Published at 3rd of June 2024 07:31:27 AM

Chapter 201: Chapter 201: Chapter 201: Dark History (Thanks to Xuanyuan Yuchens and Heshi Bi+ Update)

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Chapter 201: Chapter 201: Dark History (Thanks to Xuanyuan Yuchens and Heshi Bi+ Update)


Translator: 549690339

The love tragedy of a female vampire was personally written by the Club President, and Shi Touyu, as the assistant director, also made some adaptations.

A seemingly cold but love-craving female vampire falls for a human living under the sun. In the end, choosing different paths, she decides to end her life under the sun.

The brain-dead line that Xiao Qian just recited is after her final confession, bravely standing in the sunlight, watching the unfeeling male lead embracing another woman and walking past her, then turning into ashes.

In Xiao Qians view, this is just a cheap woman who fell in love with a scumbag and eventually gave up her life for him, which she didnt feel like acting out.

However, Shi Touyu used a certain matter to force Xiao Qian to come

After practicing the brain-dead drama that made Xiao Qian collapse, she walked out of the theater troupe with a dark face, and Shi Touyu followed her with a full smile.

Leading lady, your performance today was really good, especially that last cold look in your eyes, it was perfect.

Stay away from me, Im not ready to forgive you yet.

Dont be like that, I still have photos of Yu Minglang back in his old unit, a rare edition of him doing a horizontal bar turn, do you want it?

Yes, thats right. Shi Touyu had used this shameless trick to blackmail Xiao Qian.

Her elder brother was not only Yu Minglangs subordinate but also a part-time internal amateur journalist in the unit. Occasionally, he would take some internal life photos and share them. Even Yu Minglangs parents didnt have these secret photos.

In addition to these, there were also many photos of Yu Minglang during his school days.

Shi Yu! Dont think that a few photos can threaten me! I dont want to forgive you!

Alright, I thought you might be concerned about what your mans favorite dish is. Forget it, you hate me, and using this to deceive you is indeed unforgivable.

As Shi Touyu pretended to leave, Xiao Qian called her back.

You stop right there!

Boss Qian, Im sorry, can you forgive me? Shi Touyu blinked her eyes.

Xiao Qian hated herself: why was she so spineless?

In fact, she wasnt like this before, but ever since Yu Minglang went out of his way to meet her last time, she was moved. The reluctance in his eyes when he looked at her at the end was engraved in her heart and could not be waved away.

She began to reflect, realizing she knew too little about him. If only she hadnt acted so cold and pretentious when they first started dating. Now wanting to know his news, but not wanting to disturb him while he was busy with work, she could only keep her longing in her heart.

Meanwhile, the cunning little girl Shi Touyu, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, took advantage of this time to bring a bunch of Yu Minglangs photos to negotiate with Xiao Qian. Not only that, but she could also tell her about some of Yu Minglangs habits.

Embarrassingly, she knew less about Yu Minglang than Shi Touyu did, who had gathered all the information from her brother.

She learned when Yu Minglang first got injured, when he got the most severe injury and almost died, his shower habits, and she also had a lot of his photos at work, each one more handsome than the last.

I forgive you. Im so magnanimous, how could I be angry with a little girl like you? Xiao Qian pretended to be generous.

I knew Boss Qian was the most magnanimous! Shi Touyu immediately blew a flying kiss, which lightened Xiao Qians mood.

The photo and his favorite dish

Thats fine, Boss Qian. Tomorrow is the official performance of the troupe.

Can I ask you, at the last scene, when youre preparing to commit suicide, can you hold the male lead?

Shi Touyu! You shameless scum! Im breaking off relations with you! Xiao Qian turned against her immediately.

You must be kidding. She had already recited such childish lines, and now you want her to hug a strange man? No way, not happening!

The male lead played by our Club President is so handsome, just hold him for a second, and express your entangled heart

Get lost!

I have other photos of Yu Minglang!

No matter what you have, its not okay! Im already disgusted acting as a cheap female ghost, and you still want me to hug another man? No way!

Seeing Xiao Qian so disgusted, Shi Touyu had no choice but to reluctantly give up.

Its such a pity. Boss Qian, based on your popularity in school, if you hug him once, our troupe will become famous.

Ill light a sky lantern for you first, and let you fierce fire, believe me! Xiao Qian was angry.

Alright, alright, lets not hug. Boss Qian, dont be angry, herere the photos. Let me tell you; he likes to eat everything except extremely sour foods.

Who says? Hes always jealous! Xiao Qian silently took note of the information. Seeing Shi Touyus excited face, she put on a stern face.

Dont think Ive forgiven you, hand over all the other photos you have!

Alright, alright Shi Touyu agreed, but her eyes were still mischievous. She could hand over the photos she had, but her silly elder brother was guarding the big boss Yu Minglang and could take photos anytime.

Yu Minglang seemed to be an inexhaustible treasure; as long as she stuck with him, she could get more gossip about him and make Boss Qian do whatever she wants, although Boss Qian was a little tsundere and always acted cool, but-

I have a photo of him with a big red flower when he first arrived at his unit.

Its an only copy stolen by my elder brother, do you want it?

Give it to me! Everything about him was hers.

Shi Touyu smirked, seeing it, isnt this called hating it with their mouths, but their bodies being honest!

Referring to Boss Qian.

Boss Qian, you perform well tomorrow, and Ill make sure my silly elder brother pays more attention to your Yu Minglang!

I dont care about him, dont talk as if I cant live without him! Xiao Qian was still stubborn.

Yeah, our great Boss Qian is carefree and doesnt care about these things. That said, my elder brother mentioned he had a picture of your mans

Give it to me!

In the evening, Xiao Qian pulled out Yu Minglangs phone number and kept looking at it but couldnt bring herself to dial.

Last time they parted, Yu Minglang said he was going out to negotiate a big deal, and they wouldnt be able to see each other again until around the New Year.

What goes around comes around. When she and Yu Minglang first started dating, she used her psychology major to analyze mens personalities, dangling him along. Now, it seems to have all been turned around.

She couldnt find Yu Minglang

Love is like a battle with no winners or losers. Is it really important who has the upper hand and who is being pressured? The process may be brain-dead, but without it, is it still love?

Once very tsundere, and now regretful, the female boss fell asleep with such conflicting feelings.

The theater troupes performance was scheduled for the next night at 8 oclock at the Small Theater.

Xiao Qian thought there wouldnt be many people watching since the exams were just around the corner. It would be best if no one came, and even better if there were no audience.

After all, she had acted in such a brainless role just to get some photos of Yu Minglang.. This was all a dark history!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!