Published at 6th of June 2024 11:15:28 AM

Chapter 207: Chapter 207: Chapter 207: Who Saves Who (Birthday +Update)

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Chapter 207: Chapter 207: Who Saves Who (Birthday +Update)


Translator: 549690339

Young Boss, what just happened? Qiao Zhen asked.

We happened to discover that Xiao Meis roommate was missing. We followed the clues and found the bad guy committing a crime, and he attacked us. Acting in self-defense, we

Yu Minglang turned around to see the man who wanted to murder and burn the body, rolling on the ground in pain with a scalded arm, and added another sentence.

While we were rescuing the hostage, we had a fight with him, causing him to bump into the boiler.

Well, thats indeed what happened. Perfectly accurate.

Men like Second Brother Yu, as gentle as they can be in normal times, become quite terrifying when they lose their temper.

The plainclothes police and the school leaders almost arrived simultaneously. Qiao Zhen stayed behind to assist with the work, and the bad guy was brought to justice.

Meanwhile, Dong Yi was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. She had a head injury and a concussion, which required several stitches. A part of her hair had been shaved off, and she was still unconscious. Yu Mingyi, Xiao Qian, and Yu Minglang were there, keeping watch over her.

It was almost dawn when Dong Yi woke up. She saw several people sitting by her bed and recognized her uncle immediately.

Why am I here? she tried to remember, but her mind was a total blank.

Dong Yi, how do you feel now? Yu Mingyi, relieved to see her awake, hurried over to ask.

The anxious look on his face was the first thing Dong Yi saw when she woke up. She couldnt remember anything, and her head hurt terribly. The numbness from the anaesthesia given during the stitching seemed to linger, affecting her thinking.

I feel a bit dizzy What happened

Dong Yi couldnt remember anything. Her last memory was of watching the performance at the small theater. She had no recollection of encountering the criminal.

Nor could she provide any information for a police statement.

The doctor said that after a blow to the head, it was indeed possible for some memory loss to occur. She might remember in a few days, or she might never remember. After all, she had received a blow to the head and had a concussion.

Xiao Qian had considered using hypnosis to help recover some of Dong Yis memories, but the Yu brothers disagreed, especially Yu Mingyi, who strongly objected.

Dong Yi had just recovered from sleepwalking, and recalling such terrible memories was sure to induce post-traumatic stress disorder. Apart from making treatment difficult, Dong Yi would also have to endure suffering. It would be better if she just forgot about it.

The criminal, who attempted to rape, murder and burn the body, would face severe legal penalties. The matter was now concluded, and it didnt matter if Dong Yi couldnt remember.

Xiao Qian only told Dong Yi that she had fallen from upstairs and hit her head. Feeling her shaved patch of skull, Dong Yi almost cried. Had they seen her this way?

Dong Yis injury wasnt severe; she just had a slight bleeding in the brain, so she needed to stay in the hospital for a couple of days. Xiao Qian and Shi Yu took turns to stay with her. Not knowing that she had narrowly escaped death, Dong Yi was worried firstly about when her shaved hair would grow back, and secondly about the expensive hospital bills.

Xiao Qian smooth-talked her into believing that the accident was covered by her student insurance, which put Dong Yi at case. Actually, Second Brother Yu paid out of his own pocket. Since injuries caused by others couldnt be reimbursed, these expenses would later have to be claimed from the perpetrator as part of the criminal cases civil damages.

Although Xiao Qians and Yu Minglangs dating plans were ruined, they felt it was worth it to have brought Dong Yi back from the brink of death.

At dawn, Yu Minglang and Qiao Zhen had to return to their unit. Xiao Qian saw him off at the entrance, watching him leave.

He looked just the same leaving as he did in her past life, but her feelings watching him go were entirely different now.

They both thought that they would have to make up the missed movie and dinner on their next date.

Dong Yi stayed in the hospital for nearly a week while Yu Mingyi stayed with her for most of that time.

It just so happened to be his vacation time. Second Brother had lots of days off for rest when he wasnt flying. He even brought Panpan over to keep them company.

Little Panpan was more comfortable with Dong Yi than even Xiao Qian, chasing after her and calling her sister. The way the kid pronounced the word sounded like Duo Duo.

Shi Touyu had to go to school, and Xiao Qian could skip classes to come over. But seeing Second Brother and Panpan already there, and with meal delivery arranged, she felt a bit redundant in the ward. So, she decided to leave, letting Second Brother take care of things, and only came by occasionally to see how they were doing.

Injuries to the head felt different from injuries to other parts of the body.

With her injury on the left side of her head, Dong Yi could only lie flat. Shed black out if she moved, and needed help to get up. Second Brother Yu was strong and easily helped her to get up, showing his remarkable arm strength.

With a head injury, she had to keep still. Most of the time, she laid flat, staring at the ceiling and letting the time pass.

Dong Yi was going to be discharged the next day, but she couldnt sleep that night.

After Yu Mingyi had put Panpan to sleep, Dong Yi finally plucked up the courage to talk about something that had been on her mind for a while.

Uncle, have you really decided to resign? If she didnt speak up now, there might not be another chance.

Perhaps I cant.

It had been some time since Yu Mingyis resignation request got taken by his mother, and there had been no response from her. He was waiting for the outcome, feeling like he was serving a suspended sentence.

Presumably, his father had been busy and hadnt had time to come, otherwise, he would have come over a long time ago. Getting a beating was inevitable, and the final outcome was sure to be a compromise on his part.

Ive thought about it for a long time Uncle, if you really dont want to fly anymore, its okay to resign.

Hmm? This was the first time Yu Mingyi heard someone taking his side on this matter.

Although I think you look extremely cool when you fly, and Ive even fantasized about what its like when youre flying a plane, initially, I wanted to stop you from resigning too. After all, I sometimes dream of the moment when you saved me.

The heroic expression was off the charts. How many men have the chance to fly in the blue sky? When she heard that Second Brother Yu wanted to give up, Dong Yis first reaction was also regret.

Why do you think I should resign?

The sound of Yu Mingyis voice passed through the door and reached outside.

Outside, Father Yus hand had already touched the doorknob when he stopped in his tracks.

Standing next to him with a soup pot in her hands, Mother Yu looked anxious.

Yu Mingyi was currently taking care of the little girl he had saved long ago. Both of the Yu parents knew of this. Mother Yu had come to pick up Panpan and had brought Father Yu along to check on Dong Yi in a private capacity.

The main aim was still to take Second Brother Yu home for disciplinary action. For the matter of him contemplating resignation, Father Yu had been stewing in anger for quite a while. This was his first chance to confront him.

When they were speaking about this topic inside, Father Yus anger flared up again. That little brat!

Being a pilot is indeed a great career. Im sure it cost a lot to train you. I heard from Boss Qian that training a pilot is almost costlier than manufacturing a plane.

Boss Qian had explained that training a pilot costs a lot of money. Therefore, pilots are not allowed to resign unless they reach a certain age. All these are hard-earned money.

Dong Yi, a frugal girl who didnt want to waste even crumbs when eating a pancake, was shocked when she heard about the huge cost..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!