Published at 10th of June 2024 08:44:38 AM

Chapter 208: Chapter 208: Chapter 208: None of Them Are Gods

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Chapter 208: Chapter 208: None of Them Are Gods


Translator: 549690339

Hearing Dong Yis words, Yu Mingyi was not surprised at all. Everyone thought he should stay, which was not strange.

Well, Ill try to adjust my mood and try to fly for a few more years. That resignation report was just to appease his own emotions.

Yu Mingyi knew that unless he died, the unit would not agree to let him go, nor would his father.

Dont force yourself! Uncle, money is precious, but isnt your safety important too?

Yu Mingyi never expected that the first person to support him would be Dong Yi.

Training pilots is expensive, but your life is more valuable. Since you already have a rejection reaction, you should follow your hearts wishes. Dont wait for an accident to happen and regret it. What is more important than a persons life?

Yu Mingyi felt a lump in his throat. These words were not said by his family first, but by a kid he thought was a junior.

I dont have a disease. The Psychological Intervention Group said I have no problem.

Thats wrong! How can you say theres no problem when you dont like it anymore! Boss Qian said that some people have the innate ability to resist psychological tests, and you are such a person. The psychologist cant see it, so ask your heart. If your heart doesnt like it anymore, continuing to force it will definitely lead to collapse!

Dong Yi rarely said so much, and she was truly anxious now.

She always feels that after she fell this time, she saw her uncle as soon as she opened her eyes, and her feeling towards him seemed a bit different.

Since its easy to speak now while being sick, she must say everything in her heart.

Uncle, your life is priceless, flying is such a precise job. If you continue like this, I am really afraid you will collapse, and at that time, III will be very sad!

Yu Mingyi silently looked at her, her tears still hanging on her eyelashes.

Wah! Panpan seemed to have a nightmare, crying on the other bed. Yu Mingyi regained his senses, quickly backed away, awkwardly turned around, picked up his son, and patted him twice.

He may need to go to the bathroom. Ill take him outside.

Yu Mingyi almost fled with Panpan in his arms when he opened the door and saw Mother Yu and Father Yu standing outside. He stared at them in surprise. Dad, Mom?

Hearing him call for his parents, Dong Yi hurriedly struggled to sit up. Just then, Xiao Qian came in with fruits, and seeing this scene, she sensed that Father Yus gaze was a bit off. Sharp-minded Boss Qian pretended not to see it and went in to help Dong Yi lie down again.

Dad, why are you here? Yu Mingyi didnt expect his father to come over, nor did he know how much he had heard, but from the old mans expression, it was clear that he was unhappy.

Just came to see you. Well discuss your issue later. Father Yu had just spoken to him when Dong Yi heard this and struggled to sit up. Xiao Qian hurried to help her.

Dont blame my uncle! I said all those words. I just think you cant treat him like this!

Hearing this, Xiao Qian quickly grabbed her sleeve.

Old Yu was not someone that Dong Yi, a young girl, could confront head-on. But Dong Yi didnt care about that at the moment. She shook off Xiao Qians hand and pointed at Father Yu as she spoke.

If you want to beat someone, beat me. Dont blame my uncle. What have you forced him to become? How can you not feel sorry for him! He has lived for you for thirty years, not living happily, marrying and divorcing, doing work he doesnt like. Having children is not about making wooden puppets, so you can arrange them however you want

Dong Yi, stop talking! Yu Mingyi was sweating coldly as he listened.

Quickly standing in front of his father, Dad, shes young, just a kid, dont take her seriously.

Get out of my way. Father Yu pushed him away, and Dong Yi was so angry that she didnt care if she was dizzy, she wanted to stand up and confront Father Yu.

Mother Yu was scared when she saw this, looked at Xiao Qian, and signaled her to stop them. Xiao Qian spread her hands and made a helpless gesture.

Some people just arent afraid to die. They can even be reckless when confronting others. When someone slandered Second Brother Yu in the past, Dong Yi was able to say that she would light a sky lantern for them. Confronting an elder was nothing to her. Moreover, Dong Yi didnt know Father Yus status.

Finish what she has to say to me, you yellow-haired girl! You dare to challenge me! Father Yu was humiliated by Dong Yi in front of a room full of people, and he couldnt keep his face.

Im talking about the issue, not challenging you. I just think you should respect my uncle. If you want to serve the unit, go serve it yourself. Dont let my uncle be the cannon fodder.

Nonsense, what cannon fodder! Father Yus anger made his veins pop out.

Why isnt it cannon fodder! He gets irritated as soon as he sits in the cockpit. Do you know that? Hes so stressed that he has the same dream repeatedly. Do you know that? Youve always made him the good child since he was young. Hes been a good child for so many years. When can he live for himself once! Having children is not like making wooden puppets that can be arranged as you like

As soon as Dong Yi finished speaking, the room was silent.

Xiao Qian never thought that her reticent little partner would be so powerful when she spoke, leaving Father Yu speechless.

Dong Yi cried in the end as she spoke.

Who can understand the feeling of working hard to strive for something even when you dont like it, just for the sake of your family? I remember my uncle once said, no one in the family wanted to be a pilot anymore, his fathers dream was unfulfilled, he had to do it He cares about this family so much and the people in it. Is caring for family feelings foolish? How do you perceive my uncle? You label him with one good child, but isnt he anything more than those three words in your hearts? He is a person! A person

By the end, she was sobbing, and even Mother Yus eyes were red.

We didnt really treat him as a tool or neglect him we -

She couldnt continue. It seemed like they had treated Second Brother poorly.

In fact, it was not intentional neglect of the child. Its just that when there are many children in a family, some are more concerned about them while others are more worried. Parents are not gods, and naturally, they cant be absolutely fair. They love all their children equally. When Dong Yi cried and spoke these words, Mother Yus heart was bleeding. She felt that she owed Second Brother a lot.

Seeing the situation, Xiao Qian stepped in to try and smooth things over. She patted Dong Yi and comforted her emotions.

Actually, arent these all very normal things?

Father Yu was angry, Mother Yu was sad, Second Brother Yu was looking at Dong Yi with mixed feelings, and Dong Yi was crying in Xiao Qians arms. Hearing Xiao Qian speak, everyone looked at her..

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