Published at 5th of June 2024 05:20:52 AM

Chapter 204: Chapter 204: Chapter 204: The Importance of

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Chapter 204: Chapter 204: The Importance of


Disappearance (Birthday + Update)

Translator: 549690339

Yu Minglang dragged Xiao Qian out of the Small Theater and pulled her all the way to the lakeside. Taking advantage of the moonlit night and the empty area under the trees, he directly embraced her.

Xiao Qian beat him with her hands.

Yu Minglang! Are you crazy!

Xiao Mei, do you miss me?

Arc you stupid! What you just did, if I hadnt reacted quickly, do you know what the consequences wouldve been?!

What consequences? Yu Minglang didnt care.

He wasnt impulsive; he had thought it through! It wasnt his fault he went up, blame those who let Xiao Mei play this role. Didnt you see Xiao Meis disgusted expression?

No one could wrong his Xiao Mei, not even on stage.

You just go up there and kiss blindly! Although she never avoids announcing that she has a boyfriend, theres a difference between that and making out in public.

Yu Minglang had already lost his face, but she wanted to keep hers!

Kissing blindly? Yu Minglang was slightly displeased with the description.

Xiao Qian probably felt his gaze was a bit dangerous too.

No, I was wrong.

But it was too late. This was a scoundrel who dared to kidnap the heroine of the stage play with a mask on. How could ordinary people comprehend his thick-skinned behavior!

Yu Minglang propped Xiao Qian against the tree, turned his head, and kissed her again. To prove he wasnt kissing blindly, he took it seriously this time.

No matter how angry Xiao Qian was at his previous actions, when she was cuddled and kissed like this, half of her anger subsided. Besides, they havent been in contact for a long time. Seeing Yu Minglang in this situation felt like a small happiness from successfully stealing peaches.

She felt like she took advantage

How did you come? Was it an illusion? Xiao Qian felt he looked a bit thinner, was it because his work was too hard?

I heard you were here as soon as I got off the plane, Xiao Mei Xiao Mei He buried his head in her shoulder and wouldnt let go.

When will you go back?

Ill go back before daybreak.

Well, its 9:30 now, Xiao Qian quickly calculated the time.

Lets go to the Night Market first, have some late-night snacks, and then watch the night show together?

With the lesson from the previous fishing trip, Xiao Qian dared not leave the date arrangements to him. He was unconventional, and if he were to decide, he might take her to sit by the campus lake and freeze overnight.

Yu Minglangs eyes lit up, Lets go then.

Wait, did you come alone?

Plus Second Brother and Qiao Zhen Yu Minglang, who valued his lover more than his friends, suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a few more people.

When dragging others to see his daughter-in-law, he thought of them as friends; when it came time to eat and date, he forgot them. Only Yu Minglang could do this.

Second Brother and Qiao Zhen came too Well, then, Ill also call Dong Yi and Shi Yu out, lets change the place to have dinner and have a get-together.

Xiao Qian had more face than Yu Minglang and couldnt do things like monopolizing food.

Alright Then you go and call your two little friends, Ill call Second Brother, and well meet at the entrance in half an hour. Xiao Mei, take this.

Yu Minglang took out a new white phone from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Qian.

Where did it come from? Xiao Qian had been saying she wanted to buy a phone but never had the time.

A friend bought it for his daughter-in-law, it hasnt been opened yet. I snatched it over; later, Ill give him some money to buy another one.

After he got off the plane, he saw an unopened new phone in the car of the person who picked him up. Thinking that Xiao Mei hadnt changed her phone yet, he stole it for her.

You dare to grab your friends things, you really dont want to live.

Haha, how come you & him have the same tone? This phone isnt that good, you just make do with it. Later, Ill go to Eldest Brothers place and get you a better one.

He even snatched the phone with the SIM card, which only Yu Minglang could do. This had to rely on his years of friendship with others; otherwise, he wouldve been beaten up long ago if he acted like this with others.

For his daughter-in-law, he would have no morals and even quarrel with his friends; Yu Minglang would totally do that.

Xiao Qian returned to the Female Dormitory, but Dong Yi and Shi Touyu hadnt come back yet.

Shi Touyu had a phone, so Xiao Qian called her first.

Boss Qian, where are you? Shi Touyus voice came through the phone.

Im in the dormitory, I wanted to call you to have dinner together. Where are you?

Im with my brother and another big brother. Boss Qian, do you know? You and your King Chu are famous!

Yu Minglangs miraculous appearance in the end and his kidnapping of the heroine had shocked everyone. At the critical moment, Shi Touyu heroically saved the day by guest-starring as the narrator, saying that the female vampire was taken away by a male vampire who had secretly loved her for a long time. The code name for that male vampire was King Chu (Vinegar King). They forcibly created a happy ending!

Lets talk about it when we meet. Find Da Yi, bring her along. Xiao Qian didnt want to mention Yu Minglangs brainless actions just now, they acted like it never happened.

Stay calm, even if your heart wants to mmp (internet slang cursing), your face must be moe moe da (t/n adorable).

Da Yi isnt with you? Shi Touyu asked in surprise.

No, I didnt see her in the dormitory either.

Dong Yi came to watch Xiao Qians performance at night as well, but her seat was relatively far back, so she didnt meet Yu Mingyi and his friends.

Did she go to the Library?

Impossible, the librarys closing time has passed. If shes not in the dormitory, where could she go? Xiao Qian had a vague feeling that things werent right.

Did she go to eat skewers? Shi Touyu guessed.

Impossible, Shitou, lets split up and search. Hurry, let your brother follow Second Brother to look for her. Ask everyone you can in your theater troupe to search as well.

Xiao Qian knew Dong Yis personality; Dong Yi was a very frugal child, who wouldnt wander around at night. Even if she was hungry, she had flatbread and steamed buns as dry food, so she couldnt have gone out to eat.

Moreover, Xiao Qian and Shitou were both with her; Dong Yi shouldve waited for her two friends to return to the dormitory together. She wouldnt have disappeared without saying anything.

Xiao Qian always kept Dong Yis past life in her mind and was afraid of trouble.

No matter if its an overreaction or not, she needed to find Dong Yi first.

Yu Minglang had been waiting for Xiao Qian at the door for a long time. When he didnt see Xiao Qian, he got a call from her instead.

Xiao Qiang, come to the girls dormitory, quickly.

Yu Minglang didnt delay and immediately went to see the anxious Xiao Qian.

Whats the situation?

Help me analyze where a girl could be at this time. My roommate is missing.

When was the last time you saw her?

Before I went on stage, around 7:30 at the Small Theater. She wouldnt go shopping, and she wouldnt leave school at night.

Yu Minglang quickly analyzed, Based on the information you provided, is it possible that she was called away by someone?

Called away? Xiao Qian thought about it; besides her and Shitou, Dong Yi had a good relationship with Qiuqiu. But Qiuqiu did not stay in the dormitory and would not call Dong Yi out at night, so who could it be

Suddenly, Xiao Qian had an epiphany.. She remembered!

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