Published at 5th of June 2024 05:20:52 AM

Chapter 205: Chapter 205: Chapter 205: Hopefully Its Not Too Late

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Chapter 205: Chapter 205: Hopefully Its Not Too Late


Translator: 549690339

A man! That manual worker who threatened her, saying he wouldnt let her off!

It was the man who almost became Dong Yis fiance and was beaten up by Qiuqiu last time. He came looking for trouble last time, but Qiuqiu stopped him. Could it be him again?

Xiao Mei, what man are you talking about?

Its him, it must be him!

Xiao Qian told the story of the last encounter, and Yu Minglang nodded, thinking it was indeed a possibility.

Lets go find him. I suspect that man has been drinking again. Xiao Qian wanted to run out, but Yu Minglang held her back.

Xiao Mei, calm down. Lets analyze this situation.

Yu Minglang had dealt with many cases and could apply his experience at critical moments.

She doesnt have a cellphone, and shes in the theater. How could the other party find her? Is it possible that some other student called her away?

Impossible, Dong Yi hardly has any friends outside of our dormitory. She basically has no other friends, but how did he find Dong Yi

Xiao Qian thought left and right, unable to understand where the mistake had occurred.

You said, last time that man also appeared at night, wearing work clothes? Yu Minglang filtered the details and found the doubts.


Then is it possible that he lives nearby? Yu Minglang scanned the surroundings, and suddenly his eyes stopped on the new dormitory building under construction behind the school. The scaffolds reflected light at night, and although the construction site wasnt working at night, someone was guarding it.

Is it possible that hes a worker? Does your school have any projects that call for night maintenance, and he snuck in by chance, accidentally encountering your classmate and taking her away? Or is he a member of your school staff?

Xiao Qian thought for a moment, not knowing the answer since her school was too large, but it was indeed a possibility.

Assuming you were all in the theater, and he sneaked in, your classmate sitting below watching the show, her first reaction would certainly not be to yell. The most likely scenario is that she followed him out.

Yu Minglang reconstructed the case, causing Xiao Qian to break out in a cold sweat.

Dong Yis personality would indeed make her quietly follow the man out rather than yell, especially since she knew that it was Deputy Director Shi Yus play and Xiao Qian was the lead. She didnt want to cause a commotion. Now two hours have passed, and God knows what could have happened

What should we do? Should we call the police? Xiao Qians voice trembled.

That man was clearly not a good person. Last time he got drunk and showed his ugly side. Xiao Qian never expected that he would have the guts to sneak into the campus and take Dong Yi away!

Calling the police wont help. Im just speculating, theres no evidence, and shes only been missing for less than two hours, so they wont open a case yet. Dont worry, take me to the theater, and Ill observe the terrain.

Yu Minglang and Xiao Qian returned to the small theater, just in time to see Second Brother and Qiao Zhen there as well.

As soon as Shi Yu told them the information she had, Qiao Zhen immediately came to a similar conclusion as Yu Minglang. Shi Yu led people to other places to search, while Qiao Zhen and Second Brother stayed behind to search for clues, and they bumped into Yu Minglang and Xiao Qian.

Young Boss, are you thinking the same as me? Qiao Zhen asked.

Yu Minglang nodded. They had been together for a long time, their thoughts already in sync.

According to Xiao Meis description of the man, I dont think he had planned to commit a crime. Its more likely a crime of passion while intoxicated. At first, he probably didnt intend to do anything to Dong Yi, but maybe after seeing her, he suddenly wanted to argue with her. As for what happened later

Yu Minglang didnt continue, but everyone understood.

There were a lot of people who committed crimes of passion, especially when alcohol went to their heads. They might feel an overwhelming urge to rape, attack, or even kill someone!

When a radical person is provoked, theres no telling what they might do.

Xiao Qians face turned pale. She thought that curing Dong Yis sleepwalking would prevent the tragedy of her past life from happening, but she didnt expect such a situation to occur. Now she sincerely hoped that Dong Yi was just bored with the play and went out to wander around, and that she would return soon. She hoped that Yu Minglangs speculation would not come true.

Second Brothers face looked very bad, Ill call people immediately to search together!

There might not be enough time, but having people is better than having no one. By the way, get some search dogs from the dog breeding center. After malting full preparations, Yu Minglang began to examine the surroundings of the theater.

I think Dong Yi wouldnt have gone too far with him. She wouldnt leave campus or go far from the small theater.

Yu Minglang started looking around.

Could he have pushed Dong Yi into the lake? Xiao Qians mind was filled with horrifying scenes.

Yu Minglang shook his head, Its impossible. The lake is too far from here, and at that time there were still a lot of people on campus. If he forcibly took her away, other students would definitely notice. He doesnt have the guts. But it is possible that they went in this direction.

Yu Minglang pointed to a small road next to the small theater, which looked deserted.

Hes unfamiliar with your schools environment, but he would definitely look for a secluded place. Theres not much light over there, and there wouldnt be many people going there. Even if a fight broke out, it would be mistaken for a couples quarrel, and no one would intervene.

That way leads to our schools boiler room.

Xiao Qian looked in the direction of Yu Minglangs gaze, and at the end of the path was the schools boiler room, with a 20-meter-tall chimney behind it.

Yu Minglangs analysis made sense. Dong Yi definitely wouldnt walk far with someone. After coming out, there would only be this road with no one around. Going forward, there was a two-story boiler room that supplied hot water and heating for the entire school. Heating had already started, and the tall coal piles were piled up to the teaching area, which could be burned all winter.

Usually not many people would come here. Upon hearing Yu Minglangs words, everyone immediately rushed in that direction, entered the boiler room with dim lighting, and Second Brother Yu took out his strong light flashlight to shine on the ground. Suddenly, a trace on the ground caught Yu Mingyis attention.

Older Brother, look!

Its a dragging mark, and it looks like it hasnt been long! Yu Minglang immediately confirmed, and everyone felt a surge of energy from finding the clue.

But there was only this one piece, and nothing else was found.

It is possible that a struggle took place there, and he might have knocked her out. Yu Minglangs judgment made everyones faces look bad. If Dong Yi was knocked out, it was hard to say what might have happened later.

The campus is a crowded place, and he cant brazenly carry a person away. She must be nearby! Yu Mingyi said.

Yu Minglang nodded, looked around, and suddenly pointed with Yu Mingyi to the boiler room up ahead. The brothers exchanged a glance and ran towards it quickly.

Xiao Qian followed, but her speed wasnt as fast as the Yu brothers. Qiao Zhen also ran over, and Xiao Qian tried her best to keep up.

She prayed incessantly in her heart.

Hopefully, everything was not too late, and a tragic disaster wouldnt happen..

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