Published at 4th of June 2024 05:20:20 AM

Chapter 203: Chapter 203: Chapter 203: Correct Ending

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Chapter 203: Chapter 203: Correct Ending


Translator: 549690339

Shi Yu anxiously watched Yu Minglang angrily march onto the stage, realizing this was bad.

Boss Qian is almost done performing, so you

She originally wanted to ask if he could wait outside for her, but then Yu Minglang turned around, startling the young girl.

Wu Wu, Brother Qiao Zhen, save me!

Seeing that Yu Minglang really intended to go out by lifting the curtain, Shi Yu mustered all her courage and directed the other club members.

Quick! Hold him down for me!

Upon hearing this, Yu Minglang slightly moved his wrist, then smirked at several thin boys

One minute later, three boys were tied back-to-back by Yu Minglang. Shi Yu, who witnessed the whole process, was dumbfounded.

Um, I I She stuttered, unsure of what to say. What if this violent man from Boss Qians family tied her up too?

Silence. Yu Minglang heard the music outside, sensing that Xiao Qian was about to smash a cup. He scanned backstage and finally found a half-face mask.

He couldnt show his face in public, so this would do. He put the mask on, making sure no one could recognize him, then confidently walked from backstage to the front.

Shi Yu was dumbstruck, not daring to watch the disaster unfold.

The hard work they had put into preparing for the stage performance was ruined by a jealous husbands sudden appearance!

Shi Yu held her head, crouching on the ground, her expressions full of sorrow. Would the club president skin her alive?

They had been rehearsing for so long, only for the jealous husband to appear at a critical moment. She couldnt imagine Xiao Qian being captured in front of everyone, how explosive that stage effect would be.

Xiao Qian had smashed the cup; at this point, the stage was divided into two. The club president, playing the male lead, was on the other side, looking at her from afar. All she had to do was recite the cliche lines, take a symbolic step forward as if basking under the sun to accept her death, and the entire play would be over.

She wanted to get it over with, feeling anxious in her heart. This cliche drama was so sickening; those unruly kids couldnt come up with any decent plotlines.

If you are willing, then I will The original lines were supposed to be, I will love you forever.

But as Xiao Qian recited half of it, she suddenly saw a figure coming from backstage and immediately forgot her lines.

What was going on?

According to the rehearsal, Xiao Qian was supposed to finish her lines before a female actress would enter, holding the male leads hand, and provoking the vampire played by Xiao Qian.

Did the actress enter too early? Thats not right; this figure was clearly a man!

Upon seeing more clearly, Xiao Qian gasped.

This figure, with that half-masked face, might not be recognizable to others. However, she could recognize him at a glance.

Wasnt this her very own Yu Xiaoqiang?

During Xiao Qians moment of shock, the audience below the stage was also bewildered. Their tears, half-shed from being moved by the plot, were about to be quenched by Xiao Qian dousing a basin of dog blood to end this cliche drama. But all of a sudden, the sound on stage went off.

The audience, mystified by the appearance of the masked man, murmured to each other. Had this character appeared before?

No, he hadnt.

Without any foreshadowing, he simply appeared just like that.

Xiao Qians trapped expression was genuine, for she was truly startled by Yu Minglangs appearance.

The man who should be in seclusion suddenly appeared on her schools stage. This overwhelming feeling could not be described as either a pleasant surprise or fright.

You dont have to love a man who doesnt love you. Yu Minglang pulled Xiao Qian into his embrace, eliciting gasps from the audience.

Oh my god! What a twist!

Even the club president, who was waiting to perform with Xiao Qian, was dumbfounded at the situation

Feeling the security of his familiar embrace, Xiao Qians heart settled instantly. His voice echoed through every corner of the theater via the earpiece near her mouth.

Pfft! Qiao Zhens laughter was drowned by the excited screams of the audience.

Even Second Brother Yus mouth twitched.

Its over; the youngest is beyond redemption.

Of all the stories in the youngests series, this was the most legendary. Second Brother Yu decided to call Eldest Brother later and share the glorious antics of their mischief-making youngest sibling so that Eldest Brother could have a good laugh as well.

Xiao Qian, held by Yu Minglang, listened to the screams from the audience below. Her astonishment was replaced with calm, and she stretched her hand around his neck.

Then, are you willing to accept the love of a bad woman?

Yes, I love you. In my heart, you are the best woman. Upon saying this, Yu Minglang lowered his head and kissed Xiao Qian.


The audience went wild, Boss Qian was kissed!

The tragic romance was suddenly interrupted by a mysterious character, and the campus legend female boss was kissed in public!

Plot, logic, and character development, none of that mattered anymore. Everyone rolled to one side. This scene alone was enough for the students to cherish their university years, and they would be exhilarated for a long, long time.

Its over; its all over. My play The poor club president was greatly traumatized and slumped onto the stage, his legs giving out.

Xiao Qian didnt expect Yu Minglang to have such a thick skin to take advantage of her on stage. She knew that after today, she would become a campus legend and the talk of the town for a while, which gave her a headache.

After Yu Minglang had kissed her enough, the suppressed anger in his heart subsided, pulling Xiao Qian to leave the stage.

Xiao Qian still had some conscience, knowing that if they left just like that, the stage play would be ruined. So, pointing at the club president, who was sitting, dejected on stage, she said a final line.

Goodbye, scumbag. No, never see you again.

Backstage, Shi Yu was originally crouching, pulling her hair in despair, but hearing the audiences excited reaction, she peeked through a crack in the curtain and saw the unexpected twist. Somehow, it seemed to work?

Hurry, hurry, where is the sound engineer? Put the music on I feel like the audience will accept this ending! Shi Yu snapped back to reality.

Originally a tragedy, Yu Minglang forcibly took Xiao Qian away. Although somewhat abrupt, Xiao Qians final reaction was quite impressive ditching the scumbag and retreating into Jianghu with the newly-appeared character it was an acceptable ending!

No one responded when she finished shouting. Shi Yu turned around, only to see the sound engineer heartbroken.

Sister Xiao Yu, Im still tied up! Who is this, so into bondage play

Yes, both the sound engineer and the lighting engineer were tied up by Yu Minglang.

On stage right now, Xiao Qian had already said goodbye to the scumbag. Shi Yu gritted her teeth and ran to play the sound effect herself. She didnt know which one to play, so she just pressed a few buttons, and it actually worked.

The bound sound engineer was devastated. Thats not it!

He was a fan of Xiao Qian, and Shi Yu had accidentally pressed the other side of the cassette, playing the Golden Swallowtail Flower that Xiao Qian had sung before!

The moment the cheerful melody started playing, coupled with Xiao Qians cool ending, the entire place ignited. The ending was a bit abrupt but still enjoyable.

Meanwhile, the club presidents face covered in anguish perfectly reflected the scumbags regret after being dumped. The audience was satisfied. Yu Xiaoqiang, who had stirred trouble, triumphantly left the stage with the forcibly-claimed Chen Xiaomei..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!