Published at 3rd of June 2024 07:31:30 AM

Chapter 198: Chapter 198: Chapter 198: Boss Qian Returns (with 1700+ monthly tickets additional updates)

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Chapter 198: Chapter 198: Boss Qian Returns (with 1700+ monthly tickets additional updates)


Translator: 549690339

Yu Mingyi believed that the most carefree among the Yu family was Youngest Brother Yu. Youngest did whatever he wanted, no matter how much he was beaten or scolded by their father. He lived according to his own desires. When Father Yu wanted him to become a pilot, Youngest pretended to comply obediently, but at the last minute, he made his own decision and signed up behind their fathers back.

He made the move first and reported later, leaving Father Yu with no recourse.

As for Yu Mingyi, he had abided by the rules all his life and lived as his parents demanded. When his father said to take the pilots exam, he did, and when his mother said it was time to start a family, he obeyed. He originally thought that if he did everything according to his parents wishes, they would be happier, but he realized things werent that simple.

He still caused his parents to worry.

Uncle, whats wrong with you? Arent your health checks at work always good?

Dong Yi thought he must be physically unwell.

My health is fine, but I have been having the same dream for many years. Im afraid it might lead to nervous breakdown if it continues. However, the regular psychological tests for pilots at my workplace show no issues, said Mingyi.

This had been bothering Yu Mingyi for quite some time.

He always dreamed of being trapped in a swamp unable to escape. There were many people surrounding him, but not a single one offered a helping hand. He once consulted the Psychological Intervention Group, but the conclusion was that he was fine, with all indicators showing perfect health.

He mentioned this to his father once, but his father refused to accept it as a reason for him to retire from the military, so Yu Mingyi stopped talking about it.

He was involved in a high-precision operation of flying and any problem could lead to unthinkable consequences. Yu Mingyi originally thought it was no big deal since it was just a dream, but lately, his mood faltered the moment he sat in the cockpit, even after taking time off to rest and recover.

Boss Qian was right, youre the type of person who has the ability to resist psychotherapy Dong Yi looked at her uncle with a heartache.

She really wanted to help him and hated herself for not having Boss Qians abilities. If only Boss Qian were here

Dong Yi, dont cry, Im fine, Yu Mingyi said, seeing her cry. He reached out to wipe her tears but quickly pulled his hand back round touching her face, feeling it wasnt appropriate.

He withdrew his hand and Dong Yi stopped crying, her heart was beating a little faster.

Meanwhile, Mother Yu outside the door had been weeping silently. She never thought her obedient son would be under such great pressure.

Mother Yu couldnt bear to stay any longer. She turned and left to find a place to calm her emotions. She wanted to call Liu Linlin at first but felt it was inappropriate.

As the second son held an important position, certain things shouldnt be disclosed indiscriminately. Even old classmates couldnt be fully trusted. As Mother Yu blamed and grieved for herself, she walked out, needing to find a place to compose herself.

Xiao Qian unloaded some things from a taxi and saw Mother Yu walking towards her looking morose. She was so preoccupied that she failed to notice Xiao Qian.

Aunt! Xiao Qian called out to her.

Its Xiao Qian! I thought you had gone home? Mother Yu only realized it was Xiao Qian after she looked up.

Yes, I just got back. I realized Dong Yi should be done with her work about this time, so I came to accompany her back to school. Aunt, are you feeling down? Nothing much- is your house okay? Mother Yu asked.

Thinking about the reason Jia Xiufang asked her to come home, Xiao Qian couldnt help but laugh.

Nothings wrong. Everything is fine. My mom called me home to eat Shunxin noodles.

The so-called emergency at home, according to Jia Xiufang, was quite hilarious.

Supposedly, Chu Xue and Chen Lin had come to blows because Chen Lin had exposed Chu Xues fake pregnancy. Chen Lin had been beaten up by Chu Xue and her brothers after her attempt to get the house failed. Chen Lin was already frustrated after getting beaten up, and then someone ratted him out about his mahjong gambling and he almost got detained. He had to scramble for borrowed money from Fourth Uncles house.

As it happened, Jia Xiufang was delivering dumplings to her grandmother-in-law, who was staying at the Fourth Uncles house, and ran into Chen Lin. He knelt down to beg her but she ignored him. Then, when she returned home, thinking about his pathetic state, she felt that karma was at work and called Xiao Qian, asking her to come home during her break to eat Shunxin noodles.

Whats so heavy in those bags? Mother Yu noticed the hefty bags Xiao Qian was holding and offered to help her.

These are shrimp sauce and preserved meat made by my mom. She insisted on having me bring them to you. Jia Xiufang knew her daughter had received a lot of food from Yu Minglangs mother, so she decided to give them some homemade specialties to show her gratitude.

Although these werent valuable items and they certainly didnt lack such things, she just wanted to express her gratitude.

Youre making your mother go to too much trouble, said Mother Yu, forcing a smile on her face.

Aunt, do you have something on your mind? Shall we sit in the cold drink shop up front for a while? Xiaoqian noticed that mother Yus demeanor was off.

Mother Yu admired Xiaoqians insightful nature but felt a bit inappropriate as an elder. Because of the concerns about her second son, her mood was a bit off. Xiao Qian had just given her the specialties from home and she herself didnt look particularly cheerful. If Wang Xiaohong were in her place, shed certainly have thought that Mother Yu was looking down on her gifts.

Thankfully, Xiaoqian was a sensible child and didnt take it personally.

Alright then, lets sit for a while, Mother Yu reluctantly agreed. She didnt want to go back home at the moment. After hearing what Yu Mingyi had revealed, she didnt know how to face her second child.

At the cold drink shop, Xiao Qian chose a quiet and convenient place and ordered two cold drinks.

Seeing Mother Yu didnt want to speak, she wondered what was troubling her. As they were in the second brothers territory and Mother Yu didnt want to go back, it must have had to do with the second brother. Hence, she started the conversation.

Actually, I feel a bit embarrassed to say this, but even though youre a highly educated intellectual, sometimes you and my mom are so alike.

Oh? How so?

Every time I go home, my mom busies herself preparing things for me, just like you. Now, you come over here every week, fussing over the second brother. He and the rest of your sons are really blessed to have a mother like you.

Mother Yu sighed as Xiao Qian observed that her eyes were turning red.

As parents, we always wish to take care of even the smallest details for our children. But its hard to know what theyre actually thinking, Mother Yu confessed, unable to control her emotions.

Xiao Qian pushed up her glasses and immediately understood. However, she had to play dumb at this point.

Did one of your friends have some trouble and its making you worry?

Sort of, Mother Yu responded.

Actually, from our psychological perspective, this is very normal. Even for fingers on a hand, not all of them are the same length. So how can a family with many children treat each child equally? Parents might feel they treat each child equally, but the kids will certainly feel a bias.

When Xiao Qian was speaking, she was analyzing mother Yus facial reaction, realizing that if it had to do something with her second son, she should focus more on that..

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