecue stall owner and even handed him a cigarette, looking very sociable.

No treatment is needed. Maintaining the status quo is good enough. As long as the people close to him dont give him strange looks, it would be the greatest help.

At Xiao Miqius stage, psychologists were already useless.

The only thing that could be done was to show less discrimination and more understanding. As long as he didnt do anything harmful to society, treat him as an ordinary person.

I dont quite understand Dong Yi watched Xiao Miqiu chatting with the barbecue stall owner about mens topics with a cigarette in his mouth. This was a type of person she had never encountered before.

Sometimes, God plays a very malicious joke by making some people different from us. Humans have a herd mentality, and they feel disgusted when they see someone different from themselves. Some even feel sick. But no one ever thinks that they themselves dont want to be this way. What right do we have to be disgusted by and hurt those who have never harmed us? Just because we feel they are different, who is really in the wrong?

Xiao Qians words made the other two girls thoughtful. Although her awareness was a bit ahead of time, they took her words very seriously because she was Boss Qian.

When Xiao Miqiu returned, Dong Yi and Shi Yu were no longer as constrained as before. Following Xiao Qians advice, they treated him as an ordinary boy. He was quite easy to talk to, and as long as he didnt bring up the fact that he wasnt male, no one would know.

After dinner, Xiao Miqiu escorted them back to their dormitory. He had rented a house outside the school and didnt live with his roommates. He just kept his name registered in the dormitory.

When they reached the school gate, Xiao Qian and Shi Touyu went into the supermarket to buy things while Dong Yi and Xiao Miqiu waited outside the school for them.

It was already November, and a leaf fell into Dong Yis hair.

Stay still, dont move..

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