Published at 3rd of June 2024 07:31:31 AM

Chapter 196: Chapter 196: Chapter 196: Inexplicable Sympathy

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Chapter 196: Chapter 196: Inexplicable Sympathy


Translator: 549690339

In the box of instant noodles, there were neatly arranged lunch boxes filled with various small dishes and small bottles of meat sauce. It was a doctors style, very clean.

Xiao Qian opened a lunch box, which contained stewed beef. She pinched a piece and stuffed it into Shi Yus mouth, tasted one herself, and found it very delicious.

Wow! Delicious! Does your mother-in-law still have an unmarried son? I might as well marry into the family. Shi Yu was immediately won over.

My second brother just got divorced. Hes the handsome guy who just sent us food. You want to consider him? Xiao Qian knew that Shi Yu was just joking, and Shi Yu had a secret crush on a mysterious man, whom she thought was very mysterious, but Xiao Qian knew who it was all along.

Uncle got divorced? Dong Yi, who was still sad, immediately poked her head down when she heard Xiao Qian say this.

Yeah, just got divorced.

Xiao Qian thought to herself that if her second brother looked for a matchmaker in the future, he would be described as a divorced man with a child

Somehow sympathetic.

So, is he will he have any psychological trauma? Boss Qian, do I have to be careful next time I go for Panpans treatment? Dong Yi asked seriously.

Xiao Qian shook her head, From what Ive observed, he not only has no psychological trauma, but he hasnt even left any shadows behind. I find it strange.

Second Brother seemed no different after the divorce. Normal people would usually be a little sad or something, but his reaction seemed abnormal.

Are all pilots psychologically this strong?

Maybe hes really sad inside Dong Yi felt that she should find a couple of psychology books on the subject and read them, as she was very worried about her uncle.

I think hes the kind of person who makes others sad, and there are some people I cant see through. Xiao Qian divided the food, and it was now cold enough to keep the food.

Even Boss Qian has people she cant see through? Shi Yu now regarded Xiao Qian as her idol.

Of course, Im not an almighty god. There are some people in this world who have a strong psychological defense, and hypnosis and conversations have no effect on them. They might even have some anti-treatment skills. Using regular methods to look at them, there would be no problems. Whether they have an illness or not is only known to themselves, and they might even be able to get a therapist involved. Yu Mingyi, Yu Minglang, and even Yu Mingli, all of the three brothers have this tendency.

Youre eating food sent by their mother, and you dare to say all three brothers are like this? Shi Yu asked with a chicken leg in her mouth.

This has nothing to do with eating. Im objectively analyzing it, and in a way, it reflects their strong repression and their ability to get things done. But if these people made a mistake, no one could stop them.

So all three brothers of the Yu family have become the best in different fields, which has a lot to do with their personalities. She met Yu Minglang relatively early in this world, and when Yu Minglang was young, she fooled him into writing a psychological test. In a few years, Yu Minglang would also become an old fox like his second brother, and Xiao Qian would have no way to trick him even if she racked her brains.

So, Da Yi, you dont have to worry about your uncle. He can make people feel like they have mental problems, but he himself wont have any. I, a doctor with so many years of clinical experience, cant see through him, so dont hold out too much hope.

Xiao Qian didnt know if Dong Yi heard her or not, but the next day, Dong Yi brought back many books from the library, such as Marriage and Family and Marriage Commitment in the Perspective of Psychology. Xiao Qian saw her wholeheartedly thinking about Second Brother Yu, so she didnt bother to pour cold water on her.

Boss Qian did not believe that her student, Da Yi, could do what she could not.

She called Mother Yu to express her gratitude and praise the delicious food, which made Mother Yu very happy. After hanging up the phone, she kept praising it to Father Yu.

Youngest has a good eye for choosing a daughter-in-law compared to Second Brother. Look at Xiao Qian, she knows her manners well. She even told me not to make the food too complicated. Shes so considerate.

Old people like to give things to their juniors, not because they want anything in return, but because they want to be praised for having good taste and understood for their hard work. Thats what makes them happy and gives them a sense of accomplishment.

Mother Yu was an intellectual and always treated her daughters-in-law fairly, dividing everything between the families. When Wang Xiaohong first married into the family, Mother Yu didnt hesitate to cook for her. But Wang Xiaohong always picked on something, whether it was too salty, too bland, too much or too little, she never said thank you, which made Mother Yu lose heart.

Father Yu couldnt find any faults with Xiao Qian now, knowing about her treating a child that Second Brother had saved back then. He was well aware of any news within his unit, and his fondness for Xiao Qian increased significantly.

The only dissatisfaction Father Yu had with Xiao Qian right now was that she was unwilling to let him arrange a job for her.

Next time you go there, talk to that girl. Im planning to set up a psychological counseling department in the sanatorium in the next few years, but the professional requirements are quite high. Ive heard that the graduate program in Psychology at the university under my old unit can recruit students from private schools. Tell her to consider this, and after graduating from university, she can directly apply to the graduate program at the Flight School.

Mother Yu glared at him, You old man, why dont you give up? Xiao Qian has made it clear that she wont join your beloved old unit. Dont keep stirring things up on the side and forcing the child! Who will give you a grandson if everyones busy working?

Young people, studying more is always a good thing. Come here, and study, how nice it is, not everyone has such opportunities!

No one in the family thinks like you except yourself, so get that idea out of your head. Youngest told me before, if Xiao Qian doesnt want to go, he wouldnt bear it either. If Xiao Qian wants to study, she can study. If she doesnt want to pursue higher education, she can find a regular job and get married after graduation. He respects Xiao Qians choice.

Father Yu slapped the armrest of the sofa, glaring.

This little brat, hes so unreasonable! Is the unit I arranged for the child going to eat his wife like a flood or a wild beast?

He had long disliked the youngest son, who was a spineless, henpecked husband, with no backbone! Father Yu despised his own young son without even looking in the mirror.

You stop talking about my old son! My old son understands everything much better than you guys with your male chauvinism! If you have time to worry about Youngests business, you might as well see what your Second Son has been fooling around with lately.

Second Son? In Father Yus heart, Second Brother was the most worry-free child, except for some disappointment in the marriage department.

I heard that Second Son recently had his assistant buy a lot of books from Xinhua Bookstore, all about adolescent growth. The titles are very strange, like Family with a Daughter in Her Adolescence, Parents Guide to Teen Love You old woman! You actually bribed someone close to Second Son! Father Yu caught this point right away, and Mother Yu corrected him by pinching his ear. What are you shouting about! Second Son just got divorced, and as a mother, shouldnt I pay more attention to his life? Im not prying into his affairs at the unit, just making sure hes eating and drinking well, and if theres anything wrong in his life. Is there anything wrong with that?

Theres nothing wrong. Let go of your hand!

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